Sunday, 26 January 2025

The Sunday Crossword No 3342, Sunday 26 Jan 2025



Artwork by Prasanna


Rangoli by Gowri

1   Excitedly earning tip, returning a coat? (10) REPAINTING*
6   Bulk of the artificial intelligence from land on Indochinese Peninsula (4) THAI {THe}{AI}
9   Duck and swan given kind of seed: with this, get in! (4,6) OPEN SESAME {O}{PEN}{SESAME}
10 In Macbeth, a dagger is one mainstay (4) PROP [DD]
11 ‘Time to get up, Mr. Warne: would you like some dried fruit?’ (4,3,5) RISE AND SHINE (~ raisin shane)
15 In Hamiltonor Mansell – we see overpowering force (7) NORMANS [T]
16 Swallow pork pie first, and rest (3-4) LIE-DOWN {DOWN}<=>{LIE}
17 Feeling queasy and green in France, Everyman leaves (7) VERTIGO {VERT}{I GO}
19 With pie standing in for a roast: most inadequate (7) ROPIEST {RO(-a+pie)PIEST
20 Nastily, he invited one to fail to reach fruition (3,2,3,4) DIE ON THE VINE*
23 In audition, furrows … finding lice (4) NITS (~knits)
24 So, you grill bananas to magnificent effect? (10) GLORIOUSLY*
25 Wildly yearn, losing resistance for musician (4) ENYA YEArN*
26 Fling glove – not good – a loud exhibition (4,6) LOVE AFFAIR {gLOVE}{A}{FF}{AIR}

1   Burrow into ground for parsnip? (4) ROOT [DD]
2   Spy to stay up (4) PEEK<=
3   Breathtaking goddess, like Erato? (11) INSPIRATION [DD]
4   Tense idiots crowding front of limo: they’re left hanging (7) TASSELS {T}{ASSE{Limo}S}
5   Primarily ‘named’ – or maybe ‘in name alone’, legally? (7) NOMINAL Acrostic &lit
7   Those whose régime may often be seedy? (10) HERBIVORES [CD]
8   ‘Germinate’, loosely translated when primate principally involved? (10) IMPREGNATE {GERMINATE}* over {Pr...e} Semi&lit
12 Risen on the wing, glimpses of emperor penguin pets: that’s novel (11) STEPPENWOLF {FLOWN}{Em...r}{Pe...n}{PETS}<=
13 Envied Nice resort, that’s clear to see (2,8) IN EVIDENCE*
14 Pertly ruin gathering, in an obscene manner (10) PRURIENTLY*
18 Venetian game … (7) OTHELLO [DD]
19 … overturn gear (7) REVERSE [DD]
21 Where you could find central parts of East Siam? (4) ASIA {eASt}{sIAm} &lit
22 Tradesperson adding colour, extract of Goodyera (4) DYER [T]

Reference List
Swan = PEN, Green in French = VERT, Resistance = R, Good = G, loud = FF, Tense = T


  1. I am running out of Specials for Sunday. I have just two left from Ghaza

  2. 11A- Is 'Like some' the homophone indicator?

    1. The sentence is in first person (grammatically) talking/oral.

  3. Learned that the Induan Constitution is 30 times as big as the U.S. constitution. It has also been amended the max no of times- 103!
