Wednesday, 8 January 2025

No 14377, Wednesday 08 Jan 2025, Arden

Solution to 5D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance. 

Open for anyone to solve, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Country song describing soldiers (7) ARMENIA {AR{MEN}IA}
5   Feel sorry having to carry rifle - showing honesty (7) PROBITY {P{ROB}ITY}
9   Instrument on board to detect crime - take up the issue first (5) SONAR {AR<=>SON}
10 He denies profit, years wasted (9) GAINSAYER {GAIN}{YEARS*}
11 Metal frame all around is a painting done in monochrome (9) GRISAILLE {GR{IS}{A}ILLE}
12 Irving banks on John at whitehouse (5) IGLOO {Ir..nG}{LOO}
13 Where one may be from originally (4) WOMB Acrostic &lit
15 Regularly furnish on board if wobbly (8) UNSTABLE {fUrNiSh}{TABLE}
18 Complaint? It's urine problem (8) NEURITIS*
19 Some retired planter, still active (4) ETNA [T<=]
22 A service store (5) AMASS {A}{MASS}
24 State university team ordered to participate in the festival (9) GUATEMALA {G{U}{TEAM*}ALA}
26 Crazy speed on winding road - it's criminal (9) DESPERADO {SPEED*}{ROAD*}
27 Praise the old lot that returned (5) EXTOL {EX}{LOT<=}
28 Sea cow had hair all over (7) MANATEE {MAN{ATE}E}
29 Don't play guitar - that's a remedy (7) NOSTRUM {NO}{STRUM}

1   Wrong diagnosis - do I leave and appoint someone? (6) ASSIGN diAGNoSIS*
2   It's silly to give extra protection for a legendary creature (9) MANTICORE {M{ANTIC}ORE}
3   Usual short opera (5) NORMA NORMAl
4   Criminal dealt with guns, and drug (5,4) ANGEL DUST {DEALT+GUNS}*
5   Ask about interest balance (5) P?I?E (Addendum - POISE {PO{I}SE} - See comments)
6   Nothing beats analysis before investing money - bullish? (9) OBSTINATE {O}{BS{TIN}ATE*}
7   A tranquil place coming up in a hilly district (5) IDYLL [T<=]
8   Fret over a growing plant (6) YARROW<= {WORR{A}Y}<=
14 Flyer's abode may find itself in a soup (5,4) BIRDS NEST [DD]
16 Shortly acquiring - enquire at a Canadian city (9) SASKATOON {S{ASK}{AT}OON}
17 Waste cans filled after some time in British town (9) LANCASTER {LA{CANS*}TER}
20 Police team outside New Delhi - going one after another (6) TANDEM {TA{ND}EM*}
21 Here, in NewYork border, every other barrel is stored (6) HARLEM {H{bArReL}EM}
23 An issue about never ending crime (5) ARSON {A}{n..eR}{SON}
24 People after midnight show good manners (5) GRACE {RACE}<=>{niGht}
25 Bet the poles support the first lady (5) EVENS {N}{S}<=>{EVE}

Reference List
John = LOO, University = U, Interest = I, Money = TIN, Issue = SON


  1. Nice clues 10a,19a,29a,3D,14d. 12a is my CoD. Thanks Arden for one more fantastic CW.

  2. Ask = Pose, interest = I, po(I)se = balance.

  3. Good solve. I was struggling for a while to get the correct balance.
    Had a good laugh at the way Igloo was constructed!

  4. Enjoyed all three Arden crossies this week ( far).

  5. Loved Arden today.
    Such fun!
