Thursday, 9 January 2025

No 14378, Thursday 09 Jan 2025, Arden

Solution to 6D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance. 

Open for anyone to solve, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Fantastic in space (3,2,4,5) OUT OF THIS WORLD [C&DD]
10 Top accommodation in a country revisited (5) AERIE {A}{EIRE<=}
11 9 stores cater cut fruit (9) NECTARINE {N{CATER*}INE}
12 Close to biting lip - A way to show displeasure (7) GRIMACE {b...nG}{RIM}{ACE}
13 Santa cross caught me making sour cream (7) SMETANA {S{ME}TANA*}
14 Controls - they're there inside (5) REINS [T]
16 Must maintain silence - finally becomes lifeless (9) INANIMATE {MAINTAIN*}{s...cE}
19 New tone, in case one is from Guangdong (9) CANTONESE {CA{N}{TONE}SE}
20 Close to painting in red paint (5) GLOSS {p...nG}{LOSS}
22 Ventilates after a time delay (7) AERATES {A}{ERA}TES Anno not clear
25 State a subject in the beginning (7) INDIANA {A}<=>{INDIAN}
27 Work behind time with a singularly crazy boss... (3,6) TOP BANANA {OP}<=>{T} {BANANAs}
28 ...due to having no name (5) OWING OWnING
29 Studies involving standard allocation for wars and conflicts (14) CONFLAGRATIONS {CON{FLAG}{RATION}S}

2   Subject of Britain and weather, one on one (9) UKRAINIAN {UK}{RAIN}{1}{AN}
3   Play ball - it's essentially entertainment (5) OPERA {O}{PER}{e...tAi...t}
4   Fruit - Argentine bananas? (9) TANGERINE*
5   Remove top of the metal, push in the centre of the bone (5) INCUS {zINC}{pUSh}
6   Being evasive about leaving part outside frame (9) W?A?E?I?G ()
7   Something to eat in Madurai, Tamilnadu (5) RAITA [T]
8   Time to settle what the man reportedly consumed (3,4) DUE DATE {(~dude)DUED}{ATE)
9   Break bread with the first guest who comes in Harry (6) BADGER {BAD{Gu..t}ER*}
15 Brief season is what is needed still (9) SHORTFALL {SHORT}{FALL}
17 'In camera' arrangement - a Yankee objects (9) AMERICAN {IN+CAMERA}*{A}
18 "An homage to a Democrat" - speech follows (9) ADORATION {A}{D}{ORATION}
19 Disorderly in accommodating all our tall leaders (7) CHAOTIC {CH{All}{Our}{Tall}IC}
21 Spray box over empty garage (6) SPARGE {SPAR}{Ga..gE}
23 After a brief sentence, jail to make one mellow (5) RIPEN {RI}{PEN}
24 Informed about left cant (5) SLANG {S{L}ANG}
26 Firstly, does he often tie it around his waist? (5) DHOTI Acrostic Semi&lit

Reference List
New = N, Time = T, Name = N, Democrat = D, In = CHIC, Left = L


  1. 22A-It could be setback- delay

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. 17D is Americana, not American.

    1. +1. Enu is 9 and Americana are American objects,
      Col. to correct it.

  4. In 3d, what is the reference in the clue for 'per' in opera?

    1. In my opinion, after ball it is period(.) not hyphen(-), could be printing error. Period short is per.

    2. Not happy with it. Per is not a std. abbreviation for period. Something is missing.

    3. There is no printing error.

  5. 6D: being evasive= weaseling

  6. 6DN:weaseling=being evasive
    part(wing) outside frame (easel).
