Wednesday, 5 February 2025

No 14400, Wednesday 05 February 2025, Saral

Solution to 16A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance. 

Open for anyone to solve, if not solved by 1 PM.

8   Comprehensive blog is managed by a student (6) GLOBAL {BLOG*}{A}{L}
9   Museum in Russia rejecting master's endowment (8) HERITAGE HERmITAGE
11 Grave worker following one mass near Rio, say (9) IMPORTANT {ANT}<=>{1}{M}{PORT}
12 Changed diets and courses (5) TIDES*
13 Client is with associate fighting and unyielding (9) INELASTIC {CLIENT+IS+A}*
16 Feast time, welcoming Australian prince (5) A?A?E (Addendum - AGAPE {AG{A}{P}E} - See comments)
17 Girl with extraordinarily simple look (7) GLIMPSE {G}{SIMPLE*}
19 Large uniform tailor finally repairs for soldier (7) REGULAR {LARGE+U+t...oR}*
21 Singer adjusting tone, a piece of rhythm (5) TENOR {TONE*}{Rh...m}
22 Ordeal of poor emigrant filled with hatred primarily (9) NIGHTMARE {NIG{Ha...d}TMARE*}
24 Bird leaving large island tree (5) PECAN PEliCAN
25 Playing drama in front of sick, old creature (9) ARMADILLO {DRAMA*}{ILL}{O}
27 Struggle of criminal to move rapidly outside college (8) CONFLICT {CON}{FLI{C}T}
28 Fat cat pushed back small first class miniature tree (6) BONSAI {NOB<=}{S}{A1}

1   Stirring up, double gin containing Italian vermouth (8) IGNITING {GIN*}{IT}{GIN*}
2   Lovers left inside carriage? (6) COUPLE {COUP{L}E}
3   Market square (4) FAIR [DD]
4   Basically dangerous, wrong bet, put you in this? (4) DEBT {Da...s}{BET*} Semi&lit
5   Crazy daughter is given a lesson describing rule (10) DISTRAUGHT {D}{IS}{T{R}AUGHT}
6   No-nonsense attitude of party against firm (8) HARDBALL {BALL}<=>{HARD}
7   Tenant without the home at last (6) LESSEE {LESS}{thE}{homE}
10 Tailless cat sitting on the temple (8) PANTHEON {PANTHEr}{ON}
14 Clearly a fee included in claim (10) APPARENTLY {APP{A}{RENT}LY}
15 As per Spooner security arrived in bridge, perhaps (4,4) CARD GAME (~ guard came to card game)
18 Upright and kind at heart with no money (8) INNOCENT {kINd}{NO}{CENT}
20 Eloquence of Herriot, possibly charming at first (8) RHETORIC {HERRIOT*}{Ch...g}
21 Set up books with special picture above themes (6) TOPICS {OT<=} with {S}<=>{PIC}
23 Finally book of maps with bar (2,4) AT LAST {ATLAS}{T}
25 Cars manoeuvering curves (4) ARCS*
26 Spirit brought up destruction (4) DOOM<=

Reference List
Student = L, Master = M, Mass = M, Associate = A, Australian = A, Prince = P, Girl = G, Uniform = U, Large = L, Island = I, Old = O, College = C, Small = S, Italian Vermouth = IT, Left = L, Daughter = D, Rule = R, Books = OT(Old Testament), Special = S, Bar = T


  1. PANTHEON Road, Egmore, Chennai, Feb.5, 2025.
    Vladimir is seen busy playing his REGULAR CARD GAME along with a COUPLE of his friends.

    Among other TOPICS the IMPORTANT Feb.23 match comes up for discussion.
    "We need to think locally and act GLOBALLY"
    "But getting the tickets will be a NIGHTMARE!"
    Ganesh: "Let us not be DISTRAUGHT"
    AT LAST enters Ganesh's assistant with the tickets...
    Oh boy! Oh boy!!

  2. In 1D:
    Italian vermouth is gin and it.
    Can it be just taken as gin it alone as given?

  3. 16A. AGAPE{Age(Time)+A(Australian)+P(Prince)} container type clue

    1. Welcoming is the container and can be shown as ag(a+p)e. Ie: age(time) is welcoming(having) a, p

  4. In 1dn - what is the role of vermouth?
    Double gin containing Italian gives IGNITING. No?
    Can someone explain.

    1. Stirring up, double gin containing Italian (8) - The clue sounds odd , right ? :)

    2. It's just for surface? Thank u. 😊

  5. Nice grid with interesting word plays
    Thanx Saral!
