Thursday, 27 February 2025

No 14419, Thursday 27 Feb 2025, Dr. X

Solution to 17D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance. 

Open for anyone to solve, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Analysed patient finally - allergic to peanuts (8) PITTANCE {PATIENT+a...iC}*
5   Brown bag contains Asian money (6) SATANG {SA{TAN}G} 
10 Try dance moves to maintain figure (7) DECAGON {DECA{GO}N*}
11 Disregard info about the French model consuming cocaine (7) NEGLECT {GEN<=}{LE}{C}{T}
12 Most love new ornament (5) ADORN {ADORe}{N}
13 Fruit in a tin, green bananas (9) TANGERINE*
14 Matter of girl involved in immorality with one's betrothed outside club (12) SIGNIFICANCE {SI{G}N}{I}{FI{C}ANCE}
18 What assassin will do to earn a large profit (4,1,7) MAKE A KILLING [DD]
21 Punishes boys trapping cat in compound (9) SANCTIONS {S{CAT+IN}*ONS}
23 Entomb Italy's foremost sister after welcoming Rector (5) INURN {It..y}{NU{R}N}
24 Pomade from Rio used in shower (4,3) HAIR OIL {HAI{RIO}L}
25 Bull beginning to amble behind compound (7) OXALATE {OX}{Am..e}{LATE}
26 Came back with good, large electronic switch (6) TOGGLE {GOT<=}{G}{L}{E}
27 Troublemaker, say, carrying case of pills with Ecstasy (8) UPSETTER {U{PillS}{E}TTER}

1   Vendor unwrapped large boxes (6) PEDLAR [T]
2   Extremely tricky criminal squeezing old industrialist (6) TYCOON {Tr..kY}{CO{O}N}
3   Criminal at Iran smuggling dope to South American country (9) ARGENTINA {AT+IRAN}* over {GEN}
4   Fixed broken pole in ancient city (14) CONSTANTINOPLE {CONSTANT}{POLE+IN}*
6   Crook's scheme to get rid of wife (5) ANGLE wANGLE
7   Distressed painter taking drug, one relieving constipation (8) APERIENT {PAINTER}* over {E}
8   Picked up gun and drove to arrest rogue finally (8) GATHERED {GAT}{HER{r..uED}
9   Lone wolf! Ponies go berserk all at once (2,3,4,5) IN ONE FELL SWOOP*
15 Is princess able to go out with suitor? (9) CANDIDATE {CAN}{DI}{DATE}
16 Principle of homotopy in applied maths is a huge, widespread success (5,3) SMASH HIT {Ho...y} in {MATHS+IS}*
17 Heartily sloshed star outside bar is stripping (8) ?K?N?I?G ()
19 Hold-up after United Kingdom backed Middle Eastern country (6) KUWAIT {WAIT}<=>{UK<=}
20 Charm of European getting close to cuddle date (6) ENDEAR {E}{N{D}EAR}
22 Nordic monster beginning to throw rock (5) TROLL {Th..w}{ROLL}

Reference List
Info = GEN, The in French = LE, Model = T, Cocaine = C, New = N, Girl = G, Club = C, Rector = R, Good = G, Large = L, Electronic = E, Ecstasy = E, Old = O, Dope = GEN, Wife = W, Drug = E, Gun = GAT, Princess = DI, European = E, Date = D


  1. 17dn: SKINNING
    Heartily sloshed gives S
    Bar gives INN
    Star gives KING
    SKINNING = Stripping

  2. 10A- Maintains is the container indicator?
