1 Where batsman could be standing up (8) INCREASE {IN CREASE}
5 A soldier's manuscript shows discriminations (6) AGISMS {A}{GI'S}{MS}
9 If shown to be correct without illustration, discard at first (8) PROVIDED {PROV{Il.......n}{Di....d}ED}
10 Poet escaped after Titanic capsized (6) GIBRAN {RAN}<=>{BIG<}
5 A soldier's manuscript shows discriminations (6) AGISMS {A}{GI'S}{MS}
9 If shown to be correct without illustration, discard at first (8) PROVIDED {PROV{I
10 Poet escaped after Titanic capsized (6) GIBRAN {RAN}<=>{BIG<}
12 Promise to argue vigorously safeguarding bet (9) GUARANTEE {ARGUE*} over {ANTE}
13 Arrange netting to trap a catlike animal (5) GENET [T]
13 Arrange netting to trap a catlike animal (5) GENET [T]
14 Customer: One immersed in thought after losing money? (4) USER {mUSER}
16 Cast start to produce films (7) PLAYERS {Produce}{LAYERS}
19 Work is not disrupted for elections (7) OPTIONS {OP}{IS NOT*}
21Say, pulse or vegetable (4) BEET {~BEAT}
24 Animal eating hard humbug (5) PHONY {P{H}ONY}
25 Language is one spoken in Asia in the style of Mandarin primarily (9) MALAYALAM {MALAY}{A LA}{Mandarin}
27 Question about rare imaginary circle (6) TROPIC {T{R}OPIC}
28 Group of 3 characters fix tar finally in rough path (8) TRIGRAPH {RIG}{taR} in PATH*
29 Prefer to betray the lady (6) RATHER {RAT}{HER}
30 Lotion is mixed in alcohol (8) INOSITOL*
19 Work is not disrupted for elections (7) OPTIONS {OP}{IS NOT*}
21Say, pulse or vegetable (4) BEET {~BEAT}
24 Animal eating hard humbug (5) PHONY {P{H}ONY}
25 Language is one spoken in Asia in the style of Mandarin primarily (9) MALAYALAM {MALAY}{A LA}{M
27 Question about rare imaginary circle (6) TROPIC {T{R}OPIC}
28 Group of 3 characters fix tar finally in rough path (8) TRIGRAPH {RIG}{
29 Prefer to betray the lady (6) RATHER {RAT}{HER}
30 Lotion is mixed in alcohol (8) INOSITOL*
1 Attack rascal with loaded gun (6) IMPUGN {IMP}{GUN*}
2 Short line - a line in religious hymn (6) CHORAL {CHORd}{A}{L}
3 I care about evergreen shrub (5) ERICA*
1 Attack rascal with loaded gun (6) IMPUGN {IMP}{GUN*}
2 Short line - a line in religious hymn (6) CHORAL {CHOR
3 I care about evergreen shrub (5) ERICA*
4 Top of earth covered by bit of soil, and wet (7) SWEATER {Soil}{W{E}ATER}
6 Leave one with no appreciation for the market price (5,4) GOING RATE {GO}{INGRATE}
7 Bolt, say, from small peripheral device (8) SPRINTER {S}{PRINTER}
8 Clean empty suitcase - a louse is inside (8) SANITISE {A NIT IS} inside {SuitcasE}
11 Simple hut in retreat provides service (4) HELP [T<]
15 Narrative given by English politician (Liberal) during function (9) STORYLINE {S{TORY}{L}INE}
17 Programming language installed in more complex IT equipment (8) COMPUTER {C}{PUT inside MORE*}
18 Free pants, not coats (2,2,4) AT NO COST*
20 Reservoir's problem with power (4) SUMP {SUM}{P}
21 "Jallikkattu"// causing a profitable streak in the stock market? (4,3) BULL RUN {D &CD}
6 Leave one with no appreciation for the market price (5,4) GOING RATE {GO}{INGRATE}
7 Bolt, say, from small peripheral device (8) SPRINTER {S}{PRINTER}
8 Clean empty suitcase - a louse is inside (8) SANITISE {A NIT IS} inside {S
11 Simple hut in retreat provides service (4) HELP [T<]
15 Narrative given by English politician (Liberal) during function (9) STORYLINE {S{TORY}{L}INE}
17 Programming language installed in more complex IT equipment (8) COMPUTER {C}{PUT inside MORE*}
18 Free pants, not coats (2,2,4) AT NO COST*
20 Reservoir's problem with power (4) SUMP {SUM}{P}
21 "Jallikkattu"// causing a profitable streak in the stock market? (4,3) BULL RUN {D &CD}
22 Prepared to adjust current in factory (6) PLIANT {PL{I}ANT}
23 Setter's almost ashen, crossing hot capital city (6) IMPHAL {I'M}{P{H}ALe}
26 Philosophers: "Your only goal is self-realization, basically" (5) YOGIS [ACROSTIC]
23 Setter's almost ashen, crossing hot capital city (6) IMPHAL {I'M}{P{H}AL
26 Philosophers: "Your only goal is self-realization, basically" (5) YOGIS [ACROSTIC]
Soldier=GI(Joe), Manuscript=MS, Money=M, Work=Op, Hard=H, Rare=R, Line=L, Earth=E, Small=S, English Politician=Tory, Liberal=L, Power=P, Current=I.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI find no problem.
DeleteFix= Rig
Tar finally= R
T (Rig R) aph
Good one from KrissKross.
ReplyDelete4D- We get water from wet? Does not seem right.
Water as a verb: to pour or sprinkle water, make wet.
DeleteBoth water and wet as verbs. Right.
DeleteTook my time too 🙂
DeleteIs not AGEISM spelt with an e?
ReplyDeleteAlso in 4dn - what is the definition for SWEATER? Wet on double duty?
Otherwise nice grid
Thanx Ramki!
4D - definition is top (as in garment)
DeleteEarth = E is standard abbreviation
Agism is an alternative spelling.
ReplyDeleteVMA Nairs anno for SWEATER is correct.
Thanks Gowri!