Monday, 10 February 2025

No 14404, Monday 10 Feb 2025, Arden

Solution to 4D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance. 

Open for anyone to solve, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Got state transport, didn't like it at first (8,5) ACQUIRED TASTE {ACQUIRED}{STATE*}
10 Get them out in the next spell - both evacuated (5) EXPEL {nEXt}{sPELl}
11 Dish for poor loser... in case (9) CASSEROLE {CAS{LOSER*}E}
12 Both sides accept only the French style, for example (4,5) ROLE MODEL {R}{O}{LE}{MODE}L}
13 Indian city traffic millions follow (5) SALEM {SALE}{M}
14 At sea escort a small vessel (7) COASTER* Semi&lit
16 Observes from the east-gets up to attack (3,4) SET UPON  {NOTES<=} over {UP}
18 To be paid more than expected (7) OVERDUE {OVER}{DUE}
20 Order a state to consume Indian stuff (7) SATIATE {A+STATE}* over {I}
22 Fish for Jack - he never ate any fat (5) SPRAT [GK]
24 Demolished domes in UP - places to go on a trip (5,4) OPIUM DENS*
26 Desperately clings to a wistful thought (9) NOSTALGIC*
27 Talking about reality - some of it is bizarre (5) OUTRE [T]
28 Change of heart in love, provoke for doing a patch-up job (7,6) DARNING NEEDLE {DAR(-l+n)NING}{NEEDLE}

2   Carbon copy - everyone came up to see a star (7) CAPELLA {C}{APE}{ALL<=}
3   Came together to eat most of the fruit - that was never-ending (9) UNLIMITED {UN{LIMe}ITED}
4   Ran with one inside two parts of a circle (5) R?C?D (Addendum RACED {R}{ACE}{D} - See comments)
5   Reveals record misses (9) DISCLOSES {DISC}{LOSES}
6   Insists one is not totally against (5) AVERS AVERSe
7   Spinner gets to bowl to a hooker (7) TROLLOP {T{ROLL}OP}
8   The green man could be found here (5,8) ZEBRA CROSSING [CD]
9   Mrs. Lee manages to treat this viral disease (6,7) GERMAN MEASELS*
15 Told to study, say 'heart of a music maker' (4,5) REED ORGAN {(~read)REED}{ORGAN}
17 To allow briefly to gather pace - a brave monument (5,4) TOTEM POLE {TO}{TEMPO}{LEt}
19 A sure shot - India borders on a supercontinent (7) EURASIA {A+SURE}*{IndiA}
21 Support a black leader - send up some coffee (7) ABETTAL {A}{Bl..k}{LATTE<=}
23 Mark one in two (5) TWAIN {TW{A}IN}
25 Old South American preserved (5) INCAN {IN CAN}

Reference List
Sides = R,L, Only = O, The in French = LE, Millions = M, Indian = I, Carbon = C, Parts of a circle = R(Radius), D(Diameter)


  1. 22A- Why Jack? It confused me no end.
    Col. cleared my doubt about Green man without my asking. Good clue!

    1. Its a nursery rhyme
      Jack sprat could eat no fat

    2. Jack Sprat could eat no fat,
      His wife could eat no lean.
      And so between them both, you see,
      They licked the platter clean.

    3. 👍Thank you Arden. Nice to hear from you. I did not know this. Feels good to learn.

  2. 2D- It should have been Mark, say.

  3. Several good clues. Enjoyable today.

    1. After a long try I have enabled the google account for THCC.......have a gr8 day sir - from Lagos

  4. Replies
    1. clue says part of Radius and diameter is considered. However, the word Round gets both all means we got the def....good clue and WP.......

  5. I thought R radius and D diameter are parts of a circle.ACE is ONE

  6. Esp.23D & 4 D outstanding WP.......Thank you Arden.

  7. Several nice clues.
    Thanx Arden!
