Thursday, 13 February 2025

No 14407, Thursday 13 Feb 2025, Incognito

Solution to 27D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance. 

Open for anyone to solve, if not solved by 1 PM.

8   Woman loves commencement of suits in courts (4) WOOS {W}{O}{O}{Su..s}
9   Speak slowly, "Sketch lion's head" (5) DRAWL {DRAW}{Lion}
10 Lido reconstruction yields religious statue (4) IDOL*
11 Gold coin melted does include copper (6) ESCUDO {ES{CU}DO*}
12 Writes, "In other words, scarlet dinghies" (8) REDRAFTS {RED}{RAFTS}
13 Violent Asians capture SS killer (8) ASSASSIN {A{SS}ASISN*}
15 Only carrying pen, with tip of nib missing, without hiding (6) OPENLY {O{PEn}NLY}
17 A variety of frogmen present at mouth of estuary (7) DIVERSE {DIVERS}{Es...y}
19 Religious traveller's public interest litigation? Serious? (7) PILGRIM {PIL}{GRIM}
22 Reach a train, having lost direction, after time (6) ATTAIN {A} and {TrAIN}<=>{T} 
24 Intimate friend's large toe is broken (5,3) ALTER EGO*
26 Sweet air circulates, so to say (2,2,4) AS IT WERE*
28 Doctor unremorseful after leaving sermon? Sorry! (6) RUEFUL UnREmorseFUL*
30 That lady gets nothing for the leading man (4) HERO {HER}{O}
31 Card suit groups (5) CLUBS [DD]
32 Consumes minced sausages releasing a gas (4) USES SaUsagES*

1   Works without right kitchen utensils (4) WOKS WOrKS
2   Kiss rather large curate after changing direction (8) OSCULATE {OS}{CU(-r+l)LATE}
3   Nowadays, gangster bosses produce accessories (3-3) ADD-ONS {AD}{DONS}
4   Tramp's tirade after Virginia gets gold (7) VAGRANT {RANT}<=>{VA}{G}
5   Happy garlic-oil sauce doesn't have American flowers (8) GLADIOLI {GLAD}{aIOLI}
6   Trap one tipsy English corsair (6) PIRATE {TRAP+1}*{E}
7   For example, Bordeaux wine (4) PORT [DD]
14 Author's fast (5) SWIFT [DD]
16 Telling stories in bed? (5) LYING [DD]
18 Using wrong tense in front of new church results in punishment (8) SENTENCE {TENSE*}{N}{CE}
20 Stunning ravine ahead of round American (8) GORGEOUS {GORGE}{O}{US}
21 Extract and kill (4,3) TAKE OUT [DD]
23 Writer's god is after gold (6) AUTHOR {THOR}<=>{AU}
25 The iron oxide releases energy to provide propulsion (6) THRUST {THe}{RUST}
27 Carelessly searched wrongly? Drop! (4) S?E
29 Fertiliser mentioned in Agriculture Act (4) UREA [T]

Reference List
Woman = W, Time = T, Right = R, Large = OS, Nowadays = AD, Gold = G, American = A, English = E, New = N, Church = CE, Energy = E


  1. Incognito reaches a landmark- 400 THC CW's.
    More the merrier!!! Keep going. We love it!

  2. 27D - Searched - Care = SHED

    1. Wrongly is the anagram indicator

    2. searched - care is SHED Anagram indicator not required

    3. But care is not as it is in searched. It needs an anagram to indicate that its in.mixed up format.
      Ideally it should apply to care but cryptically accepted that it could be to searched too...

    4. Sandhya, the question was to the original commenter Espee

  3. Hearty Congratulations Incognito.

  4. 2D- Changing direction or side? (Right to Left)
    Found it a little difficult to osculate.

    1. Turn right, turn left! Directions no!

    2. Direcion is very specific- N E W S.
      Left, Right are sides

    3. Right (from chambers)
      the right side, part or direction of something

  5. Couldn't really get how 2D and 5D worked

    1. Large:OS (from sizes)
      Curate R become L

    2. 5d- Follow Col.'s link.
      Garlic oil sauce (underlined) leads to Aioli.
      Of course Happy gives Glad

    3. Thank you. Both OS and Aioli new to me!

    4. I think O/S is for Oversize.

  6. Excellent! A great milestone!
    Must for any novice (to gain his confidence in his solving ability) to start with Incognito CW.

  7. Congrats on a great milestone, Kishore!

  8. Hearty Congratulations, Kishore !!!
