Tuesday, 11 February 2025

No 14405, Tuesday 11 Feb 2025, Incognito

Solution to 14D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance. 

Open for anyone to solve, if not solved by 1 PM.

8   Average time to produce component (4) PART {PAR}{T}
9   Operation? Time for entertainment! (5) OPERA {OP}{ERA}
10 Places for getting nourishment in North and South (4) INNS {IN}{N}{S}
11 The French aristocrat is discharged without punishment (3,3) LET OFF {LE}{TOFF}
12 Do women book personal area in centre of city? (8) DOWNTOWN {DO}{W}{NT}{OWN}
13 What star produces in Panama, for example? (5,3) STRAW HAT*
15 & 23 Jump and fall in the US? (6,6) SPRING AUTUMN  [CD]
17 Type of clouds one may see soon after Monday (7) MONSOON {SOON}<=>{MON}
19 Half of herons call for fish (7) HERRING {HERons}{RING}
22 Starting to run in the country results in injury (6) SPRAIN {SP{Run}AIN}
24 Stall fee revised in handbills (8) LEAFLETS*
26 Captain is holding very extraordinary leaders and prisoners (8) CAPTIVES {CAPT}{I{Very}{Ex...y}S}
28 Gypsum merchant's totalling machine (6) SUMMER [T]
30 Allege losing one crustacean (4) CLAM CLAiM
31 Damp beam covering centre of mine (5) RAINY {RA{mINe}Y}
32 Phillip's seeds (4) PIPS [DD]

1   Go out with daughter, getting tea mixture (4) DATE {D}{TEA*}
2   Members of Turkish dynasty cook tomato with natural salt at first (8) OTTOMANS {TOMATO*}{Na...l}{Salt}
3   Fool returns with a hot bathroom accessory (6) LOOFAH {FOOL<=}{A}{H}
4   Once more editor corrects "Dieters" incorrectly (2-5) RE-EDITS*
5   Always destroyed before alien returns... Destroy! (3,5) LAY WASTE {ALWAYS*}{ET<=}
6   Tops of new trees protected by bent wire in cold season (6) WINTER {WI{New}{Tr..s}ER*}
7   Precipitation in frigid weather falls nowadays to some extent (4) SNOW [T]
14 Left back carrying nothing for group of soldiers (5) T?O?P (Addendum - TROOP {PO{O}RT<=} - See comments)
16 Group of nine performersone mentioned in New Testament (5) NONET {N{ONE}T}
18 Around 4, Monroe is irritated and is capable of eating plant and animal matter (8) OMNIVORE {OMN{IV}ORE*}
20 Seafood items produced by students in dilapidated rooms around park (8) ROLLMOPS {LL} in {ROOMS}* over {P}
21 Maybe it's lace and capable of stretching (7) ELASTIC*
23 See 15 Across 
25 Quantitative and qualitative assessments of Sulfur, for example, in Arsenic (6) ASSAYS {A{S}{SAY}S}
27 Partner from Montreal lying partly (4) ALLY [T]
29 Old post office exhibition (4) EXPO {EX}{PO}

Reference List
Time = T, Operation = OP, The in French = LE, Women = W, Book = NT(New Testament), Daughter = D, Hot = H, Alien = ET, Student = L, Park = P


  1. 14D TROOP - group of shoulders; left {PORT<=}, nothing {O}

  2. Some of the anagrams were delectable

  3. 14d troop, trop, left (back),o- nothing

  4. I feel this crossword has made everybody's day. Hats off.

  5. My favourite setter!
    3d LOOFAH new to me.

    1. In Indian bathroom, It is the “thengai Naar “ or the coconut fibre used for scrubbing the body.πŸ˜€

    2. It is not thengai naar! πŸ™‚
      That is for vessels. Mot human skin.
      Loofah is a dried gourd. Much softer.

  6. Incognito simply superb.........Excellent WP in all spells.............Thank you

  7. As always - easy breezy Incognito.
    Thanx Kishore!

