4 Tiny amount of drink – damn! (4) DASH [DD]
8 Mustard on a roll, for a song (6,9) YELLOW SUBMARINE {YELLOW}{SUBMARINE}
11 A bounder, the writer describing European universities etc (7) ACADEME {A}{CAD}{ME} over {E}
12 Mo in no need of barista (7) INSTANT [MD]
13 Improved health for hubby? (5,4) OTHER HALF*
14 Counterpart of red – and of black? (5) WHITE [CD]
16 What boots may be in a different case? (5,4) BRAND NAME [CD]
21 Component of lathe is twitching? I’m sceptical (7) ATHEIST [T]
22 Understood, in a phrase, how a lip-reader describes her work (1,3,4,3,4) I SEE WHAT YOU MEAN [DD]
2 I reopened bananas and showed the way (9) PIONEERED*
3 Victor is constant, on time, showing guts (7) VISCERA {V}{IS}{C}{ERA}
4 Gather intel from – scare the pants off? (7) DEBRIEF [DD]
5 Catches son, acts the scold (5) SNAGS {S}{NAGS}
6 Monday rattled one that’s full of beans (6) DYNAMO*
7 Place – place to drive from – place to park it? (6) SETTEE {SET}{TEE}
9 Dubious treat, the eel’s dressed ‘skin’ (11) LEATHERETTE*
10 Everyman’s given a drink at 4; from the outset, Everyman’s making things up (11) IMAGINATIVE {I'M}{A}{GIN}{AT}{IV}{Ev...n}
16 Heavy criticism, lawyers blow a fuse (7) BARRAGE {BAR}{RAGE}
17 Number-cruncher: fastidious, proverbially patient type accepting unknown number (7) ANALYST {ANAL}{Y}{ST}
18 Cockney’s cooking – then … ? (6) EATING hEATING [FITB]
20 … piece of snipe with another bird (5) PEWIT [T]
Reference List
European = E, King = K, Dead = D, Victor = V, Constant = C, Son = S, Unknown number = Y
Special at 10:30 by Veeyares