6 An idiot yesterday, in a manner of speaking (1,1,1,1) A S A P {A}{SAP}
9 Those choosing prison for Spooner: might they be hampered? (10) PICNICKERS (~nick pickers to picnickers)
10 Storage unit for socks, nip of putrid atmosphere (4) PAIR {Pu..id}{AIR}
11 Used woolly thinking when lacking illumination? (7,5) COUNTED SHEEP [CD]
15 Walk out on salsa band onstage for using a sample (7) ABANDON [T]
16 Evidently clumsy type – and a loafer (7) SLIPPER [DD]
17 Swallowing duck, one checks for poison; I say ‘Cheers!’ (7) TOASTER {T{O}ASTER}
19 Residents x workers? (7) TENANTS {TEN}{ANTS}
20 Sinful American peels back – and out (6,6) FALLEN ASLEEP {FALLEN}{A}{PEELS<=}
24 Can Guaraní get translated for C. American? (10) NICARAGUAN*
25 It goes well with curry, whichever way you look at it (4) NAAN <=> [CD]
1 Everyman, having taken on work, to look miserable (4) MOPE {M{OP}E}
2 Dicky and Fatty (4) RICH [DD]
3 Calling for the French? (6,1'4) RAISON D'ETRE [CD]
4 Admitted what the sights may be (5,2) TAKEN IN [DD]
5 Cores – or, reportedly, senior members of what sounds the same? (7) KERNELS (~colonels)
8 Present alternative rendering, albeit parallel – here represents a suitable example, primarily! (10) PARAPHRASE Acrostic &lit
12 Snack recipe concocted in experimental facilities (7,4) SCIENCE PARK*
13 Dinin’ on chocolate eggs, you say, in Steinbeck novel (4,2,4) EAST OF EDEN (~easter feedin'}
14 Film in Almodóvar’s language for the White House (10) CASABLANCA {White House in Spanish = CASA BLANCA}
18 Appreciate fizzy ale, Sire? (7) REALISE*
19 Newspaper exposé showing Archer and friend scratching bottom (4-3) TELL-ALL {TELL}{ALLy}
21 Relative somewhat daunted (4) AUNT [T]
22 Jealousy picked up from leading characters in Nouvelle Vague? (4) ENVY (~No...e ~Va..e}
Reference List
American = A, Work = OP, Southern = S, River = R
Special at 10:30 will be a blast from the past with an old Crossword from Gridman