Tuesday 26 April 2011

No 10138, Tuesday 26 Apr 11, Spiffytrix

In a hurry so no images/cartoons today.
1   - Johnny could be a masseur (6) - RUBBER [DD]
4   - Damage a short revealing garment in an endurance test (8) - {MAR}{A}{THONg} My COD
10 - Food that could be vegetarian or non-vegetarian (9) - DRUMSTICK [DD] Poor definition in my opinion
11 - It's worth having when ready (5) - {AS}{SET}
12 - Pretty gutted after one small game (1-3) - {I}-{S}{PrettY}
13 - Fight could be prelude to union (10) - ENGAGEMENT [DD]
15 - One can change locks with this! (4,3) - HAIR DYE [CD]
16 - Displace item that has run for little time (6) - DE(-t+r)RAIL
19 - Type of hollow investment with a life insurer (6) - {I)(T}{A}{LIC}
21 - Lawyer's pocket contains drug which can help absorb shock (7) - {DA'S}{H}{POT} Didn't get the connection between 'pocket' and 'H' (See comments)
23 - Almost escapes from husband in old man's house (5,5) - {C{LOSE} {H}AVE}
25 - Bird dwelling in saucer nest (4) - ERNE [T]
27 - Dish prepared with ham for Mata Hari (5) - RAITAham*
28 - Whisper about American spy arrested by devious ruse (9) - {SU<-}{SUR{RAT}E*} New word for me.
29 - Send pies out to distribute (8) - DISPENSE*
30 - Opening wine before beer falls short (6) - {PORT}{ALe}
1   - Place of ill-repute where travellers take a break? (3,5) - RED LIGHT [DD]
2   - Plan for an adult movie? (9) - {BLUE}{PRINT}
3   - Wine and dine without female in the Orient (4) - fEAST
5   - Clumsy work included in presentation (7) - {A{WK}WARD}
6   - The Samurai may be incompetent (10) - AMATEURISH*
7   - Detests having son transferred in a hurry (5) - HA(+s)STE(-s)
8   - Rock fan starts to admire The Eagles (6) - {NUT}{A}{T}{E } Another new word for me.
9   - Runs away from country without one's betrothed (6) - {F{I}rANCE}
14 - Spike uttered not even a wail when harassed (10) - ADULTERATE  Anno for A's pending (Addendum - (A)DU(L)TER(A)TE* - See comments)
17 - I am left with worker's chief (9) - {I'M}{PORT}{ANT}
18 - Fine English article about a leader of London (8) - {E}{THE}{RE}{A}{L}
20 - Army entertained by Commanding Officer's entertainers (2-5) - {CO-{HOST}S}
21 - Remove girl's undergarment (6) - {DI}VEST}
22 - Disheartened, traumatised and afraid (6) - SCARrED
24 - Leaves old American University before the end of class (5) - {O}{MIT}{S}
26 - I imbibed a drop of rum — So? (4) - {E{R}GO}


  1. 14 - Spike uttered not even a wail when harassed (10) - ADULTERATE Anno for A's pending

    Not even = odd of A wAiL = aal + uttered = adulterate

  2. 21 - Lawyer's pocket contains drug which can help absorb shock (7) - {DA'S}{H}{POT} Didn't get the connection between 'pocket' and 'H'

    pocket = pot.
    drug = H as in heroine.

  3. Enjoyable 'slip'! Now write a clue connecting heroin & heroine!

  4. 'Pot' is trophy or prize won in any comp. So I suspect 'pocket' is a misprint for 'packet' (which means money won).

    So DA'S(H)POT.

    Bhavan, certain heroines too have an effect on me that is equivalent to what is produced by a pick-up drug.

  5. Thanks Bhavan, I forgot about the 'L'.
    CV nice to have you back, things were pretty quiet around here without you.

  6. Welcome back CV. Happy to see you.

  7. CV, glad to see you back in action.

    My thinking was Pocket = Pot in the sense of a game like snooker.

  8. Quite a few dodgy clues. Clueing needs more finesse. Hopefully will improve with time

  9. Happy to have CV back.
    I feel 9Dn should have been 'Runs away from country(FRANCE-R) with one's(+I) betrothed' and also 21 Dn - girl's would give DIS and DI.

  10. CV,
    Welcome back to action.Indication of good progress.I will see you soon.

  11. @Chaturvasi: Welcome back :)

  12. Nice enjoyable xword with mostly neat surfaces! Agree with Col on 10A.

    CV Sir: Welcome back to spice things up!

    Muthiah: In 9D, 'without' stands for 'outside'. FIANCE is found on the outer side of 'I'.

    In 21D, the possessive 's becomes has. We need to interpret that as DI has VEST, wherein 'has' acts as a charade indicator.

  13. Minor typo:

    I meant to say, FANCE is found on the outer side of 'I'.

  14. Hi CV, welcome back. Nice to see you in action.

  15. Wow, CV, good to have you back again and firing on all cylinders, with your tongue firmly in your cheek ;-)

  16. Welcome back, Chaturvasi!

    I agree with Shyam about the surfaces, despite minor annoyances -- one reason why Spiffy shares the top spot (in my list ;-)) in the league of setters of THC.

