Friday, 1 April 2011

Special 5, 01 April 11, Peekaboopuzzle

Please submit 3 PP with annotations in the comments section.

This CW includes some special features which should NOT be revealed in the comments section but may be sent by e-mail to the setter at

The setter will reveal the features at an appropriate time along with names of those who had identified the same correctly and emailed it.


  1. my 3 pp are:
    9D BA(TIK)<--

  2. 25A KNEAD (danke*)
    3D (deep-) THROAT
    29D CIAO (~chow)

  3. Bhavan, It is 25D KNEAD not 25A

    8A HERNIA (T)
    28A TALC (<-T)
    23D {B(RAIN)Y[-e]}

  4. 1D - ROCOCO
    10 - FORT
    13A - SOLDER

  5. Too many telescopic clues for my liking.

  6. 25A KRONER (~Crooner -O)
    27A (-t)URBAN (Pope Urban)
    32A {DR}{IVEL<-}

  7. As mentioned earlier, today's THC will be up only at 9 AM. Attempt Peekaboo's puzzle till then.

  8. 15A - TWEED [T]
    17A - EKE(-n)*
    21A - AGO*

  9. I require help for a few more without which the hidden secrets are not readily seen

  10. 15a- TWEED-HO(T WEED)
    30a- NEU(ROTI)C
    27a- (T)URBAN

  11. 20 A- {G}{AZED}
    6 A- {I}{ON{IS}E}
    17 D- ETA (DD)

  12. 23A BOXES(DD)
    24D SUTLEJ(E)

  13. 31A INSANE (E)

    A trick cyclist is a psychiatrist (Slang), thanks to google.

  14. 16D WAZIR (WIZARD - D)*
    19A QU O IT
    26D ENTREE

  15. Emailed the special feature of this clue

  16. Thanks for the participation.

    To go:

    Purdah at 8.30 am tomorrow.

  17. 32A given by Sandhya and 18D has gone by default

  18. Thanks for all the bouquets and brickbats! It is the second of April and you can now enjoy the day without worrying about what prank awaits you.

    Starting with yesterday’s leftovers: It is not that nobody has got these, nobody has posted these in view of 3PP.
    11a (LA)(MP), Sound=LA (from Do,re,mi,fa,so,la,ti),politician=MP, Anglepoise is a type of lamp
    2d SI(L)T
    5d FILMED*(-i)
    7d ETHER (T)
    14d (-pen)ELOPE
    30d (-t)RAIN(-ee)

    I am giving below the various features along with the names of the persons who mentioned the same in their mail to me. Names are given in the order of the mails received.

    Somehow some called it Tina - There Is No Alternative, I suppose. But frankly you can either start at bottom left corner and go ‘IT’S THE FIRST OF APRIL, ENJOY’ or start at the bottom right corner and go ‘ENJOY, IT’S THE FIRST OF APRIL’. Some took the Nina the first way, some the other. And as some noted, it was given away in the heading itself.
    Ajay, Bhavan, Dr Venkatesh, Sandhya, Padmanabhan, Ajeesh and Rengaswamy got it.

    2.Pangram: All alphabets are present.
    Bhavan, Dr Venkatesh, Sandhya and Ajeesh got it.

    3.Graphic feature:
    The 4 large black areas are in the shape of the alphabet F accompanied by 4 Ls and each pair enclosing Os in the space bounded by the F and L(in the form of single black spaces - look, I have squared the circle!), alphabets required for the word FOOL four times over signifying that follies, foibles, floaters and foolish stuff are found everywhere, including in this puzzle. This was designed based on the fact that most of our friends look at words and word patterns and not the graphics of the grid. The only one who got this was:
    Dr Venkatesh got it.

    4. Four way/ rotational symmetry:
    Muthaiah & Sandhya got it.

    5. There are 18 across clues and 18 down clues and the first letters of the answers cover 18 letters of the alphabet.
    Dr Venkatesh got it.

    6. There are some logically linked pairs:
    Throat & Oral
    Knead & Roti
    Rain & Silt
    Rococo & Batik
    Dr Venkatesh got it.

    7.Words with links to shenanigans, rannygazoo and ranikaboo on the first of April:
    BRAINY: a brainy person too can be a perp or a victim on this day.
    INSANE: Even a Brainy person can do insane things on this day.
    DRIVEL: All of the above, right from the first ‘Thanks’ to the this ‘Thanks’.
    To all who participated, voted (I scored a perfect score of “Zero”, if you score good as 1, average as 0 and poor as -1) and specially to Deepak who spotted the first three first and kindly hosted the crossie:
    A heartfelt ‘Thank you’.

  19. Enjoyed it!Must have taken a lot of effort in including all the features.Good show.

  20. @Peekaboo: Thanks for an interesting crossword :)
