Sunday 24 April 2011

No 2631, Sunday 24 Apr 11


1   - Fan in seat wriggling about so (10) - {EN{THUS}IAST*}
6   - Mark on skin causing alarm, no end (4) - SCARe
10 - Wife's mother at home with rules and regulations? (2-3) - {IN}-{LAW}
11 - Film of past committee (9) - {OVER}{BOARD}
12 - Rows across a river in Spanish city (7) - {LIN{A}{R}ES}
13 - Inn with a small restaurant (7) - {TAVERN}{A}
14 - A source of treasure in Valencia? Dad's mistaken (8,4) - ALADDINS CAVE*
18 - Teacher nastily shamed sister (12) - HEADMISTRESS*
21 - Letters received ahead of good job taken with airline (7) - {POST}{BA}{G} ? Anno pending
23 - Dour expert's frown (7) - {GRIM}{ACE}
24 - Somehow I fall, poor victim of hoax (5,4) - APRIL FOOL*
25 - How movie ends is unimaginative (5) - {IN}{AN}{E} &lit My COD
26 - Be mindful of college turning (4) - NOTE <-
27 - Bitter line written in a hospital department (10) - {A}{STRING}{ENT}

1   - Fit to eat in deli? Be worried (6) - EDIBLE*
2   - Gift, article left in shelter (6) - {T{A}{L}ENT}
3   - Like a member of the jet set? (8,6) - UPWARDLY MOBILE [CD]
4   - Those having great stamina in club teams? (9) - {IRON}{SIDES}
5   - Kind of dessert (5) - SWEET [CD]
7   - Tea girl's name for Mao? (8) - {CHA}{IRMA}{N}
8   - Unorthodox lad described by globetrotter, old tennis star (3,5) - {RO{D LA*}VER}
9   - Like Caesar's wife over hint? (5,9) - {ABOVE} {SUSPICION} &lit
15 - Unconventional Irish soldier? (9) - {IR}{REGULAR}
16 - Comedian entertaining a clergyman (8) - {CHAPL{A}IN}
17 - Snark and its strange language (8) - SANSKRIT*
19 - A drop of red in buffet in appropriate container (6) - {C{A}{R}AFE}
20 - Failing to change sides (6) - DEFECT [DD]
22 - Misleading explanation for grand deficit (5) - {G}{LOSS}


  1. 21 - Letters received ahead of good job taken with airline (7) - {POST}{BA}{G} ? Anno pending

    Letter received : Definition
    Ahead of good : position indicator for G(ood) to be placed after
    job: POST
    taken with: instruction to put POST next to
    airline: BA

    POST BA G : Letters received

  2. Near flawless clueing. Was able to complete the crossword in about 20 min. as there were no proper nouns of local places in Britain, which sometimes mar the cw.

    I hope some of the THC setters take a leaf out of this book.

  3. Too easy for a Sunday Hindu crossword

  4. Could not do 4d-Iron sides.Otherwise smooth and enjoyable.Though I filled in postbag,I had to wait for the anno.Enjoyed it afterwards.

  5. Nice cartoons Col.Old English joke about bigamy!

  6. Easy one by Sunday CW standards, but quite enjoyable nonetheless.
    Agree with Col in 25A being CoD, took quite some time to figure out the reasoning -- could have been just about any word that ends in an E!!
