Wednesday 7 April 2010

No 9810, Wednesday 07 Apr 10, Nita Jaggi

8   - Dead letters not picked up (14) - CORRESPONDENCE
9   - Natural catalyst in the body (6) - ENZYME [E]
10 - Overheard of a great offer for an American man on a Tuesday in the vessel (8) - (~sale){SAIL}{BO}{A}{T}
11 - Picked up a busy advertiser out at six (8) - ARRESTED(-vi)*
13 - Undoubtedly left out the fool behind in East Africa (6) - {EA}{SIL(-l)Y}
14 - Poor kid has an alternative place in front of the dynasty (6) - {OR}{P}{HAN}
16 - Carnivores hath gripped the long one (6) - H{YEN}AS

19 - Agent will act with hesitation (6) - {BEAR}{ER}
21 - Wise journalist you see in Austria is disheartened at the end (8) - {ED}{U}{C}{AT}{E(-n)D}
23 - Man absently throws grenades over at noon in the battleground (8) - ARDEN{N}ES(-g)*
24 - Why I did not easily develop following the same principles (6) - I{D}EALS(-y)* ?(Addendum - {ID}(EALS(-i-y)} - See comments)
26 - Despair feeling for an extraordinarily eager man going in for a concession (14) - DISCOU{RAGE{M}E}NT
1   - Situation in a storyline (8) - SCENARIO [E]
2   - Hunt for the regular porter at the end of the day (4) - {P}{R}{E}{Y}
3   - Overcome the mistake as I am in place of Charles (6) - DEFE(-c+a)AT
4   - It may be a part of a soap opera! (7) - EPISODE [E]
5   - Liner yet to be anchored fully (8) - ENTIRELY*
6   - By all means, welcome the right season for the herb (5,5) - YE{R}{BA SANT}A Never heard of this had to google search it out
7   - Write quickly in front of the label behind the small pouch (6) - SCRAWL ? Anno ?(Addendum - {S}{CRAW}{L} - See comments)
12 - Try for once to measure in another recipe (10) - {EX}{PERI{EN}CE*}
15 - Pilot is in an arena out of bounds (8) - AERONAUT*
17 - Alloy loaded in the steel mixture (8) - STEL{LIT}E* Didn't know loaded could mean LIT !
18 - Note that the ship is in the outskirts of India to initially honour the king of Jews (7) - {ME}{SS}{IA}{H}
20 - Insect is in the vertilinear wigwam(6) - EARWIG [T]

22 - Agreed to one journalist (6) - {UNIT}{ED}
25 - Same woman is in Norway (4) - {EVE}{N}

HERE we have Bhargav and his family


  1. Good morning

    7D - small pouch - S + CRAW + L (label)

    Re SCRAW

    Also called craw. Zoology.
    a pouch in the esophagus of many birds, in which food is held for later digestion or for regurgitation to nestlings.
    a chamber or pouch in the foregut of arthropods and annelids for holding and partly crushing food.

  2. @ Col: I missed out on Ardennes. I knew it was a mountain range, but battlefield? Then again, the entire west Europe was a battlefield.
    Also missed on the herb.

    Re 7d Scrawl=write, s=small,craw=bird pouch, l=label

  3. Was not very happy with 19a Bearer. Liked 18d Messiah on the heels of Easter.

  4. 17d: A person loaded with alcohol is LIT :-)

  5. 24a= Y I not = minus y and i from easily=easl + same=identical=id, principles=ideals

  6. Friends,

    Please help me understand the following:

    3d Overcome the mistake as I am in place of Charles (6) - DEFE(-c+a)AT

    How is it that we need to replace C with an A, and not an I, since clearly the clue seems to say I am in place of Charles?

    18d Note that the ship is in the outskirts of India to initially honour the king of Jews (7) - {ME}{SS}{IA}{H}

    Isn't the note in the solfa MI and not ME?

    Or do we chalk it up to NJ's utter ineptness?

  7. 7 - Write quickly in front of the label behind the small pouch (6) - SCRAWL ? Anno ?
    craw =pouch
    l = front of label

  8. What is the anno for 8A CORRESPONDENCE.I got he answer but could not figure out why

  9. @Giridhar & Suresh,

    If you ask me 8A is inexplicable to me too!!


    I = 1 = A

  10. 8A Other than the word letters the rest seem to come out of the setter's imagination

  11. Sometimes, ends (final answers) justify the means (anno), especially in NJ's case, in others means justify the ends ! Hence, on instinct, we complete some words and then try to figure out why! Eg: 1a: Dead letters used to refer to undelivered letters (usually due to defective address) and there used to be a Dead Letter Office, where they used to end up. But correspondence, well it is letters, dead or alive.

  12. I have a sense of deja vu with 8A. Has Nj used this clue earlier?

  13. All is fair in love and war AND NJ!!!!!

  14. 3 - Overcome the mistake as I am in place of Charles (6) - DEFE(-c+a)AT..
    i have put it as defect.

    i0 - Overheard of a great offer for an American man on a Tuesday in the vessel (8) - (~sale){SAIL}{BO}{A}{T]
    is Bo American man?

  15. @Dr RP,

    DEFECT cannot be annotated as per the word play NJ has given.

    Yes, BO is aan American man's name

  16. thank you Col,but defeat also is not very convincing as Satya has said.

  17. 3 - Overcome the mistake as I am in place of Charles (6) - DEFE(-c+a)AT

    Overcome = Definition
    the mistake = DEFECT
    I = 1 = A
    in place of = replacement indicator
    Charles = C

    Overcome = DEFE(-c+a)AT

  18. thank you, now it makes sense to me.

  19. Just two more days to endure before sanity returns in the most benevolent guise of Gridman...

  20. todays n.j. was sovable. she is in punjabi mood. baisakhi is a festival and also crutches

  21. todays n.j. was solvable for a hindi knowing person. baisakhi is a festival and also crutches
