Friday 2 December 2011

No 10324, Friday 02 Dec 11, Cryptonyte

8   - Fast ball, it reaches pretty quickly (7,8) - EXPRESS DELIVERY {EXPRESS} {DELIVERY}
10 - It makes free shipping difficult (7) - ICEBERG [CD]
11 - Creature to roll around a water body (3,4) - FUR SEAL {FUR {SEA}L}
12 - Cut copy or cut, copy, paste? (4) - EDIT EDITion
13 - Green sort destroyed without remorse (2,7) - NO REGRETS*
15 - Cancel marriage before a ritual's starting — giving like a ring perhaps? (7) - ANNULAR {ANNUL}{A}{R}
17 - Cement with meshwork inside for fortification (7) - LUNETTE {LU{NET}TE}
19 - Restrains accelerators (9) - THROTTLES [DD]
21 - Quarrel with model when loud (4) - TIFF {T}{IF}{F}
24 - House to talk to Chase, finally, on Australia (7) - CHATEAU {CHAT}{E}{AU}
25 - Disgusting, no one's going to love me (7) - NOISOME {NO}{I'S}{O}{ME}
26 - Authorities: “Pah, tweet bothers unnecessarily” (3,6,4,2) - THE POWERS THAT BE*
1   - Set up of YouTube Gingerbread has (5) - BEGIN [T]
2   - Depressed before going in for a meal (6) - SPREAD {S{PRE}AD}
3   - Terribly late, sped to the stand (8) - PEDESTAL*
4   - Normally when a military man is in power (without direction)? (2,1,7,4) - AS A GENERAL RULE {AS} {A} {GENERAL} {RULEs}
5   - Wildcat perhaps from Girlion making a comeback (6) - OILRIG [T<-]
6   - Fierce animal doctor lassoing studs (8) - VEHEMENT {VE{HEMEN}T}
7   - See hits, hair standing up around the optic (9) - EYELASHES {EYE}{LASHES}
9   - Wearing soft lenses, refs show ease (14) - EFFORTLESSNESS*
14 - Chew and taste mica — yuck! (9) - MASTICATE*
16 - Told a story; rate Rand highly (8) - NARRATED*
18 - Unfair, no solid hand coming in (3,5) - NOT RIGHT {NO}{T {R}IGHT}
20 - Quake three oddly has read only memory upside down (6) - TREMOR {TRE}{MOR<-}
22 - Cool father, big thank you! (6) - FROSTY {FR}{OS}{TY}
23 - Father to wager around for example (5) - BEGET {B{EG}ET}


  1. Good offering and enjoyed doing it. Some may feel there are quite a few anagrams.
    Liked 11 A, though I could not get it. I have always wondered about the seemingly opposite meanings of 'throttle'.

  2. Inglish is a phunny language, you know.

    For example, flammable and inflammable mean the same.

  3. Deepak, your bete noire, many anagrams today. Some awesome ones too.

  4. I thought this was a really good puzzle.

    Not that there is a hard and fast rule, but I'm surprised to hear 6 out of 26 is too many anagrams.

  5. Fun puzzle today, thank you, Cryptonyte

  6. 24a CHATEAU reminded me of the Chateau d'if and Abbe Faria.

  7. Sorry, that should have been Chateau d'If.

  8. Read more about the link between the Abbe and Tipu Sultan at

  9. Apropos Richard 1020:

    A study in contradictions:

    The following is both the shortest and longest sentence in English:

    I do.

  10. What about "I'm"?

  11. Oops! Missed the full-stop.

  12. Kishore 15:43

    One is grammatical sentence and the other is life sentence.
