Tuesday 27 December 2011

No 10345, Tuesday 27 Dec 11, M Manna

Internet's playing hide and seek with me today, post may get delayed.
1   - Took in article and got angry (7) - SEETHED {SEE{THE}D} Took article into what?
5   - This has a bad effect on the listeners (7) - EARACHE [CD
9   - Log in (5) - ENTER [CD]
10 - Speak of the underworld chase (9) - DISCOURSE {DIS}{COURSE}
11 - Refreshing drink in a vessel (3, 3) - TEA CUP
12 - Writer has to make the attempt first (8) - ESSAYIST {ESSAY}{1ST}
14 - Paddle without getting one's feet wet? (5) - CANOE [CD]
15 - Privates take part in a salute by general consent (9) - AGREEMENT {A}{GREE{MEN}T}
18 - It's held to give a view of gentle rot perhaps (9) - LORGNETTE*
20 - Exceptionally good quality (5) - SUPER [E]
22 - Seamen at home with the strong drink (8) - ABSINTHE {ABS}{IN}{THE}
24 - Little woman having former Indian coin (6) - JOANNA {JO}{ANNA}
26 - Shunning a video can be misconstrued (9) - AVOIDANCE*
27 - Locks are the key to its existence (5) - CANAL [CD]
28 - Love lyrics written by egghead-master mind (7) - OVERSEE {O}{VERSE}{E}
29 - Resentment shown for carrying a small dagger (7) - DUDGEON [DD]
1   - Doubtful place, it's moving round about (9) - SCEPTICAL {SCEPTI{C}AL*}
2   - Merging in, aren't seen to get on board (7) - ENTRAIN*
3   - With that girl copper might incline to some sort of hard labour (9) - HERCULEAN {HER}{CU}{LEAN}
4   - The old queen acted with love (4) - DIDO {DID}{O}
5   - The way to provide a comfortable living (4, 6) - EASY STREET [CD]
6   - You may find that nothing is hard for her (5) - RHODA {O+HARD}*
7   - Arrange my vehicle for her (7) - CARMINE {CAR}{MINE}
8   - Choose to disturb Miss Annabel and get caught (5) - ELECT {ELE}{CT}
13 - An opportunity never to be repeated (4, 6) - LAST CHANCE [E]
16 - The head in consequence has become fully established (9) - ENSCONCED  Anno pending (Addendum - {EN{SCONCE}D} - See comments)
17 - Waterproof sailor boy finds fashionable (9) - TARPAULIN {TAR}{PAUL}{IN}
19 - Put back what's left before taking mineral (7) - RESTORE {REST}{ORE}
21 - Contrition expressed by the last letter from Penzance (7) - PENANCE PENzANCE
22 - Davy Crockett's last stand was not entirely fashionable (5) - ALAMO Anno pending (Addendum - A LA MOde - See commenta)
23 - Points of intersection in branching systems (5) - NODES [E]
25 - As a chief, be among the first (4) - HEAD or LEAD ? [DD]


  1. Post is incomplete however I have published it after logging in from my phone

  2. OK good, I was just about to publish mine.

  3. 25 - As a chief, be among the first (4) -

    HEAD 2

    29 - Resentment shown for carrying a small dagger (7) - DUDGEON 2

  4. 16 - The head in consequence has become fully established (9) - ENSCONCED Anno pending



  5. Teen Devian: Joanna, Rhoda and Carmine.

    After TEA POT yesterday and TEA CUP today, expecting SAUCER tomorrow.

  6. Gita @ 09.35 if the parsing of 1A is what it seems to be, it will take that honour.

  7. Bhavan : Agree. I seed him before he runned away !

  8. I also saw it as ins. of THE in SEE'D (an ungrammatical 'took in'), with c/c ind missing.


    NAVAL: A van in reverse and the L stands for Learner. Answers for FLEET.

    My immediate instinct was to think of a CAR for a vehicle, and the mind always falls for such a decoy!!


    Why do you remain UNKNOWN? This blog is a very friendly FAMILY of Hindu crossword solvers. So why remain anonymous and get wrapped in an enigma ?

  10. 22 - Davy Crockett's last stand was not entirely fashionable (5) - ALAMO Anno pending

    From à la mo(-de )

    a la mode (adv & adj) : according to the fashion, fashionable

  11. Sorry folks: I had omitted to mention that my comments relate to yesterday's crossword. I always post my comments the next day.

  12. RU 11:47 Agree with you.

    Winston Churchill had said in a radio broadcast in October 1939: "I cannot forecast to you the action of Russia. It is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma; but perhaps there is a key. That key is Russian national interest."

    Only someone like Churchill alone could have said that.

  13. Did we discuss this Churchill's quote in this forum a few days back?

  14. 8D-
    What is the connection between Miss.Annabel & 'ele'?

  15. Yesterday clue repeating! - 11 A

  16. Padmanabhan From Miss Annabel Lee, I presume. I believe this is the title of a song, which I haven't heard, like several others.

  17. Yes Suresh. Googled it and found it is a Bing Crosby song. But still it seems to be an anagram of 'lee'. Like you said yeaterday, we have to 'mannage' the anagram !

  18. Where does JO come from in 24A?

  19. @Navneeth: Jo is one of the characters in the novel LITTLE WOMEN.

  20. After TEA POT yesterday and TEA CUP today, expecting SAUCER tomorrow.

    @kishore 09:35

    hopefully this is not the scene at home...one vessel after the other..:-)

  21. SandhyaP@20:46,
    In that case, is 24A just a very bad example of an (semi?) &lit? I mean, Little woman for JO and Little woman, the definition, for JOANNA, both referring to the same character? *confused*

