Saturday 24 December 2011

No 10343, Saturday 24 Dec 11, M Manna

1   - An antelope is a robust animal, it's said (10) - HARTEBEEST (~hearty){HARTE}{BEEST}(~beast)
6   - When turn came to bat, it was not permitted (4) - TABU {TAB<-}{U}
9   - People in the train (7) - RETINUE [CD]
10 - Get date wrong about vicar's return and be turned away (7) - AVERTED {A{VER<-}TED*}
12 - Need rest perhaps when taken ill (8) - RESENTED*
13 - Expose onself to some uncertain curiosity (5) - INCUR [T]
15 - Equestrian appendage (5) - RIDER [CD]
17 - Possibly name ten to get compensation (9) - ATONEMENT*
19 - A company — one a large number left (9) - ABANDONED {A}{BAND}{ONE}{D}
21 - Rails to coach (5) - TRAIN [DD]
23 - To tax again was more than the usual (5) - EXTRA {TAX+RE}*
24 - Picture river with the right characteristic (8) - PORTRAIT {PO}{R}{TRAIT}
27 - One may retain flexibility but it's no go (7) - INERTIA {I}{RETAIN*}
28 - Popular way ant makes up time (7) - INSTANT {IN}{ST}{ANT}
29 - Sliding frame for window panes (4) - SASH [E]
30 - In transit they'll get by with mashed greens (10) - PASSENGERS {PASS}{GREENS*}
1   - Unyielding to pressure (4) - HARD [CD]
2   - One's prepared for more turns on the road (7) - RETREAD [CD]
3   - He was possibly born in Rhode Island (5) - ERNIE {NEE+RI}*
4   - Overlooking the cause of this complaint (3,6) - EYE STRAIN [CD]
5   - Remain upright and take a position (5) - STAND [DD]
7   - The definite item (7) - ARTICLE [CD]
8   - Realise subordinate position (10) - UNDERSTAND {UNDER}{STAND}
11 - It's obvious I've been set back by the depression (7) - EVIDENT {EVI<-}{DENT}
14 - Factories which churn their products out (10) - CREAMERIES [CD]
16 - Diana performing in extremes of restraint is shining brightly (7) - RADIANT {Rest{DIANA*}rainT}
18 - Servants in a mess require false evidence (9) - ORDERLIES {ORDER}{LIES}
20 - Play-girl? (7) - ACTRESS [CD]
22 - Cause trouble by setting it in stone (7) - AGITATE {AG{IT}ATE}
24 - Public square in a city (5) - PLAZA [DD]
25 - Came into view (5) - RISEN [CD]
26 - Time to use the tribes of North American Indians (4) - UTES {T+USE}*


  1. 1 - An antelope is a robust animal, it's said (10) - HARTEBEEST (~heart){HARTE}{BEEST}(~beast)

    I took it as ~hardy (robust)=HARTE

  2. Spouse playing hide and seek in 22dn, eh Deepak and CV?

  3. I put down wildebeest in 1a and had an unfinished corner.

  4. It could also be ~hearty.

  5. It is hearty, typo since corrected

  6. I could not get the date wrong in 10A !
    Put Firm for 1D and got stuck for 1A.
    Liked 24A.Nice surface reading.

  7. What is the anagram indicator for 23A?

  8. I made same error, as Suresh, as robust could be wild, also.

  9. Navneeth @ 14:20,

    Has to be 'was'

  10. Bestow = Lend seems a bit iffy to me. When one some bestows something to another, it is usually without expecting it to be returned.
