Monday 26 December 2011

No 10344, Monday 26 Dec 11, M Manna

1   - A fragrance is rising (6) - ASCENT {A}{SCENT}
4   - Ant-heaps are broken up by this bird (8) - PHEASANT*
10 - A good man may first have a card game (7) - CANASTA {CAN}{A}{ST}{A}
11 - Little crawler going around quietly to investigate (7) - INSPECT {INS{P}ECT}
12 - Police incursion to make arrests (4) - RAID [CD]
13 - It measures the speed of a comet colliding with earth (10) - TACHOMETER {COMET+EARTH}*
16 - Have refreshment in this vessel (6) - TEAPOT [CD]
17 - Spent on advertisement for a set of five things (7) - PENTADS {SPENT+AD}*
20 - Italian gentleman having a point to disregard (7) - SIGNORE {S}{IGNORE}
21 - The medico got out of bed in a sour mood (6) - MOROSE {MO}{ROSE}
24 - Stupefied noblemen reported at the bend that there were too many to be counted (10) - NUMBERLESS {NUMB}{(~earl}ERL}{ESS}(~s)
25 - We, of the French, turned up for the employed (4) - USED {US}{ED<-}
27 - Snarled when old Chinese went first (7) - TANGLED {TANG}{LED}
29 - Disneyland in this California city (7) - ANAHEIM [GK]
30 - Most cursed person sentenced to eternal punishment (8) - DAMNDEST [CD]
31 - Woman with a son about 51 (6) - ALISON {A}{LI}{SON}
1   - Correct a cool-headed cleric (8) - ACCURATE {A}{C}{CURATE}
2   - Favouring cooking of one's own kind? (11) - CANNIBALISM [CD]
3   - Eat noisily? (4) - NOSH {NO}{SH}
5   - A number will stuff a bird to increase the size (8) - HEIGHTEN {H{EIGHT}EN}
6   - Feast day which is taken for granted (10) - ASSUMPTION [DD]
7   - A mimic stands up to record his creation (3) - APE {A}{PE<-} Anno not clear
8   - Instructors strut round (6) - TUTORS {STRUT+O}*
9   - Vehicle reversed by a new driver for the fleet (5) - NAVAL {NAV<-}{A}{L}
14 - One's studies can lead to such boredom! (11) - TEDIOUSNESS*
15 - Gave advice to Dulles once (10) - COUNSELLED*
18 - Poetical compositions of introductory functions (8) - PRELUDES [E]
19 - They sounded deep (8) - LEADSMEN [CD]
22 - International organisations tied together (6) - UNITED {UN}{TIED*}
23 - Row about South Carolina film award (5) - OSCAR {O{SC}AR}
26 - Time in America to capitulate (4) - FALL [DD]
28 - Pseudonym for French (3) - NOM [CD]


  1. 24 - Stupefied noblemen reported at the bend that there were too many to be counted (10) - NUMBERLESS {NUMB}{(~earl}ERL}{ESS}(~s)


  2. NOSH for eat (a snack or light meal) calls to mind the urdu words 'nosh farmana' - a polite way of saying "to consume" - to eat, drink or smoke, as in "Aap kya nosh farmâna pasand karenge".

    These words also figure in a scene in the film 'Jodha Akbar'.

  3. A mimic stands up to record his creation (3) - APE Anno not clear

    How can the anno be clear when the clue is imperfect?

    The setter intends it to be A + rev. of EP (record).

    However, 'mimic', the def, is tucked within the charade components.

    Also, the part played by 'his creation' is not known, as 'record' itself gives us EP (for 'extended play' record).

    Besides, the 'to' is intrusive.

    Does anyone have a better explanation?

  4. 10A-
    Does "may first" indicate start with "can"? This makes 'may' & 'can' interchangeable.

  5. And it is fashionable now to omit the anagram indicator altogether? (17A, 8D, 15D, 22D)

  6. Yes, Bhavan. The solvers will MANNAge.

  7. Kishore,
    Have you read the article on Srinivasa Ramanujan in today's Hindu in a special supplement? In case you have not, here is the link:

  8. Hey Guys,

    Can sb explain whr the L in 9 D in the word
    {NAV<-}{A}{L} comes from?


    NAVAL: A van in reverse and the L stands for Learner.

    My immediate insttinct was to think of a CAR for a vehicle, and the mind always falls for such a decoy!!


    NAVAL: A van in reverse and the L stands for Learner.

    My immediate insttinct was to think of a CAR for a vehicle, and the mind always falls for such a decoy!!

  11. Thnx Guys,

    I am new to crosswords n all...So I usually think of students only as 'L'!! Just didnt occur to me!!

