Wednesday 4 April 2012

No 10428, Wednesday 04 Apr 12, Arden

1   - Belly dancer initially got a sign to follow the sailor (7) - ABDOMEN {AB}{D}{OMEN}
5   - There is some shelter and French armoire (7) - CABINET [DD] (Addendum - {CABIN}{ET} - See comments)
9   - Referred to as a giant with piano and key (5) - PANDA {P}{AND}{A}
10 - Remark about Charlie being a joker and a rascal (9) - SCALLYWAG {S{C}ALLY}{WAG}
11 - The crime isn't made up, it is a complaint (9) - CRETINISM*
12 - Cancel Russian space mission review around first November (5) - ANNUL {AN{N}UL<-}
13 - Weapon will free up the back end (4) - DIRK {DIR<-}{K}
15 - Secret? Yes, secret input/output deviation (8) - ESOTERIC {SECRET+I+O}*
18 - Need to shift around….. so eager (8) - ENTHUSED {EN{THUS}ED*}
19 - Stone dug up from the quarry, buried deep inside (4) - RUBY<-
22 - One could be used to wearing it (5) - HABIT [DD]
24 - It is not at all a pen, could be a smoke (9) - PANATELLA*
26 - Not good to make money on the game (9) - BADMINTON {BAD}{MINT}{ON}
27 - Sent away with key wound-up (5) - TENSE {SENT*}{E}
28 - Australians managed to remove Lara and somehow keep going (7) - SUSTAIN aUSTralIANS*
29 - Security gets attention at home (7) - EARNEST {EAR}{NEST}
1   - Fleece starts with a lie, promise and certain assurances (6) - ALPACA {A}{L}{P}{A}{C}{A}
2   - Flower for daughter and ecstasy for one who has pride (9) - DANDELION {D}{AND}{E}{LION}
3   - Girl without a city (5) - MIAMI {MI{A}MI}
4   - Spite moving Saint on to the promontory (9) - NASTINESS {SAINT*}{NESS}
5   - Copyright could mar entrance (5) - CHARM {C}{HARM}
6   - Singer gets a drink including complete publicity (9) - BALLADEER {B{ALL}{AD}EER}
7   - Presently at home but in a hopeless state (2-3) - NO-WIN {NO W-}{IN}
8   - Switch to Google without spectacles (6) - TOGGLE {TO}{GooGLE}
14 - Warrior King had time to go into religious law, reportedly…. (9) - KSHATRIYA {K}{SHA{T}RIYA}(~sharia)
16 - ….. and De Niro can break the law (9) - ORDINANCE*
17 - When main cable gets damaged, there will be asymmetry (9) - IMBALANCE*
20 - Old Egyptian city almost made it to No.1 spot (6) - THEBES {THE}{BESt}
21 - Warning of a tiger, for example finding a way in (6) - CAVEAT {C{AVE}AT}
23 - Waits for those born on the 15th of March (5) - BIDES {B}{IDES}
24 - Mine is over the spike (5) - PITON {PIT}{ON}
25 - Would teach the young King given a choice (5) - TUTOR {TUT}{OR}


  1. Dirk reminded me of my encounter with Macbeth...

    Nice puzzle from Arden

  2. Arden seems to be raising the bar as compared to his early offerings

    1. I felt the same with the two puzzles so far in this run.

  3. Agree Kishore, nice puzzle indeed.

    5 - There is some shelter and French armoire (7) - CABINET [DD]

    This might be a charade of CABIN (shelter) + ET (and in French)

  4. Way above me- eagerly looked up to Col.'s posting and comments. Bar is too high for me- need a pole to vault it?

    1. A few steps will get you there I think.

  5. Just curious to know which answers troubled you people?

    I struggled for a while with PANDA, DIRK, KSHATRIYA and CAVEAT. They were my last entries.


  7. I was unable to get ALPACA, PANDA, DIRK, PENATELLA and CAVEAT.

  8. In addition to all the above, I always have a problem with 'without A'(3D-miami)
    Missed 1A- I did not separate belly from the dancer!
    I got so hustled that I missed badminton too. There is no other reason for it.
    29A-earnest-is also in this category since I am very familiar with earnest money deposits.
    Thinking back, when I dont get 1A,things go awry!

  9. Similar struggles: PANDA, DIRK, KSHATRIYA and MIAMI.

  10. This wasn't all that difficult, I must say.

    I wasn't quite in the best form to solve the grid today at work (an otherwise clear head muddled by small talk and other banalities of daily life), and by the end of the day, I'd barely filled in half the answers.

    However, having come home and refreshed, I sat down in a rather relaxed state and the answers came in a torrent, and it was complete in a matter of 15 minutes. I figuratively kicked myself for missing easy ones (NW corner, especially) earlier.

    DIRK took a while, since I don't remember coming across the word before.
