Monday, 23 April 2012

No 10444, Monday 23 Apr 12, Gridman

1   - Scrawl: In France who's good to replace our sailors in unit? (8) - SQUIGGLE {S{QUI}(-in+g)GLE}
5   - Mat has caused an unhealthy condition (6) - ASTHMA*
9   - Sprang to deliver form of choral music (4-4) - PART SONG*
10 - Fret over small person changing male to female (6) - FIDGET (-m+f)FIDGET
12 - Cheer as path of travel is announced (4) - ROOT(~route)
13 - He and she, without exception, perhaps (4,2,4) - BOTH OF THEM [CD]
15 - Web designer? (6) - SPIDER [CD]
17 - Was trying to say Gridman and worker come together (5) - MEANT {ME}{ANT}
20 - Ones putting money back in the States (5) - UNITS {U{NIT<-}S}
21 - Supreme Court nice about the sort of railway on the Nilgiris, for example (6) - SCENIC {SC}{NICE*}
24 - Bachelor teases fan badly in parties (10) - BEANFEASTS {B}{TEASES+FAN}*
27 - Bare-bones film from unknown director? (1-3) - X-RAY {X}-{RAY}
29 - The French begin piling lot of atomic particle (6) - LEPTON {LE}{P}{TON}
30 - Money enthusiast laid out for baked item (8) - DOUGHNUT {DOUGH}{NUT}
31 - Water sprinkled by Henry on garland (6) - WREATH {WATER*}{H}
32 - Rosy view taken of work by man having certain belief (8) - OPTIMISM {OP}{TIM}{ISM}
1   - Extremely good Serb up in a fluster (6) - SUPERB*
2   - Force to leave State base (6) - UPROOT {UP}{ROOT}
3   - Great to be holding one's main idea (4) - GIST {G{1'S}T}
4   - Jargon of the official in government (5) - LINGO [T]
6   - Poles on one noisy inhalation (5) - SNIFF {SN}{I}{FF}
7   - Keg takes up all space with chief (8) - HOGSHEAD {HOGS}{HEAD}
8   - Public transport fellow to mechanise (8) - AUTOMATE {AUTO}{MATE}
11 - Daily to nearly receive censure (6) - CHARGE {CHAR}{GEt}
14 - Father in a foreign country is evergreen (4) - UPAS {U{PA}S}
16 - Girl's hit-back is grim (6) - DISMAL {DI'S}{MAL<-}
17 - Central pipe (4) - MAIN [DD]
18 - Some trim at bottom is an ornamentation (8) - FURBELOW {FUR}{BELOW}
19 - Bagpipe played around learner in New York city (3,5) - BIG APPLE {BIG APP{L}E*}
22 - Second-class route that is coming up for the country (6) - BRUNEI {B}{RUN}{EI<-}
23 - Order small mystery to be resolved after line is found missing (6) - SYSTEM {S}{MYSTEry*}
25 - Jeer at female boor (5) - FLOUT {F}{LOUT}
26 - Band in miserable withdrawal after onset of tension (5) - TROOP {T}{ROOP<-}
28 - Hindu god retreating from main gallery (4) - AGNI <-


  1. 28 - Hindu god retreating from main gallery (4) - AGNI <-

    Topical clue, though no mention of ICBM...

    14 - Father in a foreign country is evergreen (4) - UPAS {U{PA}S}

    Reminded me of conversations between Bertie and Reginald, where this is referred to as the tree that 'does one in'.

    Also, from Pushkin:

    No bird flies near, no tiger creeps;
    alone the whirlwind, wild and black,
    assails the tree of death and sweeps
    away with death upon its back.

    Liked ref to Satyajit Ray in 27a. Didi didn't.

  2. On Sunday Crossword:

    There was a comment about the inconvenience caused to solve this comfortably. Precisely the reason why I always get put off when I see a crossword grid of odd shape and size, not enabling one to solve it in comfort. Why can't the paper publish this as a regular size, lengthwise, on a convenient top or bottom corner? Makes it also too cumbersome for clipping and saving , as I do with all my solved crosswords. Shows how callous they are. There must be some system followed and I reckon, the publishers do not have an editor and are also not crossword-literate. Anything goes !!To accommodate a standard 15 by 15 in a regular manner in an allotted place is not that difficult? We are like that only?

  3. The law of inverse proportions holds good again- better and easier (also enjoyable) CW's do not attract many comments! (or should I say 'comment' since there has been only one on today's CW)
