Sunday, 22 April 2012

No 2683, Sunday 22 Apr 12

1   - Expectation of the man taking work on board (4)  - HOPE {H{OP}E}
3   - Trying on red heels and short trousers (10)  - LEDERHOSEN*
10 - Ready examples of rehearsed moves (3,6)  - SET PIECES [DD]
11 - Dexterous lady primarily brought in to make earthenware (5)  - DELFT {DE{L}FT}
12 - Smart choice crossing river (5)  - PRICK {P{R}ICK}
13 - Look at key and wonder? (3-6)  - EYE-OPENER {EYE}-{OPENER}
14 - Key issue in 2011, say (5,6)  - PRIME NUMBER {PRIME} {NUMBER}
18 - A Muse could make poets richer (11)  - TERPSICHORE*
21 - Play tune no end, hit by Armstrong originally (9)  - MELODRAMA {MELODy}{RAM}{A}
23 - Respond emotionally about turn (5) - REACT {RE}{ACT}
24 - Extremist in Kabul, traitor (5)  - ULTRA [T]
25 - Special revolutionary character (3-6)  - RED-LETTER {RED}-{LETTER}
26 - It may bring comfort to a child, receiving love if throaty, suffering (5,5)  - TOOTH FAIRY {O+IF+THROATY}*
27 - Cold, and sore throat (4)  - CRAW {C}{RAW}
1   - Weed round front of semi with instrument, gardening aid (8)  - HOSEPIPE {HO{S}E}{PIPE}
2   - Girl, aristocratic? Not quite (8)  - PATRICIA PATRICIAn
4   - Former cashier, we hear, in a royal treasury (9)  - EXCHEQUER {EX}{CHEQUER}(~checker)
5   - Follow unseen, mostly in disguise (5)  - ENSUE UNSEEn*
6   - Reportedly conceal Scottish explorer, with difficulty, in a West End location (4,4,6)  - HYDE PARK CORNER (~hide){HYDE} {PARK} {CORNER}
7   - Famous lawgiver given good farewell (2,4)  - SO LONG {SO LON}{G}
8   - Kind disposition (6)  - NATURE [DD]
9   - Highly amused, choose the odd tale to be broadcast (7,2,5)  - TICKLED TO DEATH {TICK}{THE+ODD+TALE}*
15 - Onlooker before with rest shivering outside (9)  - BYSTANDER {BY}{ST{AND}ER*}
16 - Talk idly about award? It doesn't make any difference (2,6)  - NO BETTER {N{O M}ATTER}
17 - How earth may be turned into an airport (8)  - HEATHROW*
19 - Size of a horse used for riding (6)  - AMOUNT {A}{MOUNT}
20 - Bachelor by house, extremely drunk (6)  - BLOTTO {B}{LOTTO}
22 - Vessel from Kenya or Tanzania (5) - AORTA [T]


  1. I didn't enjoy today's crossword thanks to the tiny grid.

    1. Consider yourself lucky. I am trying to get the grid since Sunday morning without success. I am in California now and it is not possible to get the Hindu paper, hard copy.

  2. Placement of the clues on the left half and the grid on the right half is also a dampner as one cannot fold the paper into a comfortable pad.

  3. Agree. Fortunately it is a Sunday, when I comfortably spread out the paper on the table and solve it.

  4. Oh! The depths to which The Hindu has plunged!
    The caption for the photo just above the CW says 'India Gate, Mumbai' when what they mean is 'Gateway of India, Mumbai'.

  5. Very sorry state of affairs in the prestigious paper's realm!!!

  6. Rajan,

    I have deleted your comments.

    In case Shuchi has identified someone on her blog why make a comment about it here?

    Also, please do not post clues from 'The Everyman' here, for obvious reasons.

  7. Is the Gateway of India photo the cause for The Hindu cutting corners with CW space? Not only not appealing to look at, it made filling in for people like us (who do it on the paper and not on line) extremely difficult.

  8. Aorta seems to be similarly clued over the years probably because of its structure-
    Sankalak- Vessel berthed in Kolkata or Tanga (5) - AORTA [T]
    Nitaa Jaggi-Vessel from India or Tashkent (5) - AORTA [T]
    Gridman- Vessel carrying vital stuff from Goa or Tamil Nadu (5) - AORTA [T]
    Today-Vessel from Kenya or Tanzania (5) - AORTA [T]

    1. Interesting. How about

      Sounds small for a big vessel.

    2. A big vessel for a private in the reserves (5)
