Saturday 14 April 2012

No 10437, Saturday 14 Apr 12, Cryptonyte

8   - Revolting ghosts levitate I say, shall we try? (4,4,2,1,4) - LETS GIVE IT A SHOT*
10 - Obtain one's heart with hair combed back (golden, with bend) (7) - ENAMOUR {ENAM<-}{O{U}R}
11 - Spellbind with short international assignment (rental allowance included) (7) - INTHRAL {INT{HRA}L}
12 - A voice test for an Indian pop girl group? (4) - VIVA [DD]
13 - Narcotic cases are settled here? (4,5) - HIGH COURT [CD]
15 - Naturally shallow and crude type? (7) - NERITIC [E]
17 - A way of greeting a saint — with halo-like title (7) - NAMASTE {NAM{A}{ST}E}
19 - Just a slight stretch for a part time baseball player (4,5) - HALF TRUTH {HALF} {T}{RUTH}
21 - April 21st 2012 maybe, sweetheart? (4) - DATE [DD]
24 - Comment allowed on a Post-it? (7) - NOTELET {NOTE}{LET}
25 - Obstruct a mug shot (7) - CLOSE UP [DD]
26 - Block kerb to rest invading Wall Street perhaps? (11,4) - STOCKBROKER BELT*
1   - Where wedding vows are exchanged, exchange vowel for a change (5) - ALTER ALT(-a+e)ER
2   - It's taking drawing back in clouds (6) - STRATI {S{TRA}TI}<-
3   - Lacking information, there is no claptrap by police officer (8) - IGNORANT {IG}{NO}{RANT}
4   - Liberally sold drug the umpire/scorekeeper ingested? (4,3,7) - OVER THE COUNTER {OVER} {THE} {COUNTER}
5   - Your ploy involves discretion towards the in-charge (6) - TACTIC {TACT}{IC}
6   - Original tweets trolled — Crush. Rip. (8) - CHIRRUPS*
7   - Useful devices utilise IT wisely (9) - UTILITIES*
9   - Made up kitchen coinage for what wedding toppers stand on? (5,2,3,4) - ICING ON THE CAKE*
14 - A stud may be found herehe's not one to be controlled (2,3,4) - ON THE NOSE*
16 - Rosanna's initial joy in becoming a wife or daughter-in-law? (8) - RELATION {R}{ELATION}
18 - Run-of-the-mill detective has nothing when returning — simple surroundings (8) - MEDIOCRE {ME{DI{O}C<-}RE}
20 - You speak about small administrative areas (6) - TALUKS {TAL{U}K}{S}
22 - Maybe having a pattern, but article by doctor is cut in half (6) - THEMED {THE}{MEDico}
23 - Embroilments caused by leggings (5) - SPATS [DD]



    Problem with the enu for 25A.

    What is crude type about Neritic?

    Not clear on the anno for Over the counter.


    Kal-El is in trouble again with Kryptonyte resurfacing

  3. The MEDIOCRE clue seems to be the best

  4. Happy Vishu!

    As a lawyer, I always appreciate legal-isms and court references working their way into the crossword.

    And yes, I work in the Delhi High Court as well, not the "High" Court :p

  5. Wish you a happy married life Cryptonyte ! :).. The theme is there for all to see...The big date is 21st if i am not mistaken..

    P.S. This is my first post on this blog... Have been following this blog for quite a while now.. Brilliant work, Colonel.. And thanks to other stalwarts also for illuminating us and peppering the comments with anecdotes and word plays...

    -Arun Warrier

  6. Best wishes for Vishu.
    Best wishes for a happy married life to Cryptonyte & thank you Warrier for informing us. Nice way of putting it in the CW.

    Sharing my doubts with Suresh about 'crude' in neritic. Looked forward to getting some clarification from the link, but could not find any. Maybe shallow in knowledge?

  7. Wish you a Happy Vishu -Col Deepak and Family and all others who celebrate this event today. Have a very prosperous and peaceful year ahead. The Lady wishing Namaste in white and gold looks very resplendent and typifies femininity in its purest form.Thanks Col for this very thoughtful pic.

    Yesterday's Crossword by INCOGNITO was was very simple but interesting.

    Can anyone tell me why the compilers choose to remain INCOGNITO and/ or anonymous or with pseudonyms?
    They have used their mental faculties to regale us and why not claim their right to Stardom like any other film star?

    We all have our pride and ego and have a right to claim to fame, no matter how limited?

  8. Congratulations Cryptonite for a very Happy, long, peaceful and prosperous wedded ( can even be pronounced the Bengali way) life !!
    Life is indeed incomplete as a Bachelor, like an unfinished crossword and after marriage it is Finished, like a completed puzzle.

    Hope your soulmate tolerates your interest in crosswords?

  9. Indeed it is :) Shuchi seems to have spotted it

    @Suresh : Neritic is a type of crude (oil) I believe

  10. Needed Shuchi's sharp eyes to note the "Nina"...

    But congratulations Cryptonyte. Here's wishing you a very happy married life :)

  11. Congratulations Tony,

    All the best for a long and happy married life and I shall also take the liberty of wishing you on behalf of all the visitors to my blog, the list of visitors was expanded upon by Incognito in his comment in yesterdays CW.

  12. We have heard of different kinds of special proposals, but today's Tony's way of CW proposal takes the cake- or as in 9D "icing on the cake"?

  13. Congratulations Tony and wishing you a very happy married life

  14. @Tony: Wish you a very happy married life :)

  15. Congratulations and best wishes Tony.
    And Tamil New Years and Vishu wishes to everyone as well.

    Its a real pleasure to solve THC these days. The days where I used to dread waking to to a bunch of ambiguous clues (which I had no clue how to solve) seem long gone :)

  16. Reading down the first letters in the clue sheet, we get Tony's proposal:


    Best wishes to the couple for a Happy Wedded Life.

  17. All the best Tony.

    Time for a 25a ...

  18. Congratulations and best wishes Tony.

  19. Some friends here might feel that "I do" is the longest sentence possible ;-)

  20. Congratulations and best wishes Tony. Arden

  21. Happy New year Wishes! Good to be part of this group. Congratulations and best wishes to Tony!

  22. Isn't CLOSE UP an hiphenated word or may be two separate words?

    Thanks to Crypyonite, I have added two new words in my repertoire: INTHRAL & NERETIC

    IMBROGLIO & EMBROGLIO in the same league as INTHRAL?
