Monday 22 April 2019

No 12606, Monday 22 Apr 2019, Buzzer

8   Fruit from Morocco as a whole (6) TOMATO {MA in TOTO}
9   Perhaps transport options between midnight and 2 o'clock — feet? (8) IAMBUSES {1 AM}{BUSES}
10 See red pasturagetang, ryegrass infested (3,5) GET ANGRY [T]
11 Game of tag doubly hard during kick-off (3-3) KHO-KHO {K{H}O}{K{H}O}

12 Internet system in half of Taiwan? (4,4,7) WIDE AREA NETWORK {taiWAN}
14 Boils through couple of months at the start of summer (7) DECOCTS {DEC}{OCT}{Su...r}
16 It barely covers movement out of EU (1-6) G-STRING GeSTuRING
19 Neck brace little bit warmer (8,7)  ELECTRIC BLANKET*
22 Pay back money got from bloody boxing game (6) REFUND {RE{FUN}D}
24 Batting like that he spent hours worked up (2,1,5) IN A STATE {IN}{AS}{ThAT}{hE}
25 Not oddly alcohol's seen fun, having power to shed inhibitions (6,2) LOOSEN UP {aLcOhOlS+sEeN+fUn}{P}
26 Puzzle I've now open for general inspection (2,4) ON VIEW*

1   Level of flings describing one (4,4) LOVE LIFE {LEVEL+OF}* osver {1} &lit
2   Standard fruit drink in March (6) PARADE {PAR}{ADE}
3   Composer like this, no good with practice run (10) SONGWRITER {SO}{N}{G}{W}{RITE}{R}
4   Floating leaf from little yard dad caught (4,3) LILY PAD {LIL}{Y{PA}D}
5   Crazy morning? Yes (4) AMOK {AM}{OK}
6   Unprepared for mostly stomach-turning contest (3-2-3) TUG-OF-WAR {RAW}{FOr}{GUT}<=
7   Tense atmosphere becoming a restraint (6) TETHER {T}{ETHER}
13 Sad overall, developing country (2,8) EL SALVADOR*
15 Love following a series of lectures no doubt (2,6) OF COURSE {O}{F}{COURSE}
17 Originally named metre high tropical growth (4,4) NEEM TREE {NEE}{METRE*}
18 Spare agent hiding wrongdoing briefly (7) SCRIMPY {S{CRIMe}PY}
20 Hide of alien glows when peeled (3,3) LIE LOW {aLIEn}{gLOWs}
21 Being inexperienced, taking time is natural (6) NATIVE {NA{T}IVE}
23 Ringing sound from a loud noise gee! (4) DING {DIN}{G}(~gee)



  1. Enjoyed the puzzle - TUG-OF-WAR, WIDE AREA NETWORK, LOOSEN UP were some favourites. Thanks Buzzer.

  2. Typical Buzzer delight. Could not do full justice due to interruptions and as usual blog to the rescue.
    COD? List is long.

  3. Buzzer-mark long telescopic clues missing! Found it easier.

  4. Very Enjoyable! Loved the Indian touches of Kho-Kho and Neem Tree as also the two long ones. Tomato was the LOI.

  5. 16A. movement = GESTURING??

  6. Delightful one from Buzzer.
    19A Bit as anind was a bit confusing for me! Looked up in Freedic and found one of the meanings given there as.... Something that controls, guides, or curbs.

  7. Didn't get 9ac (Iambuses) -- I thought the plural was Iambi -- but enjoyed the rest. I like this style of Buzzer's.
