Monday 29 April 2019

No 12612, Monday 29 Apr 2019, Lightning

1   Stamp perhaps left inside by perfectionist (8) STICKLER {STICK{L}ER}
5   Warning at den close to forest surrounding Austria (6) CAVEAT {CAVE}{A}{f...sT}
9   Conclude one electronic gate is substandard (8) INFERIOR {INFER}{1}{OR}
10 Independent parliamentarian with manner to damage (6) IMPAIR {I}{MP}{AIR}
12 Dutch cheese used delightfully for starters in tourist city (5) GOUDA {GO{Used}{De...y}OA} State or City?
13 Among other things, missing new private island area (5,4) INTER ALIA {INTERnAL}{I}{A}
14 Fun is ongoing, holding together (6) UNISON [T]
16 Wise bet cast in online portal (7) WEBSITE*
19 Rob the wasted European with furtiveness (7) STEALTH {STEAL}{THe}
21 Small walls at first really beautiful (6) PRETTY {P{Re...y}ETTY}
23 Im entering a country with liveliness (9) ANIMATION {A}{N{I'M}ATION}
25 Buzzer’s call right (5) PAGER {PAGE}{R}
26 Was sailor concealing violent attack? (6) ASSAIL [T]
27 Nearly get correctional facilities to drop international vegetables (8) BRINJALS {BRINg}{JAiLS}
28 Former lover inclined to prolong (6) EXTEND {EX}{TEND}
29 Approaching heartless man in time for a change (8) IMMINENT {MaN+IN+TIME}*

1   Unwilling to spend final money after robbery (6) STINGY {STING}{m..eY}
2   Control of well-organised, fine uncle (9) INFLUENCE*
3   Destiny of king trapped by god of love (5) KARMA {KA{R}MA}
4   Sentiment of limitlessly isolated leader upon returning (7) EMOTION {rEMOTe}{NO1<=}
6   Fine naval officer caught/bowled by English (9) ADMIRABLE {ADMIRA{B}L}{E}
7   Hema illuminated partly by message (5) EMAIL [T]
8   Deviously rent the area to intimidate (8) THREATEN {RENT+THE+A}*
11 Last of potatoes not dry? Turn around and cook slowly (4) STEW {p...eS}{WET<=}
15 Doctor so valiant in rescue (9) SALVATION*
17 At home, the empty fireplace is put together (9) INTEGRATE {IN}{ThE}{GRATE}
18 Increase intensity sorting case behind on time (8) ESCALATE {CASE*}{LATE}
20 Salute leaders of Haryana assembly imposing levy (4) HAIL Acrostic
21 Criticize (not mar) syntax in this crossword, perhaps (7) PANGRAM {PAN}{GRAMmar}Not really. Where's the Q? See comments
22 Configure in advance, with power to be readjusted (6) PRESET {P}{RESET}
24 Small addition fixed at home upfront (5) INSET {SET}<=>{IN}
25 Scheme from post office at New Zealand isle (5) PONZI {PO}{NZ}{I}

Reference List
Electronic gate = OR, Parliamentarian = MP, Private = INTERNAL, Call = PAGE, Former lover = EX, Robbery = STING, God of love = KAMA, Isolated = REMOTE, At home = IN, Criticize = PAN



  1. Re the absence of Q. I think the setter is not to blame. At the last minute a light (answer word) had to be changed and clue for it written as a serious discrepancy was detected. Maybe in that edit, the Q was lost.
    I am not sure if even in the UK a crossword editor solves a puzzle before approving it.
    Journals publishing theses from Ph D scholars or book publishers may send edited copy to writers prior to publication. In the newspaper environment that is not possible.
    I think setters need to include an alert in the copy when there is any Nina or special cross-reference which needs to be preserved.

    1. The crossword was intended to be a pangram. Clue 7D was
      Engineer to flinch missing institution peer (5)

      Also, the very first line of my submission stated this was a pangram.

      I have no idea why despite all this, TH changed the word and the clue without even reaching out to me. This is after I had submitted the revised version correcting all typos last week.

    2. How can TH change a clue without reference to setter? Even if there is not enough time to get a reply, they can run other CW's and delay publication of this. I feel that should be the proper approach.

    3. There is something amiss then
      If your intention is EQUAL for 7DN, then 10AC suffers!

    4. I understand that the discrepancy was from my side. My only point was that I had mentioned this crossword was a pangram. It would have been good if the mistake had been pointed out to me and I had a chance to correct it, especially given that I checked in with TH last week about this.

    5. Yes, just checked the crossing. Has that also been changed?

    6. Crossing was the error from my side in the grid fill.

    7. Since "perhaps" only indicates that there is a possibility of something being there, we can take it to mean that this was a "near" pangram (since only one letter is short:)).
      It appears from the comments above that there was some error in grid and hence a last minute change had to be made to make the grid work. It may have been a tough call by the crossword department about whether to scrap the crossword, go back to the setter or go ahead and run it with minimum change and in this process, the pangram might have escaped attention.

    8. Newspaper production involves work in different sections finally merging into making plates for rolling off the press.
      At the last minute it may not be possible to get input from another section.
      So it's a question of what best can be done under given circumstances.
      In this case, if we retain EQUAL, we had to change the across IMPAIR but with the needed crossings no other word was possible.
      Of course, setters including myself, would say cannot things be done ahead but that is in a far more ideal world.

    9. (En)light(e)ning glimpse into the backstage world of puzzle-setting. Thank you.

    10. Thanks for the explanation CV Sir. Will definitely recheck the grid in future to avoid these kind of errors from my side.

  2. I rechecked the Q twice. Perhaps as CV Sir said got lost in last minute edit.

    1. I checked and rechecked. Still had a doubt if I had missed something- until I saw the blog.

  3. Is 'syntax' grammar? It is only part of grammar, I think.

  4. This is what Free dic. says-
    grammar - the branch of linguistics that deals with syntax and morphology (and sometimes also deals with semantics)
    I have not yet checked Chambers.

    1. Chambers Thesaurus has this:
      grammatical rules, linguistic rules, correct English, good English, style, usage
      technical syntax, syntactic structure

    2. Grammar tends to Syntax when morphology tends to zero. Its all in dimensions like sphere and circle

  5. Levy a SIN TAX on the one who fails to observe syntax while editing THC crosswords !

    1. Why so harsh on the setters and the editors who are giving you so much entertainment:)

  6. Sowmyaji, My comments are never taken seriously here, as I like to play with words ! No offense meant . I will perish without my favourite cryptic crosses !

    1. You are the best PUNdit here. And this is in all seriousness!

    2. I was only joking Raju sir:). Those who know me, know that I can never resist a pun either:)

  7. Light'e'ning cwd but for 21d

  8. Despite the Q error, this was a very good puzzle.

    1. +1. Less mortal, me, is happy at the joy of lightning solve (under 20min!). But that's because of guardians of THC galaxy.
