Saturday 6 April 2019

No 12593, Saturday 06 Apr 2019, Spinner

Happy Ugadi to all


1. Terms of payment for midwives? (4,2,8) CASH ON DELIVERY (CD)
10. Senior citizen partly recalled tattered letter (5) ELDER (T<=)
11. Leader that’s extremely fascist put in handcuff (9) CHIEFTAIN {CH{IE}{FascisT}IN}
12. One who signs documents sitting in latte store (8) ATTESTOR (T)
13. Most important parts of clue set first, definition finally added to the start (6) NUCLEI {definitioN}{CLUE*}{I}
15. Sit back to gain muscle after body becomes strong (10) FORMIDABLE {FORM}{ID{AB}LE}
16. With maiden away, bathe girl in drink! (4) SWIG {SWIm}{G}
19. When interrupted by rookie, shoot down idea (4) PLAN {P{L}AN}
20. Inspect top of ship’s sail pierced by metal (10) SCRUTINISE {Ship}{CRU{TIN}ISE}
23. Trouble is, nothing honest earns money! (6) ORDEAL {O}{R{D}EAL}
25. Swallowing fruit with liquid thing (8) FIGHTING {FIG}{THING*}
27. English kid with a bit of appetite for Mexican food (9) ENCHILADA {EN}{CHIL{A}D}{Appetite}
28. Scoundrel endlessly regrets eating nothing good (5) ROGUE {R{O}{G}UEs}
29. Where the cover fielder stands // is irrelevant! (6,3,5) BESIDE THE POINT (DD)


2. Sound gets facelift — At last, tone’s back in theatres! (9) AUDITORIA AUDI{facelifT}O }{AIR<=}
3. Instrument with faulty dish causing distress (8) HARDSHIP {HAR{DISH*}P}
4. Perhaps, may concern getting one’s spirit back? (10) NECROMANCY {MAY+CONCERN*} &lit
5. Foul in play overturned (4) EVIL {LIVE<=}
6. Flood’s high, condition unknown (6) INFLUX {IN}{FLU}{X}
7. Running a mile for mode of communication (5) EMAIL {A+MILE*}
8. Forcing refusal to be withdrawn by monarch (7) YANKING {NAY<=}{KING}
9. Extraordinary fable involving husband’s place (6) BEHALF {FABLE*} around {H}
14. Setter will think about giving up right to light up (10) ILLUMINATE {I'LL} {rUMINATE}
17. Attending to group working with top class model (7,2)  WAITING ON {W{A1}{T}ING}{ON}
18. Successful champion has time till now (8) HITHERTO {HIT}{HER{T}O}
19. Publicity’s done with a little banner displaying catchphrase (7) PROVERB {PR}{OVER}{Banner}
21. Boy abandons dogs for birds (6) EAGLE {bEAGLE} EAGLES {bEAGLES} See comments
22. For a change, drive around area that’s diverse (6) VARIED {DRIVE*} around{A}
24. Anchors make cakes every now and then (5) DOCKS {DO}{CaKeS}
26. Bit of appreciation on overcoming resistance (4) PART {PA{R}T}



  1. Smooth clues - NECROMANCY, ENCHILADA and FORMIDABLE were favs. Thanks Spinner!

  2. Spinner spins a nice enjoyable web and we can wade through without getting caught!
    4D- Isn't 'Getting one's spirit back' the def., anagram being wp?

  3. @Ramki@8:55
    Just a question: Is the jump from kid to child to CH. acceptable?

    1. Kid to Child is the only jump. Unless I'm missing something.

    2. @Chaturvasi sir kid = CHILD and not CH in the anno.
      EN + CHILD around A + A to give ENCHILADA.

  4. Smooth grid and smooth sailing! Thanks Spinner.

  5. Lovely puzzle.My COD Beside The Point.

  6. Happy Ugaadi & or Gudi Padva to ye- all.

    May the new year bring prosperity to one and all. May be the Election promise to be fulfilled. Jai Hind !

  7. In 25AC, why is "swallowing" "fighting"?

    1. In the meaning of swallowing the words:repraess or resist. "Fight back" is more closer.

  8. One of the meanings given in Free dic. is 'Demolish/ destroy. Does it mean fight?

  9. One example which may clarify - Fighting the urge - Swallowing the urge

  10. Thanks everyone for the wonderful comments. Happy Ugadi to all as well :)

  11. Wonderfully spun (both warp & weft)My cod is COD (1a); 20 a equally appealing.Liquid is used as an Thank you Spinner sir.

  12. Typo.Liquid is used as anind .wow.

  13. heartiest ugadi greetings to one and all.
