Wednesday 3 April 2019

No 12590, Wednesday 03 Apr 2019, Afterdark

1   Longing to be in a German city... (6) AACHEN {A{ACHE}N}
4   ...organised Fiat car at the border at last to catch a plane (8) AIRCRAFT {FIAT+CAR+b...eR}*
10 City's bishop meets union leader to have a drink and gather support (9) BUCHAREST {B}{Un..n}{CHA}{REST}
11 Foolish to have a name and shorten to use in the end (5) INANE {1}{N}{ANd}{usE}
12 Nominates person from the east to be at west essentially (5) NAMES {MAN<=}{wESt}
13 Free coat and shirt given in German city (9) FRANKFURT {FRANK}{FUR}{T}
14 Spouse having beer and fish (7) ALEWIFE {ALE}{WIFE}
16 Notices second hero leaving after getting tense from where film is shot (4) SETS SE(-e+t)TS
19 Consumer is king at America (4) USER {US}{ER}
21 Boy takes eggs; primary nutrient to grow (7) BURGEON {B}{URGE}{O}{Nu...t}
24 At the end, director's name found in two companies, essentially shell; it’s validated (9) CONFIRMED {D} after {CO}{N}{FIRM}{shEll}
25 European is not even cozy, he is withdrawn, cold inside (5) CZECH {CoZy}{H{C}E<=}
26 Taking time off to conduct ritual with tribe (5) IRULA RItUAL*
27 Assigns a place in lower house (9) ALLOCATES {A}{L{LOCATE}S}
28 Went first and quietly withdrew... (8) PRECEDED {P}{RECEDED}
29 with oriental lady turning dangerous (6) DEADLY {D}{E}{LADY*}

1   European seen in a long undergarment (8) ALBANIAN {A}{L}{BANIAN}
2   Copper gets an award for stopping mongrel at a plant (8) CUCUMBER {CU}{CU{MBE}R}
3   Tests at England on Christmas? One should be held earlier (5) EXAMS {E}{X(+a)AM(-a)S}
5   Containers in tin fabricated by artist is used by gypsy frequently (2-5) IN-TRAYS {TIN}*{RA}{gYpSy}
6   Player gets caught by mistake, on the second half of over (9) CRICKETER {C}{RICKET}{ovER}
7   A West Indian cricketer's child is dismissed at counter (6) ABACUS {A}{BACchUS}
8   Number Two almost? Engineer not disheartened at the end of day (6) TWENTY {TWo}{E}{NoT}{daY}
9   Special brownie, that is the latest fad (6) SELFIE {S}{ELF}{IE}
15 Press gets seating arrangement to cover the inauguration from the beginning (9) INSTIGATE {SEATING}* over {The}{In...n}
17 Trounced? Deed, indeed (8) DEFEATED {DE{FEAT}ED}
18 Honestly is let go, when money is taken under cover (2,3,3) ON THE SLY*
20 Violence, force and power are on decline (7) RAMPAGE {RAM}{P}{AGE}
21 Corporal's son wearing cap in reverse (6) BODILY {BO{LID<=}Y}
22 Restrict small credit, one may, to begin with will take pressure (6) SCRIMP {S}{CR}{1}{May}{P}
23 It’s suspicious, I will be let go if you stand in guarantee (6) UNSURE (-i+u)UNSURE
25 Supply each bundle after taking some cash first (5) CACHE {Cash}{EACH*}



  1. 21AC Takes eggs - should it not lead to urges?

  2. 18D- What is the purpose of 'is'?

  3. I felt surface reading is also not good and confusing with 'is'. 'Is free' sounds alright or honestly let go.

  4. Did the puzzle early in the morning but somehow couldn't come here. Liked this puzzle.. It was a good confidence booster especially after yesterday's DNF.
