Wednesday 10 April 2019

No 12596, Wednesday 10 Apr 2019, Bruno

5   Compete with setter's floral arrangement (6) RACEME {RACE}{ME}
7   Latitude that's got reflected between curvy and straight shapes (8) SNOWLINE {S}{WON<=}{LINE}
9   Master's Victory in round two! Under open skies ousts all leaders! (8) VIRTUOSO Acrostic
10 Possible stuntman destroyed boat with acceleration (6) DOABLE DO(-u+a)ABLE
11 Restrain and reform corrupt Indian leaders and curb crimes... (12) CIRCUMSCRIBE {Co...t+In...n+CURB+CRIMES}*
13 Punctual man's really not odd (6) TIMELY {TIM}{rEaLlY}
15 Stretch and live long, they say (6) DILATE (~ die late)
18 Cinema's fearful! Times are a-changing (7,5) FEATURE FILMS*
21 Dope (cocaine) put on back of eyeball... rear falls off (6) CRETIN {C}{RETINa}
22 Store's second big hub contains nothing to be displayed (8) MOTHBALL {MO}{T{HuB}ALL}
23 Film's starting in long-shot; truant oddly returning with food (8) HAZELNUT {HAZE}{Long}{TrUaNt<=} (See comments regarding the portion highlighted in yellow)
24 Old reminder found around school grounds (6) EXCUSE {EX}{CU{S}E}

1   A tender arm but not one to be within its grasp (8) TENTACLE [CD]
2   Change pro-democrat coverage (6) DEFORM {FOR} in {DEM}
3   Something to make music when love dwindles more than 50% (8) WOODWIND {WOO}{DWINDles}
4   When one's senile, it's difficult — go deal! (3,3) OLD AGE*
6   A CV must include one's ingenuity, essentially, with computers from the beginning (2,6) AB INITIO {A}{B{1}{i..eNu..y}{IT}IO}
7   Burn mark finally removed in front of church (6) SCORCH {SCORe}{CH}
8   Formal lunch... turned up carrying nothing! (4) NULL [T<=]
12 One causes a nervous response... (8) STIMULUS [CD]
14 Want to be happy ultimately by making money (8) YEARNING {h..pY}{EARNING}
16 Easy-dial? (4-4) LAID-BACK {DIAL<=}
17 Argue to include boy in place of man in conference (6) SUBMIT SU(-m+b)BMIT
18 Bondage model in carnival on top of ride (6) FETTER {FE{T}TE}{Ride}
19 One added to a number becomes number 1 or number 2? (6) EITHER {E{1}THER}
20 Region's soldiers controlled by NGO (4) AREA {RE} in {AA}

Reference List

Man = TIM, CV = BIO, Cocaine = C, Number = ETHER, Soldiers = RE(Royal Engineers), Conference = SUMMIT, NGO = AA(Alcoholics Anonymous)



  1. Good puzzle, food for brain. Thanks Bruno!

  2. Just lovely!
    Enjoyed 'laid back' & Either.

  3. A request to the Gopinath(s). Pl add a feature of rating of Hardness to the blog so that we rookies (not including Ms Srinidhi) can see if we are improving .

    1. We did have this feature earlier but it was discontinued because what is difficult for some may not be so for others. In any case how will such a feature help in identifying if you are improving. Your success has to be gauged by yourself.

  4. Hi Colonel, a typo seems to have crept into the final version. 23A should be "... long-shot..." not two words. Apologies for that.

  5. CV Sir's letter to The Editor The Hindu published.

  6. Nicely written.You can't dismiss it under "What's in a name"!
    There is much more, esp. in names of public places.

  7. It is still Madras and Mount Road for me

  8. We still call it chennapatnam.

  9. After completion(around noon), just wondered why I found it tough while solving. The Cryptic instructions are very clear, WP precise with some innovative touch.
    Thanks Bruno.
