Friday, 30 April 2021

No 13235, Friday 30 Apr 2021, Dr. X

Lockdown Day 3 of 14 Stay Safe


All those who are not regular commenters but who are rookie commenters or silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake in the annotation someone will correct it with the right annotation.


Each commenter is requested to post only 5 answers thereby giving others also a chance to participate. Please provide all your answers in one comment.

Regular solvers/Veterans can post 1 answer each, but after 11 AM only

The regular blog will replace the clues at 4 PM.

Thanks for the response, here's the regular blog.

1   Trying bit of weed, raver jumps into amorous activity (5-8) NERVE-WRACKING  {NE{Weed+Raver}*CKING} 
8   Throttled by lunatic in gruesome killing (5) ICING [T]
9   Old harbour in Indian city is suitable (9) OPPORTUNE {O}{P{PORT}UNE}
11 Drinking wine, very rebellious character gets a little noticeably loud (10) STENTORIAN {S{TENT}O}{AIR<=}{No...y}
12 Able to gather right materials used in making glass (4) FRIT {F{R}IT}
14 Hesitated after getting stumped out and declared (7) UTTERED stUTTERED
16 Jump to welcome the French actress who’s young and promising (7) STARLET {STAR{LE}T}
17 Bra is so tight, causing pressure lines (7) ISOBARS*
19 Disclosure of secret by rebellious girl about crown prince leaving England (7) LEAKAGE {L{pEAK}AG<=}{E}
21 Want ecstasy in retro joint (4) NEED {N{E}ED<=}
22 Force catches ex-convict by reviewing excellent counterfeit (10) PLAGIARISE {P{LAG}{A1<+]RISE}
25 Go over nude beach? Heartily excited (9) ENDEAVOUR {OVER+NUDE+beAch}*
26 Poisonous snake in back of trunk, one kept by scoundrel (5) KRAIT {t..nK}{RA{1}T}
27 What a sniffer dog might do to dominate? (4,2,3,4) LEAD BY THE NOSE [DD]

2   Clear-cut identification in case (7) EVIDENT {EV{ID}ENT}
3   Eater having nuts, avoiding flesh at last? (10) VEGETARIAN {EATER+hAVING}* &lit
4   Suitor runs after love in agony (5) WOOER {WO{O}E}{R}
5   Dismay about pay hike curtailed in review (9) APPRAISAL {APP{RAISe}AL} Semi&lit
6   Avoiding a hole around edge of pavement (4) KERB BREaK<=
7   Unprejudiced nature, remarkably liberal (7) NEUTRAL {NATURE*}{L}
8   Ease of distributing cocaine in U.S. (11) INSOUCIANCE*
10 Right tint applied in small amount (11) ENTITLEMENT {E{TINT*}LEMENT}
13 Crazy family’s action causing a slip-up (6,4) BANANA SKIN {BANANAS}{KIN}
15 Erratic journalist retracted report about university student (9) DESULTORY {ED<=}{S{U}{L}TORY}
18 Outstanding oeuvre with Dali’s earliest works (7) OVERDUE {OEUVRE+Dali}*
20 Brutes in America strike back in revolting crime (7) ANIMALS{A}{NI{MAL<=}S<=}
23 Band in grand merriment, going topless (5) GIRTH {G}{mIRTH}
24 Scoundrel abducting king and queen say (4) CARD {CA{R}D}

Reference List
Old = O,   Right = R,   Stumped = ST,   The in French = LE,  Prince = P,   England = E,   Ecstacy = E, Identification = ID,  Run = R,   Love = O,  Liberal = L,  Jornalist = ED,  University = U,  Student = L, America = A, Grand = G, King = R

Thursday, 29 April 2021

No 13234, Thursday 29 Apr 2021, Dr. X

Lockdown Day 2 of 14 Stay Safe

Solution to 25A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   Misgivings about mixing liquor and ecstasy — it’s a gamble (6,2,5) DOUBLE OR QUITS {DOUB{LIQUOR+E}*TS}
8   Spiteful person breaking heart (5) HATER*
9   Excellent marijuana on reflection, starting to feel cheerful (3,6) TOP FLIGHT {POT<=}{Feel}{LIGHT}
11 Unsettled by no self-confidence, one enters to propose (10) NEGOTIABLE {N}{EGO}{T{1}ABLE}
12 Brought back a garment worn by ancient Romans (4) TOGA [GOT back}{A}
14 Wrote on complicated series of musical notes (4,3) TONE ROW
16 Inspiration’s essentially difficult with deviated septum (7) IMPETUS {d..fIc..t}{SEPTUM*}
17 One roaming around, tense, wanting job essentially? (7) MIGRANT {RoAMING}*{T} &lit
19 Rumour about old man is disgusting (7) NOISOME {NOIS{O}{M}E}
21 University to reject computer operating system (4) UNIX {U}{NIX}
22 Innkeeper is throttled by guest on vacation — most creepy (10) GHOSTLIEST {Gues{HOST}{LIES}T} LIES from? See comments
25 Chance to come out drinking? Yeah! Extremely good time to get drunk (5,4) H?P?Y ?O?R (Addendum - {HAP}{P{YeaH}OUR} - See comments)
26 Shift closer to espy bird belonging to thrush family (5) VEERY {VEER}{espY}
27 Failed lads with ego shattered have an unhappy existence (4,1,4,4) LEAD A DOGS LIFE {FAILED+LADS+EGO}*

2   Start to observe criminal holding revolver over a figure (7) OCTAGON {Ob...e}{C{GAT<=}ON}
3   Heartless brat snatches container with best dessert (5,5) BURNT CREAM {Br{URN}aT}{CREAM}
4   Accessory involved in sex trafficking (5) EXTRA [T]
5   Disgust shown by Republican facing dismissal after losing vote (9) REPULSION {R}{ExPULSION}
6   Loathsome guy freely snorting line (4) UGLY {UG{L}Y*}
7   Eviscerate revolting snake at bottom of mast in towing vessel (7) TUGBOAT {GUT<=}{BOA}{masT}
8   Show of surprise that’s precarious (4-2-5) HAND-TO-MOUTH [DD]
10 Model performed twirl in style briefly (11) TRANSIENTLY {T}{RAN}{IN+STYLE}* 
13 Share flat having staggered rooms (5,5) SPLIT LEVEL {SPLIT}{LEVEL}
15 Take care of controversy over Democrat’s slogan (9) WATCHWORD {WATCH}{ROW<=}{D}
18 Sight of exotic legs enthrals rascal (7) GLIMPSE {GL{IMP}SE*}
20 Personal identity of felons roaming around England (7) ONESELF {FELONS}* over {E}
23 Child entertained by humorous programme (5) SPROG [T]
24 Watched a little yacht in river capsizing (4) EYED {DE{Ya..t}E}<=

Reference List
= E, No = N, Tense = T, Old = O, Man = M, University = U, Republican = R, Vote = X, Line = L, Model = T, Democrat = D, England = E 

Wednesday, 28 April 2021

No 13233, Wednesday 28 Apr 2021, KrisKross

Lockdown Day 1 of 14 Stay Safe

Solution to 30A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   Ancient Byzantine vampire near lake (8) PRIMEVAL {VAMPIRE*}{L}
5   Jack was sick in prison (6) JAILED {J}{AILED}
9   Clerk travelling on English ship gets rash (8) RECKLESS {CLERK*}{E}{SS}
10 Newsgroups suitable for all developing teens (6) USENET {U}{TEENS*}
12 Cook starts to read special designs for sauces (9) DRESSINGS {Read+S+DESIGNS}*
13 Old model, due for exhibit (5) EXUDE {EX}{DUE*}
14 Bit of quartz in coppery metal (4) ZINC [T]
16 A paper under discussion (2,5) AT ISSUE {A}{TISSUE}
19 English queen runs in to see most loyal servant (7) EQUERRY {E}{QU}{E{RR}Ye}
21 Auditor’s function is to make an endorsement (4) SIGN (~sine)
24 Looking at, say, adopting Chinese principle (5) EYING {E{YIN}G}
25 One could be putting them away after long drives (4,5) GOLF BALLS [CD]
27 Very independent lady dancing outside with enthusiasm (6) AVIDLY {A{V}{I}DLY*}
28 Camped in building for Covid, say (8) PANDEMIC*
29 European national flag is intact (6) ENTIRE {E}{N}{TIRE}
30 Agent in meeting to introduce short sad song (8) ?E?E?A?E (Addendum - DELEGATE {D{ELEGy}ATE})

1   Salary to retain staff is a joke (6) PARODY {PA{ROD}Y}
2   Moves slowly in never-ending game (6) INCHES {IN}{CHESs}
3   New York island is well isolated in part (5) ELLIS [T]
4   Reactions, perhaps, to a poisonous substance (7) ARSENIC {REACtIoNS}* [CA]
6   Responding to a phone call conveying bad news (9) ANSWERING {A}{NEWS*}{RING}
7   One many-tongued, fantastic unicorn’s skin is gilt (8) LINGUIST {Un...rN+IS+GILT}*
8   Top detective tried desperately to arrest that man, but wasn’t confident (8) DITHERED {De...e}{IT{HE}RED*}
11 Large landmass like India and America (4) ASIA {AS}{I}{A}
15 KrisKross, with a pistol, climbing into luxury car? Strange! (9) IRREGULAR {I}{R{A LUGER<=}R}
17 Stay normal — head off for a drink (8) BEVERAGE {BE}{aVERAGE}
18 Dog — one lean boxer (8) PUGILIST {PUG}{1}{LIST}
20 Pain standing upside-down? No, no, it is a spiritual practice (4) YOGA AGOnY<=
21 A girl wearing cream for repair (7) SALVAGE {SALV{A}{G}E}
22 Graduate from university in Manali, prepared to leave institute (6) ALUMNA {U} in {MANALi}* Semi&lit
23 Mind of foreign spy suffering after killing leader (6) PSYCHE {SPY*}{aCHE}
26 Ordered to carry grand insignia (5) BADGE {BAD{G}E}

Reference List
Lake = L, Jack = J, English = E, Ship = SS, Suitable for all = U, Special = S, Queen = QU, Run = R, Very = V, Independent = I, European = E, National = N, India = I, America = A, Luxury car = RR, No = N, Girl = G, University = U, Institute = I, Grand = G

Tuesday, 27 April 2021

No 13232, Tuesday 27 Apr 2021, Afterdark

Solution to 3D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

9   People quarantined, vaccine distributed outside after hospital basically urged camp (7) HUTMENT {T{MEN}T <=>{H}{Ur..d}
10 One new ball yields odd runs; hassled (7) ANNOYED {AN}{N}{O}{YiElDs}
11 A mathematical term, in a nutshell gets distorted after deleting Planck’s constant (7) NULLSET NUTShELL*
12 A music entertainment system in Korea to dance having a cocktail (7) KARAOKE {KOREA}* over {A} and {cocK}
13 Work’s super, fantastic after induction of new leader; competitors in second position (7-2) RUNNERS-UP {RUN}{SUPER*} over {New}
15 Fry lightly, remove bone, add cold dressing (5) SAUCE SAU(-t+c)CE
16 Chase channel idly to print perhaps (7) WOODCUT {WOO}{DUCT}* Indirect anagram? See comments
19 A new king is suppressed by others. most disgusting (7) RANKEST {R{A}{N}{K}EST}
20 A bath in USA unable to furnish (5) SAUNA [T]
21 Fifteen spread out to flank hundred and one? Well-organised (9) EFFICIENT {EFFI{C}{1}ENT*}
25 New space, it is sterile (7) ASEPTIC*
26 Openly ended final judgment disheartened Larry (7) OVERTLY {OVER}{j...nT}{LarrY}
28 Nurse is behind insurers these days to get authorisation (7) LICENCE {EN}<=>{LIC} and {CE}
29 Final cut, lady hugged by a lover in picture (7) TABLEAU {cuT}{A}{B{L}EAU}

1   Keep quiet in emergency room with a black eye perhaps (6) SHINER {SH}{IN}{ER}
2   Shrug’s new; robbed (6) STOLEN {STOLE}{N}
3   Intelligence on nonconformist leader fleeing taking some money to hideaways (4) ?E?S (Addendum - MEWS (-n+m)MEWS - See comments)
4   Data on America’s eminence (6) STATUS {STAT}{US}
5   Fooling with split eggplant (8) LARKSPUR {LARK}{SPUR}
6   Ironic, fans making inaudible sound (10) INFRASONIC*
7   Evacuated city on news, opposition leader certain to be the centre of attention (8) CYNOSURE {CitY}{N}{Op...n}{SURE}
8   Advocate in Teheran dances holding date (8) ADHERENT {A{D}HERENT*}
14 English number; singing is lovely (10) ENCHANTING {E}{N}{CHANTING}
16 Asha is in West Bengal, getting some linen sheet, essentially which can be cleaned (8) WASHABLE {W{ASHA}B}{Li..n}{shEet}
17 Work with uncle, struggling to gain energy to make wealth (8) OPULENCE {OP}{UNCLE*} over {E}
18 Cut some elephant foot yam and radish on the carving board (8) TRENCHER {TRENCH}{El...m}{Ra...h}
22 Fine story to be rewritten? Cool (6) FROSTY {F}{STORY*} 
23 Gist of thesis; hotels exempt judge (6) ESTEEM {thESis}{hoTEls}{esEMpt}
24 Right time to get you in, to follow team leader for test (6) TRYOUT {R{YOU}T}<=>{Team}
27 Rebel fights crossing river? Yes, river (4) ELBE rEBEL*

Reference List
Hospital = H, New = N, Plank's constant = h, Bone = T, Cold = C, King = K, Hundred = C, Nurse = EN, Lady = L, Quiet = SH, News = N, Date = D, English = E, Number = N, Energy = E, Fine = F, Right = R, Time = T, River = R

Monday, 26 April 2021

No 13231, Monday 27 Apr 2021, Afterdark

Solution to 3D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

8   So, in the absence of chief non-profit group gets a plant (6) ERYNGO {vERY}{NGO}
9   Roots of perhaps edible annual plant (3) PEA Acrostic
10 Swim with river fish (4) REEL {R}{EEL}
11 Great thought to change sides (10) CELEBRATED CE(-r+l)LEBRATED
12 Some drink alcohol from tap (4) DRUM {Drink}{RUM} Defintion not clear See comments
13 Pouring rain, getting cold halfway — much needed in summer (6) AIRCON {RAIN+COld}*
16 Evangelist had quiet call with engineer (8) PREACHER {P}{REACH}{ER}
17 See and tie hair perhaps (7) EYELASH {EYE}{LASH}
18 Cool engineer’s never ending force is the reason for titanic to crash? (7) ICEBERG {ICE}{BE}{n..eR}{G}
22 Chap removed from act by necessity (8) PERFORCE PERFORmanCE
25 Jacket for cigarette? (6) REEFER [DD]
26 Star caught in inferno, vaulting (4) NOVA [T]
27 Loathsome person almost at jail insisting primarily for pasta, perhaps (10) VERMICELLI {VERMIn}{CELL}{In...g}
30 One small lake primarily engulfing this land? (4) ISLE {1}{S}{L}{En...g} Semi&lit
31 Compete against one, lose at last (3) VIE {V}{1}{losE}
32 Out of the country, on plane republican moves two places ahead (6) ABROAD AB(+r)ROA(-r)D

1   Release when king takes charge (4) FREE {F{R}EE}
2   Bet animal is cut in half (4) ANTE ANTElope
3   A pole perhaps calls outside and cries (8) RO?R?N?S (Addendum - ROARINGS {R{OAR}INGS} - See comments)
4   Happiest reunion out of school ends in commemoration (7) EPITAPH HAPPIEsT*
5   Rock and roll, primarily dance, leap with energy (6) WADDLE {WAD}{Dance}{Leap}{E}
6   Electric current on wire carrying unit of energy is removable (10) ERADICABLE {E}{RAD}{I}{CABLE}
7   Relative to nine has support, reportedly you and me (6) LEGUME {LEG}{U}{ME}
14 Chilly but sticky, knight walks out (3) ICY stICkY How is S deleted?
15 Shelters for young plants are farce, molds forming (4,6) COLD FRAMES*
19 Jacket and cigar replaced (8) CARDIGAN*
20 Against leaving very rotten bread (3) RYE vERY*
21 Dog to retire — will take some rest (7) TERRIER {RETIRE}*{Rest}
23 Self-centred person, say, gets nothing first (6) EGOIST {EG}{0}{1ST}
24 To experience again, changing sides for comfort (6) REVIVE Anno pending
28 Priest in Zaire disheartened, sad (4) EZRA ZAiRE*
29 Rich soil in Sao Paulo? Amazing (4) LOAM [T]

Reference List
River = R, Quiet = P, Engineer = ER, BE, Force = G, Small = S, Lake = L, Against = V, Republican = R, King = R, School = S, Energy = E, Electric = E,  Knight = KT

Sunday, 25 April 2021

Special, Sunday 25 Apr 2021, K Koteswar Rao

Three answers per commenter till 6 PM (Annotations compulsory) 
Please submit all your answers in one comment.  



Squares filled: 0/142
Exolve Print Notes Jotter Ⓒ KKR & THCC

8Where will we see ships sailing? Confused? (3,2,3)
9Uncertain Ptolemy discounted initially telescope’s use (6)
10Gifted island of Napoleon’s exile in return (4)
11Distinct sutra in simple English structure (10)
12If it is left, he is the figurehead. If it is right, he is 26 (6)
14Exceptional children liked limits to be removed to improve (6)
15Look at small dog’s life ending in tether (6)
17The computer program that promotes air defence on close hostilities (6)
20This party probably limits crowd at academy (6)
21Catch some Z’s when it’s sea change (6)
23Handle the ground pilots taking a firm hold (6,4)
24Lump having malignancy originally may paralyse (4)
25Plants have lot of energy mobilized primarily from this tissue (6)
26Studied a letter scribbled about Indian origin (8)

1Fluency is a blessing in disguise (8)
2One in a million gets rebirth as rookies’ educator primarily (4)
3It’s not new to Sorbian to change line on the map (6)
4Ladies cracked up on grids essentially from the Hindu papers, perhaps (7)
5Careful setter acquires a certain standard at last (8)
6Treasure is sadly at peace, RIP! (10)
7Simpleton no good and shaky ultimately (5)
13Pay on credit without initial advance arranged for the act of unscrambling (10)
16It goes with the vehicle, surprisingly 2 comes before capless device on wheel (4.4)
18Judge’s extensive landed property attracts setter (8)
19Liquid for sale all over the place (7)
21Tropical fruit papaya, top as backup (6)
22His grid essentially is cracked by the Hindu wise person (5)
24Drug controller caught up Derrick almost (4)


The Sunday Crossword No 3147, Sunday 25 Apr 2021

1   Baked good might make you portly? As if! (4,6) FILO PASTRY*
6   '70s sitcom, fluffy fare? (4) MASH [DD]
9   'Republican monarchy': hard to penetrate crazy vestiges of Empire (5,5) ROMAN BATHS {R}{OMAN} {BAT{H}S}
10 Withdrawing exasperated utterance, seeing celeb (4) STAR<=
12 Place for experiments; artist with sketch being cross (11) LABRADOODLE {LAB}{RA}{DOODLE}
15 Musician, chaste? Around about 50/50 (7) PURCELL {PUR{C}E}{LL}
16 Piece of work announced: instructions for gardener, seamstress? (2-3-2) SO-AND-SO (~sow and sow)
17 Slice of apricot tart and cheese (7) RICOTTA [T[
19 Vegetate on vacation touring Chile resort in caravan, perhaps (7) VEHICLE {Ve...tE}{CHILE*}
20 Waving hello, maniac creates despair (11) MELANCHOLIA*
23 Number of regressive Leninists (4) NINE [T<=]
24 Playing in flames is penultimate set of games (4-6) SEMI-FINALS*
25 A canal God recalled (4) SUEZ<=
26 Notes describing sheep liver, perhaps, somewhere in US (3,7) NEW ENGLAND {N{EWE}N}{GLAND}

1   Some of Armenia is agricultural land (4) FARM [T]
2   Shiny fabric? Implausible (4) LAME [DD]
3   Biplane agent repaired (mechanical reparation) (5,7) PANEL BEATING*
4   Dish, German, in Baden-Baden ... maybe throw up (4,3) SPAG BOL {SPA}{G}{LOB<=}
5   Tries once more removing Bottom from what actors do with play (7) REHEARS REHEARSe
7   After seeing, perhaps Golf: Introduction to Driving Everyman would play (... he's never had a lesson) (10) AUTODIDACT {AUTO}{Dr...g}{I'D}{ACT} 
8   In training, rower hopes to achieve measure of potency (10) HORSEPOWER*
11 'La ti re so'? Hang about: this gives me energy! (5,7) SOLAR HEATING*
13 A standard time before workers finally built employers' homes (10) APARTMENTS {A}{PAR}{T}{MEN}{b..lT}{e...rS}
14 Aggression displayed by curt, uppity, oddly ugly eunuch with energy (10) TRUCULENCE {CURT*}{UgLy}{EuNuCh}{E}
18 Let hate wildly make you a competitor (7) ATHLETE*
19 Cunning and very posh, the French will conceal banking info (7) VULPINE {V}{U}{L{PIN}E}
21 Duchamp's art, denying aesthetics primarily? (4) DADA Acrostic &lit
22 American edition (second-hand) (4) USED {US}{ED}

Reference List
Republican = R, Hard = H, Artist = RA, About = C, 50 = L, Note = N, German = G, Standard = PAR, Time = T, Energy = E, Very = V, Posh = U, The in French = LE, Edition = ED

The Hindu Cryptic on Sunday #34, Sunday 25 Apr 21, Anon

The Hindu Cryptic on Sunday can be accessed at the link given below. The interactive version at the link is free, you just need to sign in using an email ID and password, no subscription is required.

The crossword is not being blogged as the annotations are provided in the interactive version itself which can be seen if you click on 'Show a hint' under the 'reveal' tab on the top.

The same will be posted on every Sunday at 6 AM.


Saturday, 24 April 2021

No 13230, Saturday 24 Apr 2021, Lightning



1 Mr. Newton and I interrupting clergyman (8) MINISTER {MI{N}{I}STER}
5 A fellow joining sizeable event (6) AFFAIR {A}{F}{FAIR}
9 Let siren damage ear, perhaps (8) LISTENER {LET+SIREN*}
10 Enduring heartless command (6) BIDING {BIDdING}
12 It can lift // a bird (5) CRANE(DD)
13 Unidentified at first, thief leaving opposite house without borders (9) ANONYMOUS {ANtONYM}{hOUSe}
14 Appalled that contents of bag has tobacco (6) AGHAST (T)
16 Visualise picture frames at home (7) IMAGINE {IMAG{IN}E}
19 A group of people working without restraint (7) ABANDON {A}{BAND}{ON}
21 Like power to rent (6) PLEASE {P}{LEASE}
23 Perhaps use cautiondeparting unionist is stubborn (9) TENACIOUS {uSE+CAUTION*}
25 About to replace one salmon that is not salty (5) FRESH {F(-i+RE)SH}
26 Continue to stay with mother during lull (6) REMAIN {RE{MA}IN}
27 Container where nectar is processed (8) CANISTER {NECTAR+IS*}
28 Enthusiastic ward entrusted in part (6) ARDENT (T)
29 Stable one that takes to water? (8) SEAHORSE (CD)


1 Evil intent at shopping centre knocking off fifty diamonds (6) MALICE {MALl}{ICE}
2 Broadcast a sloganit resulted in yearning for the past (9) NOSTALGIA {A+SLOGAN+IT*}
3 Small amount of money cut short by European it’s part of an act (5) SCENE {S}{CENt}{E}
4 Fine English cricket side gets hard worker (7) ELEGANT {E}{LEG}{ANT}
6 Fear Italy may be torn by a lie (9) FAIRYTALE {FEAR+ITALY*}
7 I try to follow a male friend (5) AMIGO {A}{M}{I}{GO}
8 Express ones regret at fault (8) REGISTER {I+S+REGRET*}
11 Mythical one restrained in speech (4) LOKI {~LOWKEY}

15 Caught amidst increase in craving (9) ADDICTION {ADDI{CT}ION}  {ADDI{C}TION} See comments
17 Police officer at home with eyewitness checking out a Tesla (9) INSPECTOR {IN}{SPECTatOR}
18 Well cooked crab I ateit could make one sick (8) BACTERIA {CRAB+I+ATE*}
20 Leaders of nation obtain overwhelming news at midday (4) NOON (Acrostic)
21 Fee provided by petty officer at part of journey (7) POSTAGE {PO}{STAGE}
22 Essential part of electricity // bill (6) CHARGE (DD)
24 Hollywood actor turns wanderer (5) NOMAD {DAMON<=}
25 Oddly flat appeal with high confidence (5) FAITH {FlAt}{IT}{H}


Reference List

Mr=Mister, Newton=N, Fellow=F, At home=In, Working=On, Power=P, Unionist=U, About=Re, Mother=Ma
Fifty=L, Diamonds=Ice, Small=S, European=E, English=E, Cricket side=Leg, Hard worker=Ant, Male=M, One=I, Caught=C, At home=In, Tesla=T, Petty officer=PO, Appeal=It, High=H

Colour/Font Scheme

DefinitionSolutionComponent lettersEmbedded linksTheme word Reference list wordAnagram IndicatorC/C indicatorReversal IndicatorHidden word IndicatorLetter Pick indicatorDeletion IndicatorHomophone IndicatorMovement IndicatorPositional IndicatorSubstitution, IndicatorOpposite indicatorLink/Connector, Extraneous


Friday, 23 April 2021

No 13229, Friday 23 Apr 2021, Incognito


All those who are not regular commenters but who are rookie commenters or silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake in the annotation someone will correct it with the right annotation.


Each commenter is requested to post only 5 answers thereby giving others also a chance to participate. Please provide all your answers in one comment.

Regular solvers/Veterans can post 1 answer each, but after 11 AM only

The regular blog will replace the clues at 4 PM.

Thanks for the response, here's the regular blog.

8   Top primate gets kiss (4) APEX {APE}{X}
9   Doctor gets blankets and medicines (5) DRUGS {D}{RUGS}
10 In betweenmaid breaks down (4) AMID*
11 This clue and one more to get a dozen (6) TWELVE {11+1 = 12}
12 Dahl hid a wrongly written pretentious speech (3-2-3) LAH-DI-DAH*
13 Shopkeepers dealing with Lily, Rose, Iris, Jasmine and the like (8) FLORISTS [CD]
15 Radiology technician did this... read wrongly about Yankee after ten (1-5) X-RAYED {RA{Y}ED*}<=>{X}
17 Catches parents entangled (7) ENTRAPS*
19 For starters, carrying oinnumerable treasures during day results in armed robbery (7) DACOITY {DA{Ca...g+Of+In...e+Tr...s}Y}
22 Male goose’s look (6) GANDER [DD]
24 Leaves a musical group on stage in the beginning (8) ABANDONS {A}{BAND}{ON}{St..e}
26 Round POW’s dancing in heavy rain (8) DOWNPOUR*
28 Putting answer in crossword, after using pen in the beginning, results in difficulty (6) PLIGHT {LIGHT}<=>{Pen}
30 Eye problem noticed in the middle of last year (4) STYE {laST+YEar}
31 End of cigar snipped off... Then turned around... Stuck tip of matchstick in front of it... Wonderful! (5) MAGIC {CIGAr}<= after {Ma...k}
32 Jug used in brewery (4) EWER [T]

1   Throw out bad nephews after loss of hen (4) SPEW nePhEWS*
2   Once, Pole travelled around river with king and Columbus, for example (8) EXPLORER {EX}{PLO{R}E*}{R}
3   Dreads coiled snakes (6) ADDERS*
4   Sailor’s weapon injured girl (7) CUTLASS {CUT}{LASS}
5   Result of drowning, perhapsa damaged ship carrying couple of axes before commencement of accident (8) ASPHYXIA {A}{SPH{YX}I*}{Ac...t}
6   Damage in American harbour (6) MARINA {MAR}{IN}{A}
7   Passport endorsement exists in Virginia (4) VISA {V{IS}A}
14 Deviously Aladdin releases ad to get heroine of The Exorcist (5) LINDA {ALadDIN}*
16 Continue devouring some algebra in famous English college (3,2) EAT ON {E{Al...a}TON}
18 Does in accordance with documents to be filled up (8) PERFORMS {PER}{FORMS}
20 “Wrongly spell Dorian,” editor ordered (8) ORDAINED {DORIAN}*{ED}
21 Anger after tavern shelling (7) BARRAGE {RAGE}<=>{BAR}
23 Can Red pirouette for ballerina, for example? (6) DANCER*
25 Pacanimal, not mink, injured camelid (6) ALPACA {PACk+AnimAL}*
27 Swear, “Grain gets hot” (4) OATH {OAT}{H}
29 Note: That man is with journalist (4) HEED {HE}{ED}

Reference List
Kiss = X, Doctor = D, River = R, King = R, Axes = X,Y, American = A, Hot = H, Journalist = ED

Thursday, 22 April 2021

No 13228, Thursday 22 Apr 2021, Incognito

Solution to 25D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

8   After morning, doctor makes cartridges, perhaps (4) AMMO {AM}{MO}
9   Place for a ring in Superman’s change room (5,5)  PHONE BOOTH [DD]
10 Releases mysterious logs about extra-terrestrial (4,2) LETS GO {L{ET}SGO*}
11 Right from the beginning, put that thing in a container before 10 (2,6) AB INITIO {A}{BIN}{IT}{10}
12 Officer commanding police department with ward in the West (8) OCCIDENT {OC}{CID}{ENT}
14 Push belief about heaven at first (6) THRUST {T{He...n}RUST}
16 Competent student’s hugged by Abraham (4) ABLE {AB{L}E}
17 Saw baked dish in the outskirts of Secunderabad (5) SPIED {Se..n{PIE}r..aD}
18 Damage China’s internal peace at first (4) CHIP {CH}{In...l}{Pe..e}
19 Wrongly praise ancient empire (6) PERSIA*
21 Exchanges damaged red tins around mid-May (6,2) TRADES IN {RED+TINS}* over {mAy}
23 Engineers in US time revolutions (8) MUTINIES*
26 In the end, Los Angeles street starts to look yellow (6) LASTLY {LA}{ST}{Look}{Ye...w]
27 Colourful fish that may lead one on a wild goose chase (3,7) RED HERRING {RED}{HERRING}
28 Trees in Wilhelmshaven (4) ELMS [T]

1   Clip became coiled? That’s perfect! (10) IMPECCABLE*
2   Church includes demolished prison plot (8) CONSPIRE {C{PRISON*}E}
3   After small operation, sit for painter and counter (6) OPPOSE {OP}{POSE}
4   Little part of chariot axle (4) IOTA [T]
5   Indeed, half of picture’s shown (8) DEPICTED {DE{PICTures}ED}
6   More inquisitive senior is confused (6) NOSIER*
7   Little case enclosing the unique implement, for starters (4) ETUI Acrostic
13 Wring and crumple useless wet suits (5) TWIST {WeT+suITS}*
15 Ghostly light device in the lab? (6,4) SPIRIT LAMP {SPIRIT}{LAMP}
17 Confuse Parsi and European (8) SPANIARD*
18 Bishops and Knights, perhaps, formulate schemes before noon (8) CHESSMEN {SCHEMES}*{N}
20 Small insult (6) SLIGHT [DD]
22 Claim limb is dipped in beer (6) ALLEGE {AL{LEG}E}
24 Takes advantage of United States and Spain (4) USES {US}{ES}
25 Send soprano in (4) S?I? (Addendum - SHIP {S}{HIP} - See comments)

Reference List
Student = L, Church = CE, Noon = N, Spain = ES, Soprano = S

Wednesday, 21 April 2021

No 13227, Wednesday 21 Apr 2021, Incognito

Solution to 2D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

8   Egyptian “King” has uniform dress for ballet dancers (4) TUTU {TUT}{U}
9   Decipher: Loves getting confused (5) SOLVE*
10 Locate rotating toys (4) SPOT<=
11 Put a bit of lard in ground wheat to get richness (6) WEALTH {WEA{Lard}TH*}
12 For starters, extraordinarily daring displays included in badges worn by pilots in marriage ceremonies (8) WEDDINGS {W{Ex...y}{Du...g}{In..d}INGS}
13 Mince mice with fish to create trouble (8) MISCHIEF*
15 Large snake’s means of climbing (6) LADDER {L}{ADDER}
17 Empty headed alien’s means of keeping warm (7) BLANKET {BLANK}{ET}
19 Influential person’s large ball (3,4) BIG SHOT {BIG}{SHOT}
22 Sweet female, in crazy sitcom, losing son (6) COMFIT {F} in {sITCOM}*
24 Nothing left, okay? (3,5) ALL RIGHT [DD]
26 Remaining laundries processed without using Nitrogen (8) RESIDUAL LAUnDRIES*
28 Note: Pointer’s thin (6) NARROW {N}{ARROW}
30 Father receives directions to make chess piece (4) PAWN {PA}{W}{N}
31 Steep dune built behind end of lane (5) ENDUE {lanE}{DUNE*}
32 American versifier gets money for his output (4) POEM {POE}{M} &lit

1   Rule out enticement (4) LURE*
2   He employs 4, for example (8) ?U?L?C?N (Addendum - PUBLICAN Definition by example - See cmments) 
3   After commencement of inflammation, Smith is worried about constrictions (6) ISTHMI {In...n}{SMITH*}
4   Beer-toting spouse gets fish (7) ALEWIFE {ALE}{WIFE}
 I held capital (3,5) NEW DELHI {I+HELD}* [RA]
6   Saw baked dish in European shop display in the beginning (6) ESPIED {PIE} in {Eu...n}{Shop}{Di...y}
7   Smell Ping’s partner? (4) PONG [DD]
14 Inspector General John’s ice-house? (5) IGLOO {IG}{LOO}
16 Time English dog gives up egg (5) EPOCH {E}{POoCH}
18 Pushes out old duster violently (8) EXTRUDES {EX}{DUSTER*}
20 Move spur backward to get to rider’s footrests (8) STIRRUPS {STIR}{SPUR<=}
21 Dances include promotional material for songs (7) BALLADS {BALL{AD}S}
23 Demon gets right mate (6) FRIEND {F{R}IEND}
25 Leapt at endless lungi held over journalist (6) LUNGED {LUNGi}{ED}
27 Periods forming part of other assignments (4) ERAS [T]
29 Egg cage is not shut (4) OPEN {O}{PEN}

Reference List
Uniform = U, Large = L, Female = F, Son = S, Note = N, Money = M, John = LOO, English = E, Right = R