Satyen Nabar's Sun Spl analysed
Friday, 30 April 2021
No 13235, Friday 30 Apr 2021, Dr. X
Thursday, 29 April 2021
No 13234, Thursday 29 Apr 2021, Dr. X
Wednesday, 28 April 2021
No 13233, Wednesday 28 Apr 2021, KrisKross
Tuesday, 27 April 2021
No 13232, Tuesday 27 Apr 2021, Afterdark
Monday, 26 April 2021
No 13231, Monday 27 Apr 2021, Afterdark
Sunday, 25 April 2021
Special, Sunday 25 Apr 2021, K Koteswar Rao
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Title | Setter | Preamble |
Explanations | Copyright | Questions |
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8 | Where will we see ships sailing? Confused? (3,2,3) |
9 | Uncertain Ptolemy discounted initially telescope’s use (6) |
10 | Gifted island of Napoleon’s exile in return (4) |
11 | Distinct sutra in simple English structure (10) |
12 | If it is left, he is the figurehead. If it is right, he is 26 (6) |
14 | Exceptional children liked limits to be removed to improve (6) |
15 | Look at small dog’s life ending in tether (6) |
17 | The computer program that promotes air defence on close hostilities (6) |
20 | This party probably limits crowd at academy (6) |
21 | Catch some Z’s when it’s sea change (6) |
23 | Handle the ground pilots taking a firm hold (6,4) |
24 | Lump having malignancy originally may paralyse (4) |
25 | Plants have lot of energy mobilized primarily from this tissue (6) |
26 | Studied a letter scribbled about Indian origin (8) |
1 | Fluency is a blessing in disguise (8) |
2 | One in a million gets rebirth as rookies’ educator primarily (4) |
3 | It’s not new to Sorbian to change line on the map (6) |
4 | Ladies cracked up on grids essentially from the Hindu papers, perhaps (7) |
5 | Careful setter acquires a certain standard at last (8) |
6 | Treasure is sadly at peace, RIP! (10) |
7 | Simpleton no good and shaky ultimately (5) |
13 | Pay on credit without initial advance arranged for the act of unscrambling (10) |
16 | It goes with the vehicle, surprisingly 2 comes before capless device on wheel (4.4) |
18 | Judge’s extensive landed property attracts setter (8) |
19 | Liquid for sale all over the place (7) |
21 | Tropical fruit papaya, top as backup (6) |
22 | His grid essentially is cracked by the Hindu wise person (5) |
24 | Drug controller caught up Derrick almost (4) |
The Sunday Crossword No 3147, Sunday 25 Apr 2021
The Hindu Cryptic on Sunday #34, Sunday 25 Apr 21, Anon
Saturday, 24 April 2021
No 13230, Saturday 24 Apr 2021, Lightning
1 Mr. Newton and I interrupting clergyman (8) MINISTER {MI{N}{I}STER}5 A fellow joining sizeable event (6) AFFAIR {A}{F}{FAIR}
9 Let siren damage ear, perhaps (8) LISTENER {LET+SIREN*}
10 Enduring heartless command (6) BIDING {BID
12 It can lift // a bird (5) CRANE(DD)
13 Unidentified at first, thief leaving opposite house without borders (9) ANONYMOUS {AN
14 Appalled that contents of bag has tobacco (6) AGHAST (T)
16 Visualise picture frames at home (7) IMAGINE {IMAG{IN}E}
19 A group of people working without restraint (7) ABANDON {A}{BAND}{ON}
21 Like power to rent (6) PLEASE {P}{LEASE}
23 Perhaps use caution — departing unionist is stubborn (9) TENACIOUS {
25 About to replace one salmon that is not salty (5) FRESH {F(-i+RE)SH}
26 Continue to stay with mother during lull (6) REMAIN {RE{MA}IN}
27 Container where nectar is processed (8) CANISTER {NECTAR+IS*}
28 Enthusiastic ward entrusted in part (6) ARDENT (T)
29 Stable one that takes to water? (8) SEAHORSE (CD)
1 Evil intent at shopping centre knocking off fifty diamonds (6) MALICE {MAL2 Broadcast a slogan — it resulted in yearning for the past (9) NOSTALGIA {A+SLOGAN+IT*}
3 Small amount of money cut short by European — it’s part of an act (5) SCENE {S}{CEN
4 Fine English cricket side gets hard worker (7) ELEGANT {E}{LEG}{ANT}
6 Fear Italy may be torn by a lie (9) FAIRYTALE {FEAR+ITALY*}
7 I try to follow a male friend (5) AMIGO {A}{M}{I}{GO}
8 Express one’s regret at fault (8) REGISTER {I+S+REGRET*}
11 Mythical one restrained in speech (4) LOKI {~LOWKEY}
15 Caught amidst increase in craving (9) ADDICTION
17 Police officer at home with eyewitness checking out a Tesla (9) INSPECTOR {IN}{SPECT
18 Well cooked crab I ate — it could make one sick (8) BACTERIA {CRAB+I+ATE*}
20 Leaders of nation obtain overwhelming news at midday (4) NOON (Acrostic)
21 Fee provided by petty officer at part of journey (7) POSTAGE {PO}{STAGE}
22 Essential part of electricity // bill (6) CHARGE (DD)
24 Hollywood actor turns wanderer (5) NOMAD {DAMON<=}
25 Oddly flat appeal with high confidence (5) FAITH {F
Reference List
Fifty=L, Diamonds=Ice, Small=S, European=E, English=E, Cricket side=Leg, Hard worker=Ant, Male=M, One=I, Caught=C, At home=In, Tesla=T, Petty officer=PO, Appeal=It, High=H