Thursday, 15 April 2021

No 13222, Thursday 15 Apr 2021, Karaoke

Solution to 13A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Not in the mood today. The news of CV's demise has shocked me.

6   Soldiers overpower informer on the house (6) GRATIS {G{RAT}IS}
7   Speak softly, literally. Calm down! (4,2) COOL IT {COO}{LIT}
10 What a card player expects? An equitable treatment? (1,4,4) A FAIR DEAL [DD]
11 Donor arranged for the musical composition (5) RONDO*
12 Smooth tuneful composition ignores drums essentially (6) FLUENT TUNEFuL*
13 Spooner’s watch showed up five hundred, maybe (4,4) ?A?D ?A?E ()
15 Tent’s top chopped off with sword (4) EPEE tEPEE
16 Veil stripped in high way robbery (5) HEIST {H}{vEIl}{ST}
17 Mess like in High Banks! (4) HASH {Hi{AS}gH}
21 Carry money during journey by air (8) TRANSMIT {TRANS{M}IT}
23 Military force advanced in long suit (6) LAMENT ? (Correction - TALENT {TA}{LENT} - See comments}
25 Cycling monkey species (5) RANGE (+r)RANGE(-r)
26 Angel Falls in continent for relief from pain (9) ANALGESIA {A{ANGEL*}SIA}
27 Radical baseball pitcher (6) LEFTIE [DD]
28 Organised amount reportedly for Shanghai? (6) RANSOM (~ ran sum) Semi&lit

1   Time to get comfort missing second prize (8) TREASURE {T}{REASsURE}
2   Repeating appeal to buy historic period’s books (7) ITERANT {IT}{ERA}{NT}
3   Hounds laid bare for strength (5) ASSET bASSETs
4   Ethics broken by arm-twisting companion (7) COMRADE {CO{ARM*}DE}
 Old maid in Nazi administration (6) ZINNIA*
7   Liberals associate in the growth of Bush or downfall? (8) COLLAPSE {CO{LL}{A}PSE} 
8   Cocktail after lunch with whiskey in the end at 50! (4-7) HALF-CENTURY {AFTER+LUNCH}*{w...eY}
9   Somehow, growing wheat besieged by butterfly family finally (4,4,3) COME WHAT MAY {COM{WHEAT*}MA}{f...lY}
14 Wipe out revolutionary rodents occupying court (8) DECIMATE {D{MICE<=}ATE}
18 French lawyer, senior becomes object of dislike (8) AVERSION {AV}{SENIOR*}
19 Green lights enable upward movements, I hear (7) ASSENTS (~ascents)
20 Sentence becoming different without comma initially (7) HANGING cHANGING 
22 Chimpanzee gets no first aid during breathing difficulty (6) APNOEA {AP{NO}E}{Aid}
24 Group of activists died in custody (5) CADRE {CA{D}RE}

Reference List
High = H, Money = M, Military Force = TA, Time = T, Second = S, Appeal = IT, Books = NT, Liberal = L, Associate = A, French lawyer = AV, Died = D


  1. 13A CARD GAME (Spoonerism of Guard Came)

    1. When did you become a non-regular/ novice Suresh?

    2. Ha ha, he fulfilled the first part of the conditionality!

  2. 23 is TALENT (Territorial Army - TA before Advanced - Lent)
    One of the definition for Long suit is Talent

  3. long suit
    1. Games The suit in which a player holds the most cards in a given hand.
    2. The personal quality or talent that is one's strongest asset.

  4. 25A I didn't understand the annotation. Could someone please help?

    1. Monkey=anger; cycling indicates changing order of letters in a circular fashion So, anger becomes range
