Sunday 24 July 2022

The Sunday Crossword No 3212, Sunday 24 Jul 2022

1   Nutritious and well done (4,3,3) GOOD FOR YOU [DD]
6   Idolised bird in Sinai, primarily? (4) IBIS Acrostic 
9   Acquire habit of roly-poly pudding containing date, say (3,7) GET DRESSED {DESSER{D}T}{EG}<=
10 A drink then, Father (4) SODA {SO}{DA}
12 Fifty soldiers involved in transport ordinance (11) LEGISLATION {L}{E{GI'S}LATION}
15 Runs at what may be run up? (7) CHARGES [DD]
16 Ultimate challenge: getting First Lady to have a siesta? (7) EVEREST {EVE}{REST}
17 Went round half of Oxford eating snack (7) ORBITED {oxfOR{BITE}D}
19 Artist's image with donkey and duck (7) PICASSO {PIC}{ASS}{0}
20 Urged fiscal reforms: awful (11) DISGRACEFUL*
23 Removing head from French sculptor's Supreme God (4) ODIN rODIN
24 Playing viol in tunic, not keeping time, in arrangement for two (5,5) CIVIL UNION {VIOL+IN+tUNIC}*
25 Write your name on board outside pub (4) SIGN [DD]
26 Some champers is (tentatively) endless (10) PERSISTENT [T]

1   Coaches and horses: Everyman's aboard! (4) GIGS {G{I}GS}
2   German lad in bellbottoms (4) OTTO [T]
3   They're incendiary crusaders for truth, says Spooner (12) FIRELIGHTERS (~liar fighters to firelighters)
4   Ingress winding with steps down (7) RESIGNS*
5   Run obtained by England's opener twice after at least 12 balls (7) OVERSEE {E}{E}<=>{OVERS}
7   'Like the rainforest?' 'Baking: I've disrobed abruptly' (10) BIODIVERSE {IVE+DISROBEd}*
8   Male people in unwholesome condition (10) STAGNATION {STAG}{NATION}
11 Lower Court as represented in paintings (12) WATERCOLOURS*
13 Agree what must be positive or negative is folk instrumentation (10)  ACCORDIONS {ACCORD}{IONS}
14 Strongly criticising meat with a pungent taste (10) LAMBASTING {LAMB}{A}{STING}
18 Degenerate duke to lie back, topless (7) DECLINE {D}{rECLINE}
19 Mostly wheezy Southern seabirds (7) PUFFINS {PUFFINg}{S}
21 Conceal monstrous alter ego on the radio (4) HIDE (~hyde)
22 Insect with acerbic taste brought up (4) GNAT<=

Reference List
Date = D, Fifty = L, Soldier = GI, Time = T, Horse = GG, Southern = S