Thursday 25 August 2022

No 13644, Thursday 25 Aug 2022, Hypatia

Solution to 4A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   Recruit scoundrel with stranger (5) CADET {CAD}{ET}
4   Old-timer's party at Japanese capital? (5) ?O?E? (Addendum - DOYEN {DO}{YEN} - See comments)
11 Country assembling nuke outside borders of Russia and central China (7) UKRAINE {UK{Ru..iA}{chIna}NE*}
12 A bit of spite essentially, in slander (7) ASPERSE {A}{Sp..e}{PER SE}
13 Hint of trait in genes (5) TINGE [T]
14 Scientist in confusion about object with velocity (9) MENDELEEV {M{END}ELEE}{V}
15 Ordinary man, made blunders saving home address on the net (6,4) DOMAIN NAME {O+MAN+MADE}* over {IN}
17 Rubbing Sita's palms (4) ITAS*
19 Attire basically stylish and rather intricate (4) SARI Acrostic
21 Gangster and criminal gladly drink, working 24 hours (3,3,4) ALL DAY LONG {AL}{LDAYL{ON}G*}
25 "Bug journalists", said Spooner dear (9) PRICELESS (~ lice press to priceless)
27 Cleric in Britain plugging American machine (5) ABBOT {A}{B{B}OT}
28 A thespian's debut is in that place! (7) THEATRE {THE{A}{Th...n}RE} &lit
29 Bird flu shot makes boy right (7) ROOSTER (-b+r)ROOSTER
30 Starts to adjust seat and nicely adopts yoga pose (5) ASANA Acrostic
31 English poet covers facial hair (5) BEARD {B{E}ARD}

2   Perhaps SMS friend in the morning (7) ACRONYM {A{CRONY}M}
3   Electronic sink repels mice producing plague, say (8) EPIDEMIC {E}{DIP<=}{MICE*}
5   Broadcast request to follow Big bird (6) OSPREY  {(~pray}PREY}<=>{OS}
6   Sincere listener at shelter (7) EARNEST {EAR}{NEST}
7   Fitted diamonds below luxurious hotel room (6) SUITED {D}<=>{SUITE}
8   Last minaret to be built near lake (8) TERMINAL {MINARET*}{L}
9   Oddly play and succeed without independent stake (4) PAWN {PlAy}{WiN}
10 Incomplete joke about the first lady's perfect butler (6) JEEVES {JE{EVE}St}
16 Ascertained mudras echo dancing with ecstasy (4,4) MADE SURE {MUDRAS+E}*{E}
18 Home Secretary transplants this tree there (8) SYCAMORE {hOMe+SECretARY}* [CA]
19 Fruit picked up from above, for instance (6) SAPOTA {ATOP}{AS}<=
20 Travellers intercepted by active thieves (7) RAIDERS {R{A}IDERS}
22 Spacecraft runs with piece checked by men (7) ORBITER {O{R}{BITE}R}
23 Crocs from mountain swamped by methane, for one (6) GATORS {GA{TOR}S}
24 Not an old scientist (6) NEWTON {TON}* [RA]
26 Remove lid from drainage vessel (4) EWER sEWER

Reference List
Stranger = ET, Party = DO, Velocity = V, Ordinary = O, Home = IN, Gangster = AL, Britain = B, American = A, Machine = BOT, Boy = B, Right = R, English = E, Electronic = E, Big = OS, Diamonds = D, Lake = L, Independent = I, Echo = E, Ecstasy = E, Active = A, Runs = R, Men = OR


  1. 4A DOYEN
    Definition: Old timer
    Party: Do
    Japanese capital: Yen (capital referring to money)

  2. 4A. Party = Do, Japanese capital = yen. So old timer = Doyen

  3. Relatively easy one. Got the spooner as well. Couldn't get the anno for few. Overall very nice grid and enjoyed solving it. Liked 4a.

  4. 10A. I thought = incomplete joke to be j(ok)e. First lady's= eves.

    1. Incomplete will not lead to removal of ends, also 'about' will have no role

  5. Japanese capital was clever.
    gator is an accepted abbreviation of alligator?

    1. Yes.

    2. Does anyone remember defense vs defence clue by xChequer!
      Those were the golden days.

  6. Nice to meet the perfect "Gentleman's gentleman"!

  7. Liked acronym too- took a long time.

  8. Today Hypatia is rather benign. 😁

  9. Listener= ear? .i couldn't comprehend. Ear= listen.. listener is more a noun..what says the Pundits here?

    1. Where is the doubt? Listener and ear are both nouns. Ear IS the listener.

  10. at is just a connector. Listener/shelter=Ear/Nest
