Tuesday 18 June 2024

No 14204, Tuesday 18 Jan 2024, Afterdark

Solution to 13A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Parts of flower and others kept in empty pouches (6) PETALS {Pou{ET AL}cheS}
4   Judge having tea reportedly with visitors (6) GUESTS {GUES{(~tea)T}S}
9   Spot an agent (4) MOLE [DD]
10 Shiny horse pregnant with offspring at home (10) GLITTERING {GG} over {LITTER}{IN}
11 Knew estimate gathered was the most recent (6) NEWEST [T]
12 After removing the cap, catheters are used here (8) THEATRES cATHETERS* Semi&lit
13 Take the lead of professor retiring earlier (9) ?R?C?D?N? (Addendum - PRECEDING {Pr...g}{RECEDING} - See comments)
15 Elected leaders of Chennai hosting one show exclusively... (5) CHOSE Acrostic
16 ...to wiretap with the French instrument (5) BUGLE {BUG}{LE}
18 About to manage chain of schools, say (9) NURSERIES {RUN<=}{SERIES}
22 Selfless surgeon running to cover emergency at first (8) GENEROUS {SURGEON}* over {Em,,,y}
23 Attacked by Russia, Ukraine finally defended hospital with daring leader (6) RUSHED {RUS}{H}{u...nE}{Da...g}
25 Arrangement with colony... (10) SETTLEMENT [DD]
26 ...like supporting an advanced landmass (4) ASIA {AS}{1}{A}
27 Pressure disperses as South replaces West (6) STRESS STRE(-w+s)SS
28 Heads of church provided some support to cover expenses initially (6) CHIEFS {CH}{I{Ex...s}F}{Su...t}

1   One occupying post is an innovator (7) PIONEER {PI{ONE}ER}
2   Article on that place... (5) THERE {THE}{RE}
3   ...set on fire, line seen without heading (7) LIGHTED {L}{sIGHTED}
5   Auntie decided to hold characters set free (6) UNTIED [T]
6   Device used to transport ill Esther to get CRT treatment (9) STRETCHER {ESTHER+CRT}*
7   Say, sopranos from India visiting Singapore and Spain to earn money (7) SINGERS {S{IN}G}{E}{RS}
8   Studies hiding corrupt and famous (13) DISTINGUISHED*
14 Official to pass bill finally at executive committee to run (9) COLLECTOR {COL}{bilL}{EC}{TO}{R}
17 Warehouse lessor stays idle (7) USELESS [T]
19 Impromptu score (7) SCRATCH [DD]
20 Opponents from many directions surpass Mumbai Indians (7) ENEMIES {E}{N}{E}{MI}{E}{S}
21 Can incomplete hostels be boarding-houses? (6) HOTELS HOSTELs*
24 Order beer after small sip of cognac (5) SCALE {ALE}<=>{S}over {Co...c}

Reference List
Horse = GG, at home = IN, The in French = LE, Advanced = A, South = S, West = W, Church = CH, On = RE, Line = L, India = IN, Singapore = SG, Spain = E, Money = RS, Pass = COL, Executive committee = EC, Run = R, Directions = E,N,S, Small = S


  1. Lead of professor (P) retiring (RECEDING)=(PRECEDING) earlier

    1. You answered yesterday.
      Please read the posting rules at the top of blog.
      Once per week.

    2. Since hardly any response on Tuesdays - is it OK for a person to try a 2nd time in the week, rather than no attempts?

  2. Sarhia, noted your comment yesterday about my participation. Thank you and nicebif you to have remembered me. I miss the blog too though ai log in and look up the CW and read all the comments. Travellingvwithin U.S. with limited net access - wherever wifi use available.

    1. Nice to c u Paddy!
      Hope u r enjoying ur visit!

  3. Tuesday syndrome - only 4?
    Nice cw!
    Thanx Afterdark!

