Thursday 6 June 2024

No 14194, Thursday 06 Jun 2024, Arden

Solution to 9D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Doctor already out, so do follow orders (2,2,3,3,4) DO AS YOU ARE TOLD
10 Plan urban renewal, doesn't wannabe the one to draw a line (5) RULER {URban+REnewaL}*
11 In place of US president, Democrats go in - that's not allowed (9) FORBIDDEN {FOR}{BI{D}DEN}
12 The Spanish wine before first course - you're stretching it (7) ELASTIC {EL}{ASTI}{Co...e}
13 Part other than inner radius (7) EXCERPT {EXCE{R}EPT}
14 New unit, Congress leader gets a kurta (5) TUNIC {UNIT}*{Co...s}
16 I hope Leon perhaps likes wine (9) OENOPHILE*
19 Strange story, really shattered (9) DESTROYED {STORY}* inDEED 
20 Is in front of terminals (5) LEADS [DD}
22 Agree, the aim is on goal mouth (2,5) GO ALONG {GOAL}{ON}{Goal}
25 The French possess right to enter port (2,5) LE HAVRE {LE}{HAV{R}E}
27 After a drink, go steady - a scene of battle in France (9) AGINCOURT {A}{GIN}{COURT}
28 Meals essentially are inside (5) INNER dINNERs
29 Madhouse, is keen to deal with a daily complaint (10,4) HOUSEMAIDS KNEE*

2   Such works of art - all spoilt and in a mess (3,6) OIL PAINTS* (Correction - {SPOILT+IN+A}* - See comments)
3   Fish caught by pulling plastic sheets from below (5) SPRAT<=
4   Sense of smell works when cold, naked on top (9) OLFACTORY {FACTORY}<=>{cOLd}
5   Yes, in beer gas rises from the bottom (5) AGREE [T<=]
6   Ground spice on stone - shows divine authority (9) EPISCOPAL {SPICE}*{OPAL}
7   Alternative to the German command (5) ORDER {OR}{DER}
8   Place to eat food around mid morning, there on both sides (7) DINETTE {DI{morNing}ET}{TherE}
9   Faithful when It is broken, in short (6) ?R?E?T (Addendum - ARDENT - (ARDEN}{T} - See comments)
15 Intend to lay a hand on a decorative frame (9) CARTOUCHE {CAR{TOUCH}E} 
17 Having lumps, so unloaded at random, takes time (9) NODULATED {NODULA{T}ED*}
18 Criminal can invade beforehand (2,7) IN ADVANCE*
19 Two characters in say, small church making one sound (7) DIGRAPH  (CH = SH) &lit  [Definition by example]
21 Drink withdrawn as she enters (6) SHERRY Error in the clue, as per clue it will be {SH{HER}Y}
23 Cast in gold for so long (5) ADIEU {A{DIE}U}
24 According to you, biased media ultimately gets the cheese (5) GOUDA Tail acrostic
26 Yank, he is from the countryside with nothing to eat (5) HOICK {H{O}ICK}

Reference List
Democrat = D, The in Spanish = EL, Radius = R, The in French = LE, Right = R, The in German = DER, Time = T 


  1. Unardenistic today.
    2d whats "all" doing in the clue!
    17d ditto "so"
    21d error as pointed out.
    10a while not indicates does doesnt indicate the same!. And missing a beautiful RA without it.
    22a "is" Spoiling the cryptic.
    Aim's on goal mouth works with "has" in cryptic but "is"!

    1. 10a pls read
      Whe not indicates deletion...

    2. 5d doesnt "rises" include from bottom to top!

    3. 3d doesnt NAM informal require a hint.

    4. 29a madhouse to house mad, not much of an anagram (though technically correct!).

    5. 2D- 'all' part of anagram fodder

    6. 4d olfaction or olfactory!

    7. In 2d - what's and doing also
      Spoilt in a mess is enough no?
      10a - what is the issue - doesn't wannabe - indicates removal, I thought.
      22ac Aim is on goal mouth is fine. Becos Aim - Goal + on + g. Why fo u need has - a containment indicator here?

      Kindly clarify.

  2. 19d typo in anno!
    S CH sounding SH as in schedule.

  3. 9A ARDENT - faithful; it broken - I{ARDEN} T

  4. 2DN OIL PAINTS from "SPOILT+IN A" mess being anagrind

  5. 9 D. faithful TRUEST
    TRUST is broken by E

    1. Answer is incorrect. Where did you get the E from?

  6. Replies
    1. That's a typo. It is DIET and not DIE. I have corrected it now

  7. 8D, Then, definition marked in bold needs to change?

  8. 8d. The definition should be just 'Place to eat'. The wp is diet (food) around (mor)n(ing) + t(her)e

  9. I thought it was typical Arden. Though DIGRAPH was new to me.

  10. Hi. Has anyone realised this is the exact same crossword that appeared in IXL by Arden Sir?

    1. With the same erroneous clue for SHERRY.

    2. Well spotted Doctor.
      I too had the same feeling that the same error was in another crossword. Also, housemaid's knee.
      Thanks for pointing out.
