Saturday 15 June 2024

No 14202, Saturday 15 Jun 2024, Crescent

8   Section of vessel in front of her is buckling with pressure (8) FORESHIP {OF+HER+IS}*{P}
9   Mock Congress about summits (6) APEXES {APE}{SEX<=}
10 Ancient Egyptian rattles pole as it runs around (6) SISTRA {S}{AS+IT+R}*
11 After-dinner drink like Benedictine ultimately leaving fellow very high (8) DIGESTIF {DIG}{b...nE{STIFf}
12 Peaking, scoring century of the season (8) CLIMATIC CLIMAcTIC
14 Country without a law lacking opening to charge with crime (6) INDICT {INDIa}{aCT}
15 Big bribe left, bit dispelling gossip (15) FLIBBERTIGIBBET*
18 Awful crash crushing some props (6) FULCRA [T]
20 Certain parts withdrawn are primarily such? (8) ERASURES {SURE}in {ARE<=}{Such} &lit
22 Fawned after son doodled (8) SCRAWLED {CRAWLED}<=>{S}
24 King and Queen duo consuming only Danish bread (6) KRONER {K}{RN}{ER} over {O} RN = Queen? (Correction - {K}{R}{ONE}{R} - See comments)
25 Hoopla on base has married women crowding field (6) MEADOW {ADO}<=>{E} in {M}{W}
26 Popular soprano following overture to Swan Lake, perhaps sequentially linked (2,6) IN SERIES {IN} with {S} after {Swan}{ERIE}

1   Jolly duck accompanying Jack through lake (6) JOVIAL {J}{O}{VIA}{L}
2   Split second in lab saving lecturer and paid demonstrators (4-1-3) RENT-A-MOB {RENT}{lA{MO}B}
3   Legal watch, those activated to elude capital punishment? (5,3,7) CHEAT THE GALLOWS*
4   Article on vinyl counter daughter took off (4) APED {A}{EP<=}{D}
5   High jinks, such a grand gala, serving Kingfisher in Australia? (8,7) LAUGHING JACKASS {JINKS+SUCH+A+G+GALA}*
6   Let rest breaks start from Labour Day (6) LEASED {La...r}{EASE}{D}
7   Just about ordinary, the same reflected in this? (8) MEDIOCRE {ME{ID<=}{O}{C}RE} (Correction - {MERE} over {C}{O}{ID}<=  Semi&lit - See comments)
13 Prompt curbs placed over sex doll (5) CUTIE {CU{IT<=}E}
16 Institutes are stopping meals (8) LAUNCHES {L{A}UNCHES}
17 Trace of balmy odour is relaxing in ladies' parlours (8) BOUDOIRS {Ba..y}{ODOUR+IS}**
19 King and Queen possibly eating hot vegetables (6) CHARDS {C{H}ARDS}
21 Uniform worn by the French team (6) ELEVEN {E{LE}VEN}
23 Duck crossing river will be wet (4) DRIP {D{R}IP}

Reference List
Pressure = P, Congress = SEX, Pole = S, Like = DIG, Fellow = F, Century = C, Son = S, King = K, Queen = R, Only = O, Base = E, Married = M, Women = W, Soprano = S, Jack = J, Lake = L, Lecturer = L, Vinyl = EP(Extended Play record), Daughter = D, Grand = G, Day = D, Sex = IT, Are = A, Hot = H, The in French = LE, River = R


  1. 13d whats the role of placed!
    With curb meaning hold back even over is not necessary.

  2. 15a dispel is a deletion indicator. (Scatter in synonym comes from its meaning of seperate in various directions.). No randomness!

  3. One of the toughest CW from Crescent. Left feeling how 7D is my solving ability!

  4. 2d i am not able to figure out the Anno?

  5. Replies
    1. Ita not fair. Moment has not time unit. Transfering of colloq noun abbreviation to generic time unit!!!!.
      Second to moment, might have OED but abbreviation of a synonym!!!

  6. Tough nut to crack from Crescent. Could get all. Still not sure of 7d though.
