Sunday 23 June 2024

The Sunday Crossword No 3312, Sunday 23 Jun 2024

1   Some artists use these small boat homes (6,4) SKETCH PADS {S}{KETCH}{PADS}
6   Somewhat eastwards, on and off (1,3) A TAD {eAsTwArDs}
9   Far-off beasts found in a Paris slum, upsetting (10) MARSUPIALS*
10 Flower from flipping digital assistant (4) IRIS<=
11 Force entertaining government to become re-elected (7,5) STAYING POWER {G} in {STAY IN POWER}
15 Spotted something that includes good tenor performer (7) DOMINGO {DOMIN{G}O}
16 Flimsy song, a metaphor for nothing (4,3) THIN AIR {THIN}{AIR}
17 One’s starting out as initially low wage recipient (7) LEARNER {Low}{EARNER}
18 Endlessly marketed daft insurance mascot? (7) MEERKAT MARKETEd*
19 Oh, even Luther converted in final moments (8,4) ELEVENTH HOUR*
23 Ill-natured help catching cold (4) ACID {A{C}ID}
24 Fail to prepare to fire cartridge with no bullet (4,1,5) DRAW A BLANK [DD]
25 Not quietly, removes skin from fish (4) EELS pEELS
26 Wildly eviscerate group holding gunpowder? (3,7) TEA SERVICE*

1   Home match (4) SAME [DD] (Correction - SEMI [DD] - See comments)
2   Nobleman seen in rear light (4) EARL [T]
3   Brook’s features (11) COUNTENANCE [DD]
4   Informed of second loo, did you say? (5,2) PRIVY TO {~privy two}
5   Initially didactic young lyricist (aged, now)? (5) DYLAN Acrostic &lit
7   Those two torture devices – for Spooner – they belong to bygone times (10) THROWBACKS (~ both racks)
8   Soldiers run away: traitors! (6,4) DESERT RATS {DESERT}{RATS}
12 20 isn’t one – but here it is! (5,6) PRIME NUMBER (20D  is one) 
13 After period of maturity, fruit and cheese finally rot (10) ADULTERATE {ADULT ERA}{f..iT}{c...sE}
14 Everyman’s jokes? Of no significance (10) IMMATERIAL {I'M}{MATERIAL}
18 Second aggressive fellow’s punky hairdos (7) MOHAWKS {MO}{HAWKS}
20 Ether, quaint number (5) THREE*
21 Globalism overwhelming island (4) BALI [T]
22 Island where you once sat next to small king (4) SKYE {YE}<=>{S}{K}

Reference List
Small = S, Government = G, Good = G, Cold = C, Second = MO, You once = YE, King = K


  1. 1D. Is it not SEMI ?
    Semi= semi- home
    Semi= semi- final ( match)

  2. 26A. Tea= Gunpowder.service??
    I know it is an anagram
    Gyan required please

    1. Gunpowder is TEA [green China tea]; Service=Armed force-group
      This is my understanding.

    2. Tea service aka tea set. (Cups holding tea).
