Thursday 20 June 2024

No 14206, Thursday 20 Jun 2024, Afterdark

Solution to 3D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

7   Say, figures that can be seen in eyes (5) CONES [DD]
8   Stoking rural ire about government is unconventional (9) IRREGULAR {RURAL+IRE}* over {G}
10 To beat is funny, so to say! (6) PUNISH [DD]
11 Stokes has tea and fresh idly regularly (8) STEADILY{S}{TEA}{IDLY*}
12 Composure seen in a card game (8) PATIENCE [DD]
13 Thin lad fed some nutrient (4) BONY {BO{Nu...t}Y}
15 Withdraw with honour to save name (7) REVERSE{REVER{S}E} 
17 13 without supervision can act funny, also not (7) NEITHER tHIRTEEN*
20 Travel-bag for event (4) CASE [DD]
22 Sat with drink as reported (8) SUPPOSED {POSED}<=>{SUP}
25 Is holding orange juice at start (8) ORGANISE {ORANG{IS}E*}
26 Could be age, longing to leave society (6) THIRTY THIRsTY
27 Advantages in setters being cryptic (9) INTERESTS*
28 People get beer in Marks & Spencer? (5) MALES {M{ALE}S}

1   Settled laptop due somehow (9) POPULATED*
2   Drug within iodine stops spread of endemic (8) MEDICINE {I} in {ENDEMIC}* Semi&lit
3   Assumed Edward will stem the rot (7) ?R?S?E? (Addendum - TRUSTED {T{RUST}ED} - See comments)
4   Mysore's emblem maintained in duplicate (8) RESEMBLE [T]
5   Charge included designated driver's negligence primarily is unexpected (6) SUDDEN {SU{DD}E}{Ne...e}
6   Female faces troubles and collapses (5) FAILS {F}{AILS}
9   Avoid socializing primarily with crude person (4) SHUN {So...g}{HUN}
14 One less than majority? (9) SEVENTEEN [CD]
16 Epics rewritten with people's illustration (8) SPECIMEN {EPICS}*{MEN}
18 Hot and relevant reading covered (8) TROPICAL {T{R}OPICAL}
19 Basically tourists visit spaces built for viewpoints (7) ASPECTS {To...s} in {SPACES}*
21 Shocked that a network's down (6) AMAZED {A}{MAZE}{D}
23 Ready husband for a walk (4) PATH {PAT}{H}
24 Medico's liquid could be tea perhaps (5) DRINK {DR}{INK}

Reference List
Government = G, Stokes = S, Society = S, Designated driver = DD, Female = F, Reading = R, Down D, Husband = H


  1. 15 A how is save name S? Is it not N?

    1. +2 I thought save is the containment indicator. In which case the wordplay gives REVERNE

  2. 11a. Stokes has tea and idly regularly. Where is tea and idly letters taken regularly.

  3. S for Stokes which should also find a place in the reference list

  4. 3d TRUSTED = Assumed
    TED = Edward
    RUST = The rot
    Stem = Contain. Ind.

  5. But for the REVERSE confusion, a nice grid.
    Thank u AD!
    @Prasad - is the grid ok?
