Thursday 27 June 2024

No 14212, Thursday 27 Jun 2024, Hypatia

Solution to 13A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Fitful pet's cold near empty hallway (6) CATCHY {CAT}{C}{Ha...aY}
4   Flower vase uncovered in Jack's store (7) JASMINE {J}{vASe}{MINE}
9   Fresh green fluid essentially separating Iron and Potassium in plant! (9) FENUGREEK {FE}{GREEN+flUid}*{K}
10 Sea creature stealing power from wizard (5) OTTER pOTTER
11 Cold potato in chaat's fine (5) ALOOF {ALOO}{F}
12 Expects main part of fruit diets from Spooner (9) FORECASTS (~ core fasts to forecasts)
13 Rise in revolt arresting ex-military man! (7) S?L?I?R (Addendum - SOLDIER {S{OLD}IER*} - See comments)
15 Expert in a party's extremely indignant about Republican (6) ADROIT {A}{D{R}O}{In...nT}
17 Bollywood songstress entertains right at the start of musical retreat (6) ASHRAM {ASH{R}A}{Mu...l}
19 Nightmare from insect on shoulder (7) BUGBEAR {BUG}{BEAR}
22 Disturbed student, possibly bored by exhausting lecture (9) UNSETTLED {UNSETT{Le...rE}D*}
24 Very secure, not tense in couches (5) SOFAS {SO}{FASt}
26 Dropping head in fright’s a mistake (5) ERROR tERROR
27 Hypatia had books arranged in there to be passed on (9) INHERITED {I'D} over {IN+THERE}*
28 Old women wearing jewels and spinning (7) BOWLING {B{O}{W}LING}
29 Newly wed student taken to master (6) BRIDLE {BRID{L}E}

1   Garments basically free to all in prisons (7) CAFTANS {CA{Free}{To}{All}NS}
2   First of two joining a private charity dance (5) TANGO {Two}{A}{NGO}
3   Top Gun's rifle (4-5) HIGH-FLIER {RIFLE}* [RA]
4   Capital of Japan also known as Roppongi to all, originally (7) JAKARTA Acrostic
5   Serenely tranquil or innately calm, basically (5) STOIC Acrostic &lit
6   Part of main test in engineering (9) INTESTINE [T]
7   Outlet in Zen gardens is regularly ignored (6) EGRESS {zEn+GaRdEnS+iS}
8   One who succeeds holding extremely fine young female (6) HEIFER {HEI{FinE}R}
14 Breaking point for the ultimate sucker (4,5) LAST STRAW {LAST}{STRAW}
16 Engineer and soldier run into celebrity - a record holder (9) REGISTRAR {RE}{GI}{ST{R}AR}
18 Taking advantage of class conducted in China (7) MILKING {M{ILK}ING}
19 Friend had reformed for religious leader (6) BUDDHA {BUD}{HAD*}
20 Author in demand, mostly hides abroad (7) RUSHDIE {RUn}{HIDES*}
21 Fine sections of fibre pushed from below (6) SUPERB [T<=]
23 Tips of these are rather small inter-connected bones (5) TARSI Acrostic
25 Certain to be honoured, say (5) FATED (~feted)

Reference List
Cold = C, Jack = J, Power = P, Potato = ALOO, Fine = F, Party = DO, Republican = R, Right = R, Old = O, Women = W, Student = L, Engineer = RE, Soldier = GI, Run = R


  1. 13A SOILDER - military man; {RISE}*, ex {OLD}

    1. Good solve. Also, OLD is inserted into the anagram of RISE - You can indicate this as {S{OLD}IER*}

  2. Good clues. Enjoyed solving. Thanks Hypatia.

  3. Belated birthday wishes @Arden sir .

  4. Many more happy returns of the Day to Arden

  5. Enjoyable solve and did it fast also.
    A couple of points-
    11A- 'In' is irksome since aloo (Hindi indication?) and F stand alone.
    28A- Would have preferred 'perhaps spinning'.

    1. Potato in chaat gives ALOO.

    2. Good justification. Just did not think of it.

  6. Nice grid.
    Thanx Sowmya!
