Sunday 9 June 2024

The Sunday Crossword No 3310, Sunday 09 Jun 2024

1   LA Times first with leader on silly municipal regulations (6) BYLAWS {LA}<=>{BY} and {W}{Si..y}
4   Father Ted’s Jewish counterpart went on? (8) RABBITED {RABBI TED}
9   This restaurant’ll advertise tasty tapenades, olives, ricotta – Italian antipasti – you’ll want the starters! (9) TRATTORIA Acrostic Semi&lit
11 Plain and somewhat porcellanous (5) LLANO [T]
12 One rambling, greeting king and queen once (5) HIKER {HI}{K}{ER}
14 Powerful scent: a billionaire’s characteristic? (9) MUSKINESS [C&DD]
15 Small Houyhnhnm, one hiding actual intentions? (8-5) STALKING HORSE {S}{TALKING HORSE}
18 An entrée with cured cod announced where soldiers get fit? (7,6) ASSAULT COURSE (~ a salt course)
20 Many like a society without aristocrats (9) COUNTLESS [DD]
22 Replace a partner’s copper vessel (3,2) CUT IN {CU}{TIN}
23 Outcast’s check rejected (5) LEPER<=
24 Exotic tanginess getting act of approval (9) ASSENTING*
26 Procure leverage (8) PURCHASE [DD]
27 Nearer the end (6) CLOSER [DD]

1   Most of rear end and pecs area is maximally macho (8) BUTCHEST {BUTt}{CHEST}
2   We’re told of shelter in a field (3) LEA (~lee)
3   Kit swears wildly, has fun on a lake? (5-4) WATER-SKIS*
5   Irrational, as the nastiest numbers? (13) ANAESTHETISTS*
6   Modern experimental facility sent back curry (5) BALTI {IT}{LAB}<=
7   Swap short amount of time – about time! – for confidential info (5,6) TRADE SECRET {TRADE}{SEC}{RE}{T}
8   Most of words rejected; Everyman’s beginning to get tired (6) DROWSE {WORDs<=}<={Ev...nS}
10 In sum, I might be one of these? (5,8) ROMAN NUMERALS Definition by example
13 City playing United, twice – plural a matey kickaround, at first (5,6) KUALA LUMPUR  {U+U+PLURAL+ A+Ma..y+Ki...d}*
16 No coal tar involved in type of surgery (4,5) ROOT CANAL*
17 Green tea brewed for youngster (8) TEENAGER*
19 Carry, with difficulty, a little kitsch leprechaun (6) SCHLEP [T]
21 Kind of song that brings illumination (5) TORCH [DD]
25 Sit fast, regularly dismissing uncertainties (3) IFS {sIt+FaSt}

Reference List
With = W, King = K, Queen = ER, Small = S, Modern = IT, About = RE, Time = T, United = U