Sunday 2 June 2024

The Sunday Crossword No 3309, Sunday 02 Jun 2024

1   Invent a herb (4) MINT [DD]
3   What may be seen in Manhattan is a film about greed (4,6) WALL STREET [DD]
9   We’re told of SE Asians’ connections (4) TIES (~thais)
10 Goth prayed desperately for source of support (7,3) THERAPY DOG*
12 Greens’ constituent circulated cute leaflet (7,4) LETTUCE LEAF*
15 Murder a pizza? (7) TAKEOUT [DD]
16 Very hot Norwegians, A-ha: randy (to some extent) (7) SAHARAN [T]
17 List includes duck – but you want another bird … (7) ROOSTER {RO{O}STER}
19 … a small company, and you want credit note up-front? Sauce! (7) TABASCO {A}{S}{CO}<=>{TAB}
20 Cockney retained her provision for baking – and something for liqueurs? (11) ELDERFLOWER (~ 'eld 'er flour)
23 Thomas perhaps embracing trendy field of research (10) DISCIPLINE {DISCIPL{IN}E}
24 ‘A bore’? Tolkien creature? That’s not on (4) DRAG DRAGon
25 Daffy old boaters one swinging more than one way (6,4) STABLE DOOR*
26 Judas Iscariot, within: unaltered (2,2) AS IS [T]

1   Dodgy stimulator for agents of unwelcome change (10) MUTILATORS*
2   Tangled knotweed? No, only if necessary (4-2-4) NEED-TO-KNOW*
4   After injection of iodine, a thorax is most sore (7) ACHIEST {A}{CH{I}EST}
5   Large prison officers failing to open smallish rooms (7) LARDERS {L}{wARDERS}
6   Leading lady to see where appetisers appear (3,2,3,4) TOP OF THE BILL [DD]
7   Disasters Leonidas dodged regularly (4) ENDS lEoNiDaS
8   Country 15? (4) TOGO [DD]
11 Funny, mirthful Noel, OK? (3-2-3-4) RUN-OF-THE-MILL*
13 Everyman regularly gets into these arguments (10) CROSSWORDS {CROSS WORDS}
14 Incites, in middle of open court, displays of fury (10) ENCOURAGES {opEN+COUrt}{RAGES}
18 Cooked but not good: dotted with holes (7) RIDDLED gRIDDLED
19 Lad caught by Dorothy’s dog somewhere in N America (7) TORONTO {TO{RON}TO}
21 Tosses in a turgid offhand prècis … finally (4) ADDS {A}{t...iD}{o...nD}{p...iS}
22 America is a revolutionary, enormous mass of land (4) ASIA [T<=]

Reference List
Small = S, Company = CO, Credit note = TAB, Trendy = IN, Large = L, Good = G

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