Saturday 22 June 2024

No 14208, Saturday 22 Jun 2024, Dr. X

1   Divine food with beer at sea (8) FOREBODE*
5   Bell-shaped hat of lady in company, revolutionary (6) CLOCHE {C{L}O}{CHE}
10 Stupor following damage - no cure primarily for malignant tumour (7) SARCOMA {COMA}<=>{ScAR}
11 Train ride on vacation enthrals retired couple (7) RETINUE {Ri{UNITE<=}dE}
12 Decayed mainly, wants money for dental filling (5) INLAY mAINLY*
13 Playing with money, group wins thousand by end of game (9) TINKERING {TIN}{RING} over {K}{gamE}
14 What one maintaining a campfire might do to worsen a tense situation (3,3,6) FAN THE FLAMES [DD]
18 Desire to save sick woman with case of exceptional weakness (8,4) ACHILLES HEEL {ACH{ILL}E}{SHE}{Ex...aL}
21 Reveller in wild orgy, consuming ecstasy after knocking back gin (9) PARTYGOER {YGO{E}R*}<=>{TRAP<=}
23 Detach firewall at first in computer operating system (5) UNFIX {UN{Fi...l)IX}
24 Character's new concoction of rum and ale (7) NUMERAL {N}{RUM+ALE}*
25 That is containing very superior form of chemical element (7) ISOTOPE {I{SO}{TOP}E}
26 Language of harridan is horrible (6) DANISH [T]
27 Dug a hole finally, turned to keep small plant (8) AGUEWEED {DUG+A+holE}* over {WEE}

1   Remains extremely sanctimonious in defeat (6) FOSSIL {FO{Sa...uS}IL}
2   Occasionally start to rise early, for a change (6) RARELY {Rise}{EARLY*}
3   Sexual invitation in Indian hill station by head of company during party (5,4) BOOTY CALL {B{OOTY}{Co...y}ALL}
4   Where old dad, smashed after drinking shot is sleeping very soundly (4,2,3,5) DEAD TO THE WORLD {WHERE+OLD+DAD}* over {TOT}
6   Fresh after drinking bit of tea or coffee (5) LATTE {LA{Tea}TE}
7   Proves criminals control corporation (8) CONFIRMS {CON{FIRM}S}
English singer popped ecstasy to perk up (8) ENERGISE {E}{SINGER*}{E}
9   Perfect beau in pic - romancing her, freely expressing love (6,8) PRINCE CHARMING {PIC+RoMANCING+HER}*
15 Questionable value, cease to have sugar (9) LAEVULOSE {VALUE}*{LOSE} Had to cheat on this one
16 Disheartened author cuddled by lady on date (8) DAMPENED {DAM{PEN}E}{D}
17 Simple switches in fine electronic musical instrument (8) THEREMIN {TH{MERE<=}IN}
19 Distinguished head of orthopaedics, often busy (2,4) OF NOTE {Or...s}{OFTEN*}
20 Reach out, start to eagerly kiss nurse (6) EXTEND {Ea...y}{X}{TEND}
22 Dilapidated, rusty nomadic dwellings (5) YURTS*

Reference List
Lady = L, Revolutionary = CHE, Money = M, Money = TIN, Thousand = K, Ecstasy = E, New = N, Very = SO, Shot = TOT, English = E, Date = D, Kiss = X


  1. 6a - very hard to find the meaning of this word 'after driniking'...- LATE. Nice Grid Dr.X. couldn't find husband & wife today's grid.

    1. Fresh - LATE as in not early.
      After drinking(cont ind)
      bit of (T)ea - T

    2. They have gone on vacation!!

    3. Fresh is of late - latest like that

    4. Like Rajni kanth! Admin, please pardon me.

  2. Only 3 comments?
    At least, let us give Doc. a nice clap for an extremely nice CW.
    Loved the Prince Charming!!

  3. Paddy! Without u - all wickets down. Nobody's entering the pitch.

  4. Another lovely grid
    My fav
    Thank u Doc for such smooth aha clues!
