Wednesday 7 August 2024

No 14247, Wednesday 07 Aug 2024, Incognito

Solution to 6D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

8   Alien captures team? Way to go! (4) EXIT {E{XI}T}
9   Bigger embrace by queen (5) HUGER {HUG}{ER}
10 Breaking law with small tools (4) AWLS {LAW*}{S}
11 Stellar part of last rally (6) ASTRAL [T]
12 Covers changing uncle's id (8) INCLUDES*
13 I.e., with addition of sulphur, fossil crumbles without luminance and turns into bony material (8) OSSIFIES {IE+S+FOSSIl}*
15 Zip around French friend and relatives (6) FAMILY {F{AMI}LY}
17 American president takes wedding oath in Samurai code (7) BUSHIDO {BUSH}{I DO}
19 Clergymen going around circles (7) CLERICS*
22 Turn, say, hen into animals (6) HYENAS*
24 Experts hold sand awkwardly (3,5) OLD HANDS*
26 Virginia and Georgia have affinity for tramp (8) VAGABOND {VA}{GA}{BOND}
28 Catch parent going astray (6) ENTRAP*
30 Fuel company gets aluminium (4) COAL {CO}{AL}
31 Clear 6 after 6 before five hundred (5) VIVID {VI}{VI}{D}
32 Tidy animal (4) NEAT [DD]

1   Line for folding A6 backwards? (4) AXIS {A}{SIX<=}
2   Stellar denizen of the sea (8) STARFISH [{CD]
3   Kind of pepper from mount in outskirts of Chennai (6) CHILLI {Che{HILL}nnaI}
4   Once more, saint is not favourable (7) AGAINST {AGAIN}{ST}
5   Greek champ starts to feel uniquely lithe and elegant (8) GRACEFUL {GR}{ACE}Feel}{Un...y}{Li..e}
6   Cleaner? It's nothing, really! (6) ?A?U?M (Addendum - VACUUM [DD] - See comments )
7   Hear insect and run away (4) FLEE (~flea)
14 Possibly dusty den (5) STUDY*
16 Very clear! I hear "Lucy... with diamonds" (5) LUCID {(~lucy)LUCI}{D}
18 Daughter is beginning to sense love going wrong... Terminate... (8) DISSOLVE {D}{IS}{Se..e}{LOVE*}
20 Giving a response on thespian's performance (8) REACTING {RE}{ACTING}
21 After 2/5th of month, wrinkled old valet not permitted in European country (7) MOLDOVA {MOnth}{OLD*}{VAlet}
23 New year arrangement covers a bit of liquor... almost... (6) NEARLY {N}{EAR{Li...r}Y*}
25 Fears doctor with extraordinarily acute diagnostic skills, for starters (6) DREADS {DR}{Ex...y}{Ac..e}{Di....c}{Sk...s}
27 Small part of tomato masala (4) ATOM [T]
29 Leaving saloon, Barbara dances for Middle Easterner (4) ARAB barBARA*

Reference List
Alien = ET, Team = XI, Queen = ER, Small = S, Luminance = L, French friend = AMI, Five hundred = D, Saint = ST, Diamonds = D, Daughter = D, On = RE, New = N


  1. 6DN : vacuum (as in cleaner and nothing). All done today. Fastest in recent times.

  2. 1d def typo. "Line for folding"

  3. Thank you Kishore. Many interesting clues as usual. Loved A6 back!

  4. Nice, breezy & fast.
    Thx Kishore!
