Monday 26 August 2024

No 14263, Monday 26 Aug 2024, Gussalufz


Artwork by Prasanna


Rangoli by Gowri

Solution to 30A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

Kya? Phir Vahi?

1   Setter's scheme of notes duplicated around (4-4) AGAR-AGAR {RAGA<=}{RAGA<=}
5   Party beat (6) THRASH [DD]
9   Unbending at the core during cycling cuts control (7) HARNESS Anno pending (Addendum - {(-s)HARES(+s)S} over {u..eNd..g} - See comments)
10 Skip toilet comprising a pit in disrepair (7) CAPTAIN {CA{A+PIT}*N}
11 A leafy vegetable, fish, and a bit of daru (5) CHARD {CHAR}{Daru}
12 Q's successor, MI6 field agent, and M, in the middle of reviewing secure artillery stores (8) GUNROOMS {qR}{00}{M} in {SNUG<=}
13 Substitute gatekeeper sat zealously guarding (6) ERSATZ [T]
14 Getting agitated, as centre brings back old laws (2-6) RE-ENACTS*
18 Gather together in pure lust, horsing around (6,2) RUSTLE UP*
20 Am attached to a kind of sex that is sinful (6) AMORAL {AM}{ORAL}
23 Today is Monday, day to go back to pleasing your boss? (8) TOADYISM {TO(-d)A(+d)DY}{IS}{M}
25 Stop, that hurts! Leave! (5) ENDOW {END}{OW}
27 Press out of control—essentially impudent, chasing old lover (7) EXTRUDE {conTrol}{RUDE}<=>{EX}
28 Request a slice of toast after short meal course (7) ENTREAT {A}{To..t}<=>ENTREe}
29 What a search engine did with the web, blowing a kiss, undoubtedly (6) INDEED INDExED
30 Regressively old-fashioned, according to correspondent (8) ?E?O?T?R (Addendum - REPORTER {RETRO}{PER) <= - See comments)

1   Consequence of cruel punishment at cage-free chicken farm (1,5,3) A THICK EAR {AT}{cHICKEn}{fARm}
2   Doctor wary after A.I. ultimately reconfigures respiratory tracts (7) AIRWAYS {WARY}*<=>{AI} and {r...eS}
3   Extremely erotic spot in/around the bottom, according to hearsay (9) ANECDOTAL {AN{Er..iC}{DOT}AL}
4   Character building is talked about, but only a little (2,4) AT SIGN [T<=]
6   Cool river for beast (5) HIPPO {HIP}{PO}
7   Weak ministry with nincompoop at the top, controlled by spies from the south (7) ANAEMIC {CI{MEA}{Ni...p}A}<=
8   Back North Indian language for 80% (4) HIND HINDi
10 College entrance test after consuming (only a third) rice porridge (6) CONJEE {C}{JEE} over {ONly} 'a third' or 'Half'? (Correction - {JEE}<=>{CONs...g} - See comments}
15 Um... bro went off for a call (6,3) NUMBER TWO*
16 Is a lit waiter dumping everyone in the sea? (4,5) SALT WATER  {iS+A+LiT+WAiTER}*
17 In vain, some label it "UFO" when seen heading skywards (6) FUTILE [T<=] 
19 Remarkably inspired rodents at work (7) SNORTED*
21 Studied encounter in song with lamb, possibly (3,4) RED MEAT (~read meet)
22 Victim: pedestrian, somewhat slow (6) IMPEDE [T]
24 Does uncle regularly sport tie? (5) DEUCE {DoEs+UnClE}
26 By now, Gussalufz is a legend (4) YETI {YET}{I}

Reference List
Toilet = CAN, Day = D, Kiss = X, At sign = @, Cool = HIP, College entrance test = JEE


  1. 9a shares:cuts cycling over n.

  2. 30A REPORTER - correspondent; old fashioned (RETRO), according to (PER), <=; regressively - reversal indicator

  3. I'll post my notes soon, but before that, here's a different but related update.

    I have published the collection of my first 50 THC crosswords in book form (I had retained the copyright on them). The book is available on Amazon, but not yet in India (I'm hopeful that it eventually will). I don't expect the demand to be huge (it's just a passion/vanity project), so I've decided to make the book available free of charge to anyone in India.

    **Goddess & Murphy**

    Gussalufz's first 50 cryptic crosswords from the Hindu


    Viresh Ratnakar

    These crosswords appeared in the Hindu over the period December 2019 through September 2023. Each crossword has a theme and/or one or more hidden messages ("ninas"). The solution pages include explanations for all clues as well as detailed notes about the puzzle.

    - Get Goddess & Murphy in India (free of charge, with an optional charity donation):

    - Outside India: (US) or (UK)

  4. Square N ( before Tibet) to be coloured yellow.
    Tintin in Tibet

  5. Thank you Prasanna & Gowri for their colourful presentations hailing Krishna's Janmashtami.

  6. There's one more nina. Hint: it's connected to the title.

  7. Thanks to the Col. for the blog (and for allowing me to plug my book), and to all the solvers! Here are my notes for this puzzle:


    This puzzle's theme is Tintin in Tibet, the 20th volume of The Adventures of Tintin comics series. TINTIN IN TIBET can be seen as a nina running across the second and tenth rows.

    On page 11 in the book, Captain Haddock bumps into a porter in Kathmandu and lets out his trademark stream of invective. Of course, the accident was entirely Haddock's fault, and the porter responds in kind, shouting in Hindi, "Kyon ji? Dekhte nahi, samne kya hai?" ("Hey, you? Can't you see what's in front of you?). The words KYON JI can be seen as a nina running across the sixth row). There is a reference to Hindi in 8d.

    A bit later, on page 14, Haddock bumps into the same porter again, and it is again Haddock's fault. The porter snaps, "Kya? Phir Vahi? ("What? You again?"), which is the title of this crossword.

    In addition, the following entries are thematic:

    10a. CAPTAIN.
    26d. YETI.
    30a. REPORTER.

    Like my other THC crosswords in '24, this one uses exactly 24 letters in its entries (i.e., this one too is a salgram).

    **Personal notes**

    When I first read Tintin in Tibet as a ten-ish-years old boy, I remember the utter joy I felt when I encountered the porter's appearance and saw the words in Hindi! I hope many across India have gone through the same goosebumps experience over the years (perhaps you did too!).

    I used to get my Tintins and Asterixes from a kids' library named Manjari in Bhopal. That library felt like a treasure island to me, full of all kinds of "foreign" books that I methodically devoured (Casper, Richie Rich, Lucky Luke, Enid Blyton, The Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew, Biggles, ...).

    The library was well connected to the arts scene in Bhopal, and when I was around 13, I spent a summer as an actor in two kids' plays organized by the library, directed by two famous theatre personalities: Bansi Kaul ( (who was honoured with a Padma Shri award posthumously) and B. V. Karanth ( (also a Padma Shri recipient, but turned out to have a horrible dark side). The plays were staged at Bharat Bhavan (, a stunning lakeside arts center designed by architect Charles Correa.

  8. A wonderful CW by Viresh Ratnakar. Great painting by Prasanna and beautiful rangoli by Gowri.

  9. Wonderful artwork by Prasanna Rao and colourful rangoli by Gowri. Happy Janmashtami to all.

  10. Thank you Col.sir for posting my artwork. will continue to deliver my artworks as when the event occurs.
