Thursday 22 August 2024

No 14260, Thursday 22 Aug 2024, Dr. X

Solution to 27A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Most immature hanky-panky finally gets tongues wagging (8) YOUNGEST {h...kY+TONGUES}*
5   Embraced by chief for terrific work (6) EFFORT [T]
10 Complicated idea by unionist is so long (5) ADIEU {IDEA*}{U}
11 Corrected errors by fellows before meeting held by editor (9) EMENDATED {E{MEN}{DATE}D} 
12 Frantic with irritation after LSD at rave (4-5) LAST-DITCH {ITCH}<=>{LSD+AT}*
13 Developer illegally concealing hazard (5) PERIL [T]
14 Mother turned miserable after eating a little rancid curry (6) MADRAS {MA}{S{Ra...d}AD<=}
15 Small tapering objects around hundred candlesticks (7) SCONCES {S}{CON{C}ES}
18 Recalled fling on island, captivated by woman in red (7) BOLSHIE {LOB<=}{SH{I}E}
20 Familiar with a book about origin of humans (2,4) AT HOME {A}{T{Hu...s}OME}
22 Recognise fish finally in aquarium (5) THANK {T{fisH}ANK}
24 Hearts captured by poor emigrant's ordeal (9) NIGHTMARE {NIG{H}TMARE*}
25 Misbehaves in vehicle, upsetting senior (7,2) CARRIES ON {CAR}{SENIOR}*
26 Endure a little scare during flight (5) EXIST {EXI{Sc..e}T}
27 Invests in US Energy foolishly after tip (6) E?D?E? (Addendum - ENDUES {US+E}*<=>{END}
28 Enthralled by potions, she recollected ancient curses (8) BESHREWS {B{SHE*}REWS}

1   Annual Day finally on first (6) YEARLY {daY}{EARLY}
2   Partners crack system entirely to remove software from computer (9) UNINSTALL {UNI{NS}T}{ALL}
3   Bad knee, friend? Ought to have surgery (2,5,3,5) GO UNDER THE KNIFE*
4   Ruthless criminal runs away - getting bloodhounds (7) SLEUTHS rUTHLESS*
6   Extremely annoyed as a result of overeating? (3,2,2,3,5) FED UP TO THE TEETH [DD]
7   Remote network device, unopened (5) OUTER rOUTER
8   Agenda given by director in agency. it's elaborate (2-2,4) TO-DO LIST {TO{D}OL}{ITS*}
9   Engages in drug abuse finally, crushed by failure (6) MESHES {MES{H}{a..sE}S}
16 Bell tower in base beside a river in Africa (9) CAMPANILE {CAMP}{A}{NILE}
17 Rum, best with cola in bar (8) OBSTACLE {BEST+COLA}*
19 Adoption of female dress by a male in some dances (6) EONISM*
20 Half of army lost defending northern region of France (7) ARGONNE {ARmy}{GO{N}NE}
21 The sad, horrific fatalities (6) DEATHS*
23 Biting cold in desert (5) ACRID {A{C}RID}

Reference List
Unionist = U, Editor = ED, Small = S, Hundred = C, Island = I, Hearts = H, Energy = E, Partners = NS(North South in Bridge), Runs = R, Director = D, Drug = H, Northern = N, Cold = C


  1. ENDUES - invests in; tip {END}, {US E}*

  2. Intersting grid........nicely solved with many aha moments..............Thank you Dr X

  3. Otherwise an easier grid by docs standards.
    My fav
    Thanx Doc!
