Thursday 8 August 2024

No 14248, Thursday 08 Aug 2024, Incognito

Solution to 6D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

8   Hood's whiskey consumed by military officer (4) COWL {CO{W}L}
9   People who turn up at programmes and people who look after them (10) ATTENDANTS [DD]
10 End silly war with little dog (4,2) WRAP UP {WAR*}{PUP}
11 Pace won't change in city (4,4) CAPE TOWN*
12 Bewitch portal (8) ENTRANCE [DD]
14 Now that chap starts to relay enamelled stick (6) ADHERE {AD}{HE}{Re..y}{En...d}
16 After 51, military policeman's droopy (4) LIMP {LI}{MP}
17 Snap short bread with king (5) BREAK {BREAd}{K}
18 Assist in satchel preparation (4) HELP {T]
19 Commander in chief captures the French Resistance clergyman (6) CLERIC {C{LE}{R}IC}
21 No surety is required to be arranged for contests (8) TOURNEYS*
23 Wrongly aid flier to get a place to take off, perhaps (8) AIRFIELD*
26 Heart-breaking new city (6) TEHRAN {HEART*}{N}
27 Endlessly Cortes' travels amid undulating dunes alone (10) UNESCORTED {CORTEs} in {DUNES}*
28 Looks at frozen water, I hear (4) EYES (~ice)

1   Copious rot arose before latrine renovation (10) TORRENTIAL {ROT<=}{LATRINE*}
2   Applaud and reject part? Nonsense! (8) CLAPTRAP {CLAP}{{PART<=}
3   A member of parliament in room for relaxation is wet (6) DAMPEN {D{A}{MP}EN}
4   Notice centre of the ear (4) OTIC nOTICe
5   Retort and pans (4,4) SNAP BACK {PANS}<=
6   Aunt dancing in front of church may be this type of girl (6) ?A?T?H (Addendum - NAUTCH {AUNT*}{CH} - See comments)
7   Dish that's a little soupy and wet, in retrospect (4) STEW {So..y}{WET<=}
13 Choose delectable part (5) ELECT [T]
15 Rarely aces run in competitions where everyone, except the final ones, does not aim to reach the finish line (5,5) RELAY RACES
17 Famous composer's role is changed for a single man (8) BACHELOR {BACH}{ROLE*}
18 Chinese guys chasing female accomplices (8) HENCHMEN {CH}{MEN}<=>{HEN}
20 Reject garbage (6) REFUSE [DD]
22 Learners leave unrestrainedly, disorganised and messy (6) UNTIDY UNresTraIneDlY
24 Hostelries in two directions (4) INNS {IN}{N}{S}
25 Some things to connect... (4) DOTS Rebus

Reference List
Whiskey = W, Now = AD, King = K, Commander in Chief = CIC, The in French = LE, Resistance = R, CHurch = CH, Chinese CH, Directions = N,S


  1. 25d technical doubt Col.
    isnt it simple
    Def by example!

  2. 6d nautch (Indian dancer). Aunt - naut in front of church

    1. You can fine tune it if you can identify anagram indicator and short form of church.

    2. Dancing is the anagram indicator for (aunt). Ch is the short form of church.
      Hence, naut+ch becomes Nautch which is “this type of girl”

    3. 6D - {NAUT}*+{CH}
      Def. - type of Dancing girl
      anag. of AUNT
      in front of Church - CH

  3. Does nautch mean 'to dance' or 'dancer'?

    1. Its like bisleri.
      Refers to both dance form and the girl dancing.

    2. NAUTCH - An intricate traditional dance in India performed by professional dancing girls

  4. Very nice puzzle, with fun cluing.
    My fav -
    Thanx Kishore!
