Wednesday 28 August 2024

No 14265, Wednesday 28 Aug 2024, Saral

Solution to 21D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

7   Refuse to assume position? That's stupidity (7) DENSITY {DEN{SIT}Y}
8   Staff bringing back grain for animal (6) RABBIT {BAR<=}{BIT}
9   Abandon wasteland (6) DESERT [DD]
10 Record by one medic about plague, say (8) EPIDEMIC {EP}{1}{MEDIC*}
11 Loyalty, for example in partnership (10) ALLEGIANCE {ALL{EG}IANCE}
13 Carry short tribal emblem (4) TOTE TOTEm
14 From the beginning jokingly express sarcastic thoughts (4) JEST Acrostic Semi&lit
16 Times carrying insignificant post on social media (5) TWEET {T}{WEE}{T}
18 Browse online - mostly accurate and fine (4) SURF {SURe}{F}
19 Opening of competition without introduction (4) VENT eVENT
21 Shout following others against a union eatery (10) RESTAURANT {RANT}<=>{REST}{A}{U}
23 Engineer searches estates (8) BEQUESTS {BE}{QUESTS}
25 Guards covering royal courses (6) TRENDS {T{R}ENDS}
26 Zambians initially playing their instrument (6) ZITHER {Za...s}{THEIR*}
27 Government official in predicament over operations primarily (7) CORONER {COR{Op...s}NER}

1   It's shocking. Corrupt enticed, trapped nationalist (8) INDECENT {I{N}DECENT*}
2   Firm headed by Indian director is coming up in region (8) DISTRICT {STRICT}<=>{{I}{D}<=
3   Often they opted for publicity (4) HYPE {tHeY+oPtEd}
4   Aspire crazily for compliment (6) PRAISE*
5   Missing dancing beats, tunes essentially (6) ABSENT {BEATS+tuNes}*
6   Disturbing letters from assassin is terrifying (8) SINISTER [T]
7   Settle daughter properly (5) DWELL {D}{WELL}
12 State presses demands (5) NEEDS (~kneads)
15 Critical examination of six geese is arranged (8) EXEGESIS*
17 Miscreants' property and gold seized at first (8) TRAITORS {TRAIT}{OR}{Se...d}
18 Doctors and force aboard ship (8) SURGEONS {S{URGE ON}S}
20 Tap with epee's tip to acknowledge hit in fencing (6) TOUCHE {TOUCH}{Epee} &lit
21 Saint taking time for turning prayer beads (6) R?S?R? (Addendum - ROSARY RO(-t+s)SARY - See comments)
22 Notice institute checking near the bottom (5) NADIR {N{AD}{I}R}
24 Take out a piece of nut from refreshment bag (4) SACK SnACK

Reference List
Record = EP(Extended Play), Time = T, Fine = F, Union = U, Engineer = BE, Royal = R, Nationalist = N, Indian = I, Director = D, Daughter = D, Ship =SS, Notice = AD, Institute = I, Saint = S, Near = NR


  1. 22d: After a bit of struggle to anno, learned NR is abbreviation for near. Does not figure in the Reference List though.

  2. Breezy CW given by Saral. Liked clues 16A, 27A. Enjoyed solving CW.

  3. Dense is stupid but is density stupidity?

    1. From Collins

      in British English
      (ˈdɛnsɪtɪ IPA Pronunciation Guide)
      Word forms: plural -ties
      1. the degree to which something is filled, crowded, or occupied
      high density of building in towns
      2. obtuseness; stupidity

  4. 12d imho state is incorrect hp indicator.
    HP indicator implies that what is heard is not what is stated.
    (The error is at the receivers end and not at the source end.)
    Whereas "state" Means clear and firm.
    State doesnt have a receiver includwd in it.

  5. small clarification...25A - covering royal . The word covering to denotes R & L. ????

    1. Royal- r , Guards- tends, covering - containment indicator- T (R) ENDS

  6. 21D - ROSARY = Prayer beads.
    Rotary = turning, (S - for saint) taking T - time i.e. RoSary)

  7. Some comments by Venkat on yesterday's crossword

    Some generic questions, which are open to seasoned setters as well.

    1) Is “Red” an anagrind? This is for the CEASEFIRE clue

    2) A couple of other clues had substitutions within synonyms. Given that we look down upon (in fact it’s a strict no-no) indirect anagrams, are we fine with indirect charades or similar clues?

    1. Hi. 'Red' is on the list of anag inds in Chambers Crossword Dictionary

      I imagine it is in the sense of 'revolutionary' or 'inflamed'.

    2. I think its in its abbrievated form reduce/reduct.

    3. And the one on second point i can deduce is exude.
      If it is
      Its not synonyms per se!
      Once:ex may be argued technically but these kind of teasing border line cases make solving interesting. all is visble for all.
      Imho as solver.

      Per theory, its agreed that replacements in a synonym should not be synonym

  8. Nice & easy from Saral.
    My fav -
    Thanx LV.
