Wednesday 14 August 2024

No 14253, Wednesday 14 Aug 2024, Bruno

Solution to 20A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Cellar's often hidden - employ passage (6) CLAUSE {CeLlAr}{USE}
4   Arranges bags wrapping piece of tape (6) STACKS {S{Tape}ACKS}
8   Circular showing Communist leader and revolutionary (7) RADICAL {RADI{Co...t}AL}
9   Recovering Communist finally lost passion for disorder (7) DERANGE {RED<=}{ANGEr}
11 Look while talking! Name one wild animal! (3,7) SEA ANEMONE {(~see)SEA}{NAME+ONE}*
12 Shank flesh's not ready in the middle after flipping (4) STEM MEaTS<=
13 First sign of emotion when embraced by kind relative (5) NIECE {NI{Em...n}CE}
14 Limit a large town's size (8) CAPACITY {CAP}{A}{CITY}
16 Back's also hurt and tender (8) PROPOSAL {PROP}{ALSO*}
18 Banish top Conservative, fired for suspicion of perjury (5) EXPEL EX(-c+p)PEL
20 Old and limitlessly happy (4) ?A?E (Addendum - LATE eLATEd See comments)
21 Selfish models holding small bags at the back, I have to follow (10) POSSESSIVE {POS{S}ES}{bagS}{I'VE}
23 Thumping bible to get trinket (7) BIBELOT {BIBLE+TO}*
24 Spy agency recovered artificial intelligence containing literature on rebel group (7) MILITIA {MI}{AI<=} over {LIT}
25 Runs into treasure finally, returns with prize (6) ESTEEM {MEETS}{t...rE}<=
26 Key to living in Coromandel - eternally (6) DELETE [T]

1   Box's extract from Socrates (5) CRATE [T]
2   Heart of Satanical man had become alive (7) ANIMATE {satANIcal}{M}{ATE}
3   Soldier's face, unfortunate, after copping piece of explosive became irregular (9) SHAPELESS {So...r}{HAP{Ex...e}LESS
5   Topic of article? Setter! (5) THEME {THE}{ME}
6   Old Indian drink drunk by hundreds (7) CLASSIC {C{LASSI}C}
7   American company's upset, mad, and divided (9) SEGMENTAL {GE'S<=}{MENTAL}
10 Dumb virtuoso went on vacation without diamonds? (9) VOICELESS {Vi...sO}{ICE LESS}
13 Regulating gold being brought into Vietnam while travelling (9) NORMATIVE {N{OR}MATIVE*}
15 Tense president concerned with not finishing term? It's finally here! (9) PRETERITE {P}{RE}{TERm}{IT}{herE}
17 Perhaps Biden's forgetting papers now? (7) PRESENT PRESidENT
19 Portugal revokes online entry permit when blocked by Senate - it's not active... (7) PASSIVE {P}{E VISA<=} over {S}
21 Hot, working in gym, creating buzz... (5) PHONE {P{H}{ON}E}
22 Fabric from petroleum found in duvets, essentially (5) VOILE {duV{OIL}Ets}

Reference List
Conservative = C, Small = S, Man = M, Hundred = C, Gold = OR, President = P, Cocerned with = RE, Papers = ID, Portugal = P, Senate = S, Hot = H, Gym = PE


  1. 20Ac: LATE
    Happy= ELATED.
    Limitless Happy = LATE = OLD

  2. Under 9A, the definition seems to suggest a noun, but the answer derange is a verb.

  3. Please someone explain the clue for 18A, leading to the answer expel.

  4. For 26A, instead of a mere key, a computer key would have helped the cause better.

    1. +1 gen "a key" Is used to suggest the nature. Computer key would be dead give away.
      Plus "to" Is also extraneous and misleading.
      It adds meaning to surface but misfit in cryptic.

  5. How's esteem a synonym for prize? Can't find one in any thesaurus.

    1. As verbs both mean 'value highly"
      PS: google search gives better/more def.
      "Word Meaning" format.

    2. Thanks for the explanations @Sree Sree.

  6. Tough today. But solved finally.
    My fav
    Thanx Bruno.
