Thursday 1 August 2024

No 14242, Thursday 01 Aug 2024, Arden

Solution to 12A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

9   Rest may be found in a reference book briefly on field strength (7) OERSTED {OE{REST*}D}
10 Fun city, loves to host Republican state (7) ORLANDO {O{R}{LAND}O}
11 Beginning with one point rise (7) NASCENT {N}{ASCENT}
12 Abnormal reduction, gets through (7) D?V?A?T (Addendum - DEVIANT {DE{VIA}NT} - See comments)
13 Her warnings were treated as canards (9) CASSANDRA* &lit
15 Board game involving some lethal manoeuvres (5) HALMA [T] 
16 A good time to go in and surprise (7) ASTOUND {A}{S{T}OUND}
19 Candidate gets work, for there is a measure of uncertainty (7) ENTROPY {ENTR{OP}Y}
20 Vivacious girl - one comes in after nine in private banks (5) PIXIE {Priv{IX}{1}atE}
21 Strike a guy and there ends the joke (9) PUNCHLINE {PUNCH}{LINE}
25 Distiller must apply to get in (7) REFINER {REF{IN}ER}
26 Replenish supply, he goes to get a beer (7) PILSNER REPLeNISh*
28 Girl with International protection in parts of Northern Israel (7) GALILEE {GAL}{I}{LEE}
29 Entry in general is for a beneficiary (7) LEGATEE {LE{GATE}E}

1   Charlie can go up for a drink (6) COGNAC {C}{CAN GO<=}
2   Takes it easy, that said, takes it by force (6) WRESTS (~rests)
3   Worst years, some of them painful (4) STYE [T] Semi&lit
4   It's indeed rough, polished (6) EDITED {ED{IT}ED*}
5   Valiant to confront thick heavy set character (8) BOLDFACE {BOLD}{FACE}
6   Split? Problem is the temporary tie-up (5,5) CLOVE HITCH {CLOVE}{HITCH}
7   Toiling at sea, retrieves a sunken design (8) INTAGLIO {INT{A}GLIO*}
8   Herb's my co-star, perhaps (8) COSTMARY*
14 A beautiful fish, less than right in a way (5,5) ACUTE ANGLE {A}{CUTE}{ANGLE}
16 Current map drawn and two times overlapped (8) AMPERAGE {MAP*}{ER(A)GE}
17 Turn left and exit - used for storage of information (4,4) TEXT FILE
18 Sent away? Left in the middle of work (8) DEPORTED {DE{PORT}ED}
22 Bomb, one picked up by hand (6) NAPALM {AN<=}{PALM}
23 Coal if left out will catch fire (6) IGNITE lIGNITE
24 Won a point and Arden lost (6) EARNED {E}ARDEN*}
27 Blocks head of government entering house of a star (4) LEGO {LE{Go...t}O}

Reference List
Republican = R, Point = N, Time = T, Work = OP, International = I, Charlie = C, Left = L, Point = E


  1. Welcome back Arden. We missed you.

    1. Yes. Very refreshing to solve Arden clues.

    2. For 21A, I entered slapstick and got stuck. Otherwise enjoyed solving all of them.

    3. Since “punch line” delivered by Tamil heroes as a powerful dialogue , it never occurred to me to be taken for a joke.

    4. All punchlines by Tamil/Telugu are really jokes

  2. Some new words (for me) today: OERSTED. INTAGLIO. But both workout-able from the clues. A very enjoyable (as usual) grid from Arden

  3. Answering 12A as it is still open at 1 PM
    DE(VIA)NT = abnormal

  4. Nice & typical Arden puzzle.
    My fav -
    Thanx Arden!
