Tuesday 27 August 2024

No 14264, Tuesday 27 Aug 2024, Karaoke

Solution to 17D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Honeytrap portals camouflaging friendship (7) RAPPORT [T]
5   Crazy fruits (7) BANANAS [DD]
9   Old-fashioned seed is broken (5) DATED [DD?] (Addendum - {DATE}{D} - See comments)
10 Split amount by word of mouth? Good for you! (9) WHOLESOME (~hole sum)
11 Wish to delve into book of maps over time after enormous delay (2,4,4) AT LONG LAST {AT{LONG}LAS}{T}
12 Dish cooked with masala, lentil tips (4) DHAL Tail acrostic
14 Organized crime cannot be associated with magical powers (11) NECROMANTIC*
18 He acts for the country using guns, et cetera killing ultras primarily (6,5) SECRET AGENT {GuNS+ET+CETERA}* Semi&lit
21 Young woman's heart for advocate (4) AIDE mAIDEn
22 How about angry Andersen boycotting senate today? (4,3,3) HERE AND NOW {H{ANDERsEN}*OW}
25 He initiated improvised regimen (9) DIETITIAN* Semi&lit
26 Display hint, once for all (5) EXUDE Anno pending (Addendum - (+ex-all)EXUDE - See comments)
27 Following soldiers at the back of detachment near base (7) RETINUE {RE}{UNIT<=}{E}
28 Popular feature goes without a check (7) INSPECT {IN}{aSPECT}

1   Cycling aversion, part of cardinal's habit (3,3) RED HAT (-hat)RED(+hat)HAT
2   Original Peter Pan comes up in brightly-coloured parts of flower (6) PETALS {Pe..r}{SLATE<=}
3   Authoritative rules by Republican in a second modification (10) ORDINANCES {R+IN+A+SECOND}*
4   Too well to trim edges for wiper (5) TOWEL {TOo}{WELl}
5   Reserves shot down in retail outlet (4,5) BOOK STORE {BOOKS}{TORE} Book store can be a wholesale outlet also!
6   Call for press, I say (4) NEED (~knead)
7   They open school for one who is learning (8) NEOPHYTE*
8   Private eye recovers her locker contents to some extent (8) SHERLOCK [T]
13 They mix and serve beers and porter heartily (10) BARTENDERS {BEERS+AND+poRTer}* Semi&lit
15 Fierce battle around Red Sea in truce period (9) CEASEFIRE {FIERCE}* over {SEA}*
16 Maybe Cayman says aye to go on lunar spacecraft (8) ISLANDER {(~aye}I}S{LANDER} S from? (Addendum (~ i lander)  - See comments)
17 Thorough check of papers put up in a court (4,4) ?C?D ?E?T (Addendum - ACID TEST {A}{C{ID}{SET<=}T} - See comments) 
19 Tipsy nurse swallows drugs heartily in two minds (6) UNSURE {NURSE}* over {drUgs}
20 Most refined model brought down in comments on X (6) TWEEST TWEE(-t)S(+t)T
23 Funny bunnies skinned in depression (5) ENNUI*
24 Essentially, customer is right (4) LIEN cLIENt

Reference List
Date = D, Time = T, Senate = S, Soldiers = RE, Base = E, Popular = IN, Republican = R, Papers = ID, Court = CT, Model = T


  1. 16d will wait for a novice to tey!

  2. Say Aye is I, says Aye is ayes ->Is

  3. 16D: cayman= islander (DD)
    May be aye =yes sounds is
    Lunar spacecraft is lander

  4. 17 d acid test - thorough check
    Papers- id
    Put up - set>
    Court- ct
    In- containment indicator
    A c id tes t

  5. Loved the cluing for 11A, 18A, 22A, 26A. Thank you KKR JI.

  6. 16D the clue leads to ILANDER which is how ISLANDER is pronounced S being silent

  7. I'd a doubt.
    Cayman r islands.
    How do u get ISLANDER from Cayman?
    Kindly explain.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Otherwise nice grid.
    My fav
    Thanx KKR.

