Monday 19 August 2024

No 14257, Monday 19 Aug 2024, Afterdark

Rangoli by Gowri
Solution to 15D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Bugged Patrick to return to training by 1st of December (6) TAPPED {PAT<=}{PE}{De...r}
5   Watches Stokes' attack in the absence of skipper getting first sixer (6) SIGHTS (-f+s)SIGHTS
10 With director missing, there is difficulty in getting equipment (7) HARNESS HARdNESS
11 Copy is verbatim, IT at embarrassing bind (7) IMITATE [T]
12 Strange, former lover's book seen at Indian college (6) EXOTIC {EX}{OT}{I}{C}
15 Went around left gate at the end and took off (6) PEELED {PEE{L}{gatE}D}
16 Transports berries after auditor takes engineer's place (7) CARRIES (-be+ca)CARRIES
17 Poses, is it? Fantastic (4) SITS Incorrect fodder
18 Work unit has returned, yard is overcast (4) GREY {ERG<=}{Y}
19 Examining the hollow wound (7) TESTING {ThE}{STING}
20 Basically silly joke was narrated (4) SPUN {S}{PUN}
22 Singer arrived early at English pub (4) DIVE {DIVa}{E}
25 First off, appeared confused and constructed something in haste (7) PAPERED aPPEARED*
27 Games played after 1 seen in pictures (6) IMAGES {GAMES}*<=>{1}
28 Older Bengali rector is over the moon (6) SENIOR {SEN}{R} over {IO}
31 Investigate earl at 10 AM in East End (7) EXAMINE {E}{X}{AM}{IN}{E} What's the role of End?
32 A picture on the magazine at institute's almost new (7) IMAGINE {{MAG}<=>{I} and {NEw} A is superfluous
33 Pointer is unnecessary after leaving ship (6) NEEDLE NEEDLEss
34 Steven lying, concealing calmly (6) EVENLY [T]

2   In despair, porters withheld in LaGuardia, say (7) AIRPORT [T]
3   Flowing river's name brought up (6) POETIC {PO}{CITE<=}
4   Powder and polish (4) DUST [DD]
5   Without advance, transported Swami's float (4) SWIM SWaMI*
6   Manages government's user interface design elements superbly from the beginning (6) GUIDES Acrostic
7   Preview shown in mobile van (7) TRAILER [DD]
8   Lady seen with stranger, primarily sleeping on bed linens (6) SHEETS {SHE}{ET}Sl...g}
9   Toxic lady cavorting with Edward (6) DEADLY {LADY+ED}*
13 Say, shooters from Cameroon face time at Sweden (7) CAMERAS {CAM}{ERA}{S}
14 Relative becomes different after following wingers from Bhubaneswar (7) BROTHER {OTHER}<=>{Bh...eR}
15 Small change for the poor without house (7) PE?N?ES (Addendum PENNIES PENNIlESs - See comments) 
20 Lady maintains home on Sabbath and stands out (6) SHINES {SH{IN}E}{S}
21 Ignorant peacekeepers at England overlook a battle (7) UNAWARE {UN}{E} over {A}{WAR}
23 Sign of politician forged after cop left (7) INITIAL poLITIcIAN*
24 England's army chief and sailors embarked at either end to be received (6) EARNED {E}{Army}{RN}{Em...eD}
25 Op-ed rewritten after receiving religious instruction in Times (6) PERIOD {OP+ED}* over {RI}
26 Daughter's refund uninitiated leads to argument (6) DEBATE {D}{rEBATE}
29 Over time, charge for party (4) FETE {FE{T}E}
30 Mass arrest, leader from east escapes (4) SIZE SeIZE

Reference List
Training = PE, Director = D, Book = OT(Old testament), Went = PEED, Left = L, Yard = Y, English = E, Rector = R, Earl = E, Institute = I, Ship = SS, Advance = A, Stranger = ET(Extra terrestrial), Sweden = S, House = LS(Lok Sabha), Home = IN, Sabbath = S, Sailors = RN(Royal Navy), Religious Instruction = RI, Daughter = D, Time = T


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. 13d AD after all these years?

    Camer(oon) for camer(as)!!

  3. 32 A is actually faulty?
    A picture is noun.

  4. 15D-Pennies-small change; Poor-penniless-LS(Lok Sabha-house)

    1. It is not so common as to refer our parliament as 'house', more so the lok sabha, in my humble view. For omitting L and S, I wish a better clue were there!

    2. From for house

      (often the House) the legislative body that governs a country, especially either chamber in a bicameral system •

      So for an Indian crossy, its OK to refer LS/RS as house.

  5. I'm in the dark as for some of the clues of Afterdark! In 4 D, can 'dust' be a synonym for 'polish' though it is for 'powder' as a verb?

  6. @ Gowri..... well drawn. & Good Theme . Happy Raksha bandhan to all THCC members
